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Love how they boo'd him right after he said they have to endorse Hilldawg. They're still not happy, kek
Booing intensifys
Holy shit. Hillary strapped a big black dragon dildo on, made this socialistic bitch gape, and made him fucking love it.
I feel bad for his supporters. They really thought he would bring the change they all wanted. They were all disappointed that Sanders lost the primaries, but he was still the face of their cause.
And now... he is nothing but yet another DNC puppet who only lives for the money.
because hes the biggest cuck ever
Bernie's Wife:
"They don't know your name has been put in nomination"
Gonna bump my own post. What is going on here? Nomination for what??? VP?
I hope Bernouts will be too stoned and butthurt to even show up to the election polls.
I just straight up won't be going because there's no one to vote for. Hillary is terrible. Trump is terrible. What difference does it make? I don't prefer either one.
It was over before he started.
>ywn have septum-ring bitch peg you and jack you off from behind while calling you a privledged white male before biting on your shoulder and drawing blood
Why live
What is the reason behind this? Why he is trying so hard to elect her?
If you're a conspiracy theorist, then the Clinton death list is a good reason for his family and self to not befall harm.
Common sense under the circumstances dictates that Trump goes against more of what he stands for, but that Hillary being the wall street candidate goes against so much of what he stood for that he's a cuck to just fall in line like he did when BLM hijacked his microphone.
Alright Bernouts who are attending/protesting. This is your chance to send a clear message that the latent corruption in the DNC will not stand. Your leader is tired, he is exhausted ad throwing in the towel. All you can do now is make sure this convention is the beginning of the end of Hilldawg's bid for the presidency.
because all jews care about is money, He needed more gold to put in a bag around his neck since he was running out of donations.
Bernie fags and Bernie are all a bunch of fucking cucks
Feel the Johnson friendo :^)
Maybe he's falling upon his own sword out of retribution, sort of an open acknowledgement of how fucked the DNC is, him publicly saying that shit will just piss off his base to the point of no showing in November...
You're all being taken for a ride. The DNC wants you to vote for Trump, because if you don't, they'll have to deal with four more years of this insanity that has degraded us so. It's bad for business to continue on this path. Wake up now and realize that both sides are against you.
If people don't start waking up now, this will never end.
There's always john McAfee
Go fuck yourself shill
How am I shill?
what a fucking hack
You mean, theres always a third party candidate with no chance?
Not just any third party candidate with no chance but John McAfee a third party candidate with no chance
>If you vote for your candidate, they win.
Take off the proxy, Justin.
If he truly gave a shit about making long lasting change that could last, he would have disowned hillary, backed a third party candidate and gotten them past 5% to get third party funding and break the two party system.
I guess he thinks he can draw further concessions out of the DNC like Trump but he's naive to think that what they promise to give will actually come to fruition.
bump for exposure. I want everyone to read what I wrote.
Is this supposed to be cryptic shitposting?
So are the Clintons holding his family at gun point or is he this cucked?
someone should test and see if that she-boon is really bulletproof
i have lost all respect for bernie. My god this guy is the weakest man i have ever met
What a fucking idiot. He had momentum and even if he didn't win anything now, he could have still tried to do something. Bernie's dead as a politician.
that spineless kike would probably commit sudoku if it meant stopping mean ol' mister trump
Thanks, finbro.
What a time to be alive. Praise kek.
What if Sanders was just being used to get the rest of the Democratic vote to turn them towards Hillary?
Coming up hes going to take a job working for Hillary's campaign and his journey to the Dark Side will be complete.
I'm so hard right now.
he failed
Are hillbots capable of coming up with an original thought?
Don't feel bad for them. It should've been obvious from the very first second. He was controlled opposition. In previous cycles, did Dennis Kucinich ever have a chance? Did Jim Webb? Of course not. And neither did Bernie Sanders. They let themselves be fooled because they ignored the obvious evidence that the DNC chooses who they want their candidate to be, then have the primary as a ceremony.
For fucks sake, Obama said the same things about college and healthcare reform that Bernie did, AND HE ACTUALLY GOT ELECTED, yet did NONE of those things. So if Bernie supporters were retarded enough to fall for the same exact trick twice, they don't deserve any sympathy
He's not. Clinton gave him something juicy so long as he keeps his supporters goin to the polls. He's a socialist, he doesn't care about a revolution, just his own pockets.
This is what Trump wants to deport?! WTF I have Trump now. I'm #Artillery4Hillary
"Vote with your conscience"
What's he supposed to do? Tell them to vote Trump?
In his eyes Clinton is the lesser of two evils. If he started busting balls about them working in confederation against him, he's only strengthening Trump.
He's between a rock and a hard place with this one. You just know he's fucking steaming right now, but he's completely powerless to do anything about it without acting against his own self-interests. I expect him to write a book about this after the election.
Bernie is a submissive pervert, he's getting off on this now, turned purple and red screaming to support Hillary and gets booo'd to death. The whole time they were making fun of him and his followers, now he's backing them 100%, he has no credibility considering how against he was Hillary and now he knows what her side thinks of him and his followers. He's a walking talking contradiction.
this is great im the femanon whos gonna be on the air on alex jones in a moment for those who are listening
Jill Stein or not say anything.
>implying 90% of latino women in the us arent fat 4 foot tall middle aged women
>a bernout on Sup Forums
What's it feel like to lose?
Pretend you're coughing and say "kek" on air, or you're full of shit.
>Jill Stein
Bitch, I just said he doesn't want to do anything that will ensure a Trump presidency.
Well he did a damn good job of that, too bad they're going to vote for the opposition now. They want someone to fight for them, not someone who only wants to placate them and will roll over on demand.
I've never supported Bernie, but I will also be getting stoned and masturbating at home come November.
Strong-armed as fuck. The Liberal mafia knows no bounds.
will you guys be recording this?
Trump Landslide confirmed
Imagine this guy trying to negotiate anything in a room full of leaders and businessmen. Imagine him trying to pass any of his "reforms" while saying sorry to any politician who disagrees. What a disaster of a man.
Wheres the link for keks?
i dont know how im on air soon!!
wait for the KEK
Honestly. It pains me to say this.. but he should have pulled a Ted Cruz.
Gone up their. Said his piece and ended with a "vote your conscience" type statement.
>These fucking comments
CNN is about to tell us who hacked the DNC.
>tfw I could probably swing that with my gf if I were so inclined.
He literally did say that.
>tricked once by a commie jew
>"well that didn't work, let's try this other commie jew"
But unlike Rato, he was blatantly lying
No he didn't he said "WE MUST ELECT HILLARY CLINTON"
You can't "break the two party system" with FPTP, especially not with the electoral college
What's this though? Caught on hot mic...
When BLM kicked him off his own stage in Seattle, I knew then and there that there was NO WAY he was ever going to get the nomination.
Sorry, I wasn't aware what you were referring to.
Will Burnie's name still be on the ballot in November?
i think she's talking about the roll call?
>Vote your conscience
>We must elect Hillary
Kek. Looks like El Rato actually has more integrity than El Kiko