Voter Rights

Just a friendly reminder: Only those with a philosophy degree should be allowed to vote.
Don't blame me. It's Plato's original identity politics.

>philosophy degree
literally no difference from women studies degree

Fuck you retarded finn go read something and than comment


No voting is needed. Everything you need to know is in the Bible. Those are the norms and rules which we oughta use. They are eternal.

I have a philosophy degree, but I don't agree with you.

I DO believe that only people with law degrees should be politicians though.

>American Education


Philosophy: 20% female
Women's Studies: 90%+ female

Viking heritage would serve you better

>gayest degree next to womens studies

Im not buying it!

Huh.... Did all of the founders of Amerifat have law degrees?

>Plato's original politics
Pick one.

I think you meant "then." That's pretty embarrassing.

Anyone with that degree shall be shamed and thrown out of the tribe.

America is a shithole filled with out of control ex-slaves and third-world ghettos. They dun fucked up from the start.

Not really, seeing as paganism is satanic.

Good thing I majored in Philosophy and English and am going to law school :^)

I'd vote for Trimp if I lived in a swing state but I don't so I'm just gonna vote for Johnson

Philosophy grad reporting in

Plebs shall kneel before my knowledge of rule-based utilitarianism!

Disdain for plebs

Definitely, definitely not. Philosophy is 50%, perhaps 55% female. There were tons of chicks on my course, and I went to two different universities (transferred). Both full of chicks

There is literally nothing wrong with a degree in philosophy.

Saying "satan" and being unironic is satanic

I will say, as a philosophy grad, it is actually a completely, utterly worthless degree.

You would spend your time better by working at McDonald's. I'm entirely serious.



The only philosophy student I know is a reactionary moron. He's a fucking Muslim and is literally incapable of rational thought and gets fucking destroyed regularly in logic by everyone in the fucking office, including women.

I believe History is one of the best subjects to judge political savvy by, if they've actually studied modern history and not meme tier ancient history.

>you should never trust a politician again
>you are literally redpilled on modern historical misconceptions (Korean war was worse than Nam, WW1 was actually pretty fine for the majority of western soldiers, treaty of Versailles was mostly for show and Germany was never expected to pay back the figures quoted, learning about the arbitrary evolution of Christianity and the Devil during the early modern period, understanding what fascism actually is [a form of palingenetic populist ultra nationalism], how logical the use of nukes on Japan was at the time, et al.)
>literally research political scandals and how they acted
>research how wars are actually fought, how decisions are made, etc.
>understand the cyclical nature of things
>understand how full of shit marxist historians are
>puts the modern geopolitical climate into context

Not atheist. Actually polytheistic, but so is that sand nigger trinity faith.

Pick one

Trinitarianism is heretical. It has no biblical basis. Also, christianity is not a "sand nigger" religion, seeing as both Adam and Jesus were white.


google the stats, friend

I have a philosophy degree. We should definitely not be allowed to vote.

>nderstand the cyclical nature of things
we spengler now?

This has to be bait... Or you are 12 years old.

Why, friend?

associate professor at west coast tier-1 research university here

> philosopher kings
> circlejerk nonsense academia leftist cryptomarxist thinktanks using authorships as currency and sucking down gibsmedats in the form of federally subsidized tuition while simultaneously raising costs so they can still create as much debt as possible for banks, relentlessly driving down standards to widen their customer base

pick one and only one faget

I don't expect an American to be historically literate.

>analytical (((philosophy)))

land ownership should be the requirement.

Soooo, you are a philo guy, and you see the bad. Proves my point.

Jesus, if he existed, would not be white.
Christ, however, could have been someone like Odin.
Jesus was a Jew.

Thats the fault of capitalism. Jews telling you that the uneducated unelected populists are better at rulling and thinking for you plebs.

the shroud of turin was proven by radioactive dating to be a forgery.

If you have things figured out (religious gnostic) you cant really be a philosopher as you no longer seek the truth, wisdom and such. You no longer love sophia.

Im not a jew nor was plato. WTF?
Im taking your voter rights away till you start to study, boyo

youre fuckin stoned

>you must waste a few years of your life getting a useless degree in order to vote.
No. Just give voter rights only to white land owning men.


Because philosophy is a fucking useless degree, we don't learn anything apart from how to spout liberal dogma

I guess you do learn about arguments but who the fuck is going to hire you to argue? I guess you can try and become a career politician like some do

Spoken like a true philosopher.

Redpill yourself on Sophists, read some Albert Lange: Geschichte des Materialismus und Kritik seiner Bedeutung in der Gegenwart (History of Materialism and Critique of its Present Importance)
pro tip - one of the books that influenced Nietzsche a lot

Just a reminder

Anyone with a degree in philosophy; i.e academia bootlickers should be fed to the pigs since they are the cause of the problem.

Philosophy should be mandatory reading but not mandatory studying for exams.

Academia is the cancer of the world

Heres the thing. Plato only talked about philosophers ruling, not voting. But, philosophers would overturn the vote if they needed. The leaders we have are sociopaths and used car salesmen that push identity politics, so i think it is necessary to remind them that it works both ways.

Like as "Only shitposters should be allowed to start threads."

Threads are not defined as shitpostings. You are the shitposter... Clearly

Aristotle > Plato

Sure m8. Now tell us all about how the modern translations of the bible were tampered with so the evil Bernadotte kings could usurp power from the church to create an evil secular kingdom.


Presocratics > Attic "reactionaries"

Only cucks and unimaginative fucks like aristotle.

Plato is miles superior even though his real teachings have never been saved from oblivion.

Parmenides and Heraclitus said it all.

The rest is filler and quirk.

>even though his real teachings have never been saved from oblivion.

What is that supposed to mean?

Based Spain
Only missing Democritus
-1 internetphilosophy points

Graduated with a degree in philosophy. You fuckers should not be allowed to vote, unless you have a philosophy degree as well. Go fuck yourself.

>a philosophy degree

Yeah buddy? Heres my philosophy degree: Fuck Plato and Fuck you pal!

I'm a philosopher and I agree with him

Philosophy shouldn't be mandatory at all, it's a bourgeois pursuit, a hobby of the rich. Really quite unimportant

I wish we had used car salesmen as politicians, they would have some balls. All our leaders are career politicians, groomed to become MPs ever since they were in private school

The stories we have attributed to Plato were merely stories.

Those dialogues are not what he taught in his academy. Of that nothing was saved.

Maybe there are vestiges of it in the platonic authors, but what precisely we will never know.

I define self-serving, pretentious and hypocritical thread starting as shitposting of the lowest level possible. No intelligence, no subtility, no originalaty.

watch the kikes give philosophy degree to those who are (((worthy)))

Not really. Jesus came from David's lineage, and David is described as white in the Bible. Try again.
It's just an example of facial features.
>Reading the Swedish Bible

Yea well.. That is the problem i see too. Remove shekel grubber and it would work.

I come from that and can confirm.

3 years of my life wasted.

I couldnt sell my soul to my (((teachers))) and left.

The bias in academia is real. You're either aligned with them or you get fucked, no matter how good and cunning you are.

It's mostly the illiterate retards who pass with colors

>> It's Plato's original identity politics.

Pretty certain that there were no University degrees in Platos time..

Officially trying again: keep loving your enemy, you cucked crypto jew lemming!

"philosophy degree"

>literally the same as a sociology degree
>literally the same as watching MSNBC for a week
>literally the same as the Twitter feed of Black Lives Matter
>literally the same thing as getting curb stomped by a minority
>literally the same thing as a Jew with a loud mouth
>literally the same thing as beer shits after a night out without drinking beer
>literally the same thing as Mexico's commitment to build "the wall"

Real degrees will earn you money and prestige. Philosophy degrees result in facial acne, horn rimmed glasses, and feminism.

Degree is bullshit, requirement to know it at a certain level and take tests sounds more reasonable.

I can still love my enemy even if I choose to decapitate him. Jesus was white. This is a biblical fact. He was not a jew. Jews are the cursed offspring of the serpent hybrid Cain.

Plato *wrote* the Dialogues.

Right, but how else can we determine? I talk to critical thinkers all day at work, but there is a limit to their logic because of no formal training at university. The training is specialized to a field not broad enough to rule.

But the dialogues weren't his teachings.

Not what he explicitly taught inside class, so to speak. Just stories.

And to that you must add the whole translation and interpretationproblem that has any old text, and if you're jew enough to go to uni, to this you add the teacher's own biased interpretation and the university's biased oppinion

>Need to be taught how to think
Only in America.

Okay... I will accept that. Formal advanced logic has to be one requirement

Why do you believe in Cain? MYTH! If myth, then why not your own viking myth? Wtf?

Philosophy degrees are shit and worthless.

A master in philosophy or a side-course in a reputable university is useful, but so are plenty other things like mathematics.

I regret studying philosophy officially inmensely. I should have done it after being solvent and having a steady job


Cain is just as mythical as Plato.

>mongolian education

If society devolves to the point where revoking women's voting rights will improve the government, voting is obsolete at that point, anyway.

>turkish education

Fuck Plato and fuck you too you faggot.

This has to be bait...
No one alive would make that comparison... Except you. Pathetic effort.

Does anyone doubt Plato's existence?

In reality democracy is real but not because of the vote, it's because of public perception

The rigged system must always obey and adjust to what the general public perception dictates, more or less.

That's also why all elections are a massive marketing psyop fuckfest.


>This has to be bait...
Not really.
>No one alive would make that comparison... Except you. Pathetic effort.
You see, the thing is. The Bible is the most verified historical document in human history. Look up the objective standards to verify an historic document, then look up verification of the Bible. The existence of Cain is more likely than your stupid pseudo-history.

Welcome to epistemology.

I don't. However, I also don't doubt the existence of Cain. Only a historically illiterate moron would.

"Choose your overlords", indeed,

It would not be wise for most people to major in philosophy but a philosophically bereft population is an intellectually poorer one. Many of the problems in our society could be tracked to the lack of critical thinking or failure to engage in the founders of our moral, societal and intellectual founders of western society. All of the founding fathers were greatly educated in the Greeks and many other western philosophers.

The Jew rules you because goyim do not learn how to think anymore. Marxist work to poison the subject but most major literary figures and philosophy were reactionary right wing thinkers.

Start with the Greeks.

degenerate communist beta cuck with very bad usage of sophistics, I would beat this cuck up

The bible is no more historical than Harry Potter.
There is a London, England=There is a Judia.
There is a magical good guy anf bad guy in the bible=There is a magical good guy and bad guy in Potter.

Voting, just like revolts, are measures to enact change in government.
The masses must be calmed one way or another, through voting or suppression. When voting becomes obsolete, heads will start rolling, and unless the ruling elite at least pretends to act in public interest, it will be the elite's heads rolling.