
never trust a bitch edition

First for Mexico

That's Ali, not Muhammad.

wacky bruce

fourth for US Virgin Islands

Thank Muhammad, no lain edition

Whiter than you, muhammad


im back from work you guys

Why christians are allowed to depict Jesus, but are not allowed to depict god.
But Jesus is god
But he can be depicted
But God can't


Gee I wonder why the East has no good businesses

evening, buds

Should've gone to College

life is good
japan is cool
rocks are neat
ill have a gf one day
end of blog

wtf I love kpop now

>I enjoy K-Pop

thoughts on this kpop?

*shyly enters the thread and sits down*


just had the worst pesto panini i've had in my life


Thats muhammed not ali

Browner than you, mehmet

Canada, Uganda and Mexico?

No. No.
Chad, Uganda, and Mozambique.

#no sana no life

>thread is about Chad, Uganda, and Mozambique
>ameris, mexs and canas are the only ones psting here

fucking wh*Te dogs i know

why is there a dane posting here

why am i sharing a general with k-tards

>thread is about Canuckians, Murricans, and Mexicants
>""""Danes"""" post here

That's Ali Ibn Abi Talib the Most Merciful, not m*hammad, please delete this heresy.


I'm a chad you know

why is Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel all of a sudden?


me on the left

I have emotional problems

remembered to set my alarm but forgot to change the time
somehow noticed while half asleep that I've been sleeping a little too long, luckily I didn't oversleep too much and still got time to get ready for college

nobody gives a fuck

that's too bad
I'll keep posting anyway though

BMAF is the ultimate combo

What? There is countless priceless works of historical art depicting God. It's mudslimes who won't depict muhammad or allah

>He hasn't partied in the last week

I woke up to my alarm but immediately fell asleep afterwards. I wasnt so lucky.

>that hand
>that thing covering its chin
Chances that this is female are slim

I remember back in the day when the whites would call us blacks yo that shit was whack

Love the gay porn on Sup Forums today

Exodus 19:20–20:14
>You shall have no other gods besides Me. You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image, or any likeness of what is in the heavens above

Is kyrzygstan more slavic, east asian or arab/semetic?

Found your problem.

If you want a more serious answer, it's because Christianity is more sophisticated than you give it credit. Why is that rule in place where it is? What is the context?
The context is the abolishment of idol worship. No man shall pray to an idol nor construct one so that other may pray to it. Christian art is not idolatry. We are fully aware that our depictions are bits of rock and fat and hair and skin. Anything illustrated therein is a work of the imagination (Devine it may be) of a man.

The rules obeyed by mudslides are more concrete than those obeyed by Christians because mudslimes cant be trusted by their religious leaders not to pray to a rock as tho it were their god.

Culturally or ethnically?


ohayou gozaimasu

Get. Out.

Which is the more annoying meme language: canadian "french" or chicano spanglish?

Well, short answer would be that we are mostly have mongoloid look, although no connection to east asia. Some people have more "caucasian" look since central asia is historically persoid land so i guess they have a bit of iranian blood in them. Also there are like literally BLACK people with mongoloid face structure and slant eyes. No clue how that happened tbqh. They are rare but i've seen at least three.

Well you are ex-ussr so i thought a few of the ruskies had to have stayed

I'm at the mall again, fellas

i have no idea how nintendo allows this

They did, so? It doesn't mean it's a slavic country

Looks bretty empty

People are on the left side

I didn't want to take pictures of them and look like a creep

How's Kazakhstan in comparison?

bring me back a cute mexican gf thanks


i recognize that mall

paul, que hace tan temprano zorreando en forum


They have way more slavs, especially on the north along kazakh-russian border.

I'm gonna buy some headphones for myself as a Christmas gift at Mixup, waiting for them to open

Surrounded by qt's rn

leaf opinions wanted

Mexicans women are the most beautiful in North America

there is nothing but girls skipping middle school at htat hour

the mexican thotposter is a pedophile

not really. I've been to california I know what they look like IRL

Does this look beautiful to you?

ahh much better

Those are chicano women not mexicans
T. California user

Mostly high school kids around

Already told you what I'm doing here

stop trying to slander mexican women

she's a bit of a butter face but has a 10/10 body

Rate my dog


Fucking Christ what trash

cute doggo/10

looks like mine

>pisses in mart instead of sharting in it

CHIs are a subset of mexicans

>pissing in the mart instead of my mouth

But they adopt American eating/excersise habits which makes them on average more obese and less attractive than mexicans

wheres my fuckin package

I stole it. Sorry

you bought weird japanese anime didn't you user?

stop avataring with twice

>weird japanese anime

my name jeff

i just love twice though, new song soon

Best I could do

not sure what to masturbate to

Hello jeff

Nothing tbf
Put your sexual energy into something more productive

tastes like wadah



failed 3 exams lads

gotta ace the final