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Did a Russian make this?

wtf why are russians so racist

I still have no idea how Venus/Serena Williams manages to not get caught with doping. It's so obvious she's on the juice.

She dindu nuffin.
She'z a goot gurl.

im sorry you had to see this, we dont hate black people, we only hate europeans

Only Russians and and Chinese (and lipstick noerwegians) juice. Americans simply work really hard :)

The Chinese don't do much dope actually.

They have a huge talent pool, without or without dope so it isn't like they aren't going to be competitive anyway.

lmao if you believe that amerimutts aren't doping. everyone dopes.

how bad would america be in sports without their black population? literally only phelps left

all track and field, gymnatistics, basketball..

russians are fucking delusional
theyve been caught multiple fucking times

Except I doubt it's because of any kind of morality or being afraid of getting caught. Most likely they don't dope everyone because it would be too expensive and mostly a waste of time. Save the expensive chemicals and hormones for the elite athletes, because with communist authoritarian states doping is the norm, not the exception.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the chinese already have incubators full of genetically crafted super athletes waiting for the 2035 olympics.

The difference is state-sponsored doping which Russians and Chinese do, combined with lifetime athletic development.

Unless you're in some shithole east of the urals you're in europe yourself, dumbfuck. Every part of russia that ever mattered is undeniably european regardless of all your soviet-tier propaganda.

Positive tests for banned substances per country, all sports
1st Russia 225
2nd Turkey 188
3rd France 108
death to perfidious anglo inshallah

I love the Russian butthurt cartoonist industry

Yer stupid irish cunt, the russians themselves admitted and apologised for the "crime". Leave the banters to brits, you are clearly clueless.

No like good capitalists, western nations have often outsourced doping to different leagues. Like your precious NHL that is even laxer with doping standards than fucking KHL. Think about that before you start throwing rocks in a glass house.

What's that?

Not to mention Phelps himself has genetic deformities that make his whole body disproportionate.

>I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the chinese already have incubators full of genetically crafted super athletes waiting for the 2035 olympics.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of their athletes in Beijing weren't already part of some similar project.

If an individual athlete wants to endanger his career by commiting illegal actions then good for him. Not much anyone can do about that. When a shithole country like russia forces their athletes to dope to try and appear as a succeful country you ban them from olympics, because that shit is unacceptable.

>b-b-b-b-bb-b-b-b-but america dopes tooooo!!!!!
Then prove it and send the proof to the world anti-doping agency you retarded mongoloid.

There aren't lax doping standards in muh NHL but they allow medical exemptions to treat for injuries. Common sense policy.

It's not my fault for being born in the god forsaken country

>corrupt a sport to the point the only way people can play is if they're doped out of their minds to block the pain
>common sense

You get the occasional speculation about the chinese already doing or testing gene therapy. Who knows, I'm still skeptical.

Should've been born in Russia, comrade. Better luck next time.

>they allow medical exemptions to treat for injuries

ah yes

the saiyan loophole


No testing during playoffs, off season or during World Cup. No just Common. Sense, Policy. Our Pure Canadian athletes would never dope unless for medical reasons.

why are you so butthurt you mongoloid? the picture is funny regardless

didn't they have report leaked showing them taking banned substances?

Also things like growth hormones aren't forbidden in NHL. How can the pure Canadians dope when the stuff they inject isn't forbidden, check mate :^)

>second place

They wish lmao.

They have been gradually adjusting the contact rules to avoid injuries you idiot. Look at old guys like Scott Stevens and the hits he would get. People would be expelled from the league now if they did what was considered a "clean hit" just 15 years ago.

>tfw Karyia's career was never the same after that

You're talking out your ass now buddy

Friendly reminder Great Britain has an Olympic gold in ice hockey and Finland hasn't.