Is he the most spineless politician of all time?
Is he the most spineless politician of all time?
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is this the most spineless nation of all time?
Prob not
fucking owned
He should write a book
>How to get your followers to hate you
>"Brothers and sisters"
Why does he act like a preacher
What a pathetic old faggot cuck this weak kike is.
In stead of acting out of spite alone like a butthurt little stormweenie, he works towards securing as many of his political goals as possible for the people who voted for him. How is that not the right thing to do?
You're just mad that he won't work in favor of le funny hair reality show man
The way he just kept going on with lies about Trump made me sick to my stomach. I hope the democratic party gets burnt to the ground this week.
What do you think?
>waaahh trumps a bully, so vote Hillary cause she's so much better
Stupid cuck
Mad that one crazy old socialist isn't supporting Trump?
If he was, I'd question my Trump support. Bernie is the worst thing I have ever seen in my life.
No, that would be FDR.
You're a naive fool. Hillary is not going to follow through on a single one of Bernie's political goals if she becomes president and Bernie knows that as well. He just wants to defeat Trump, and he is willing to sell his ideals and all of his supporters down the river to make that happen. He'll gladly stoop lower than the man he hates in order to do so. It's unbelievably ironic, democrats are mentally ill.
How did you manage to get into this thread without coming upon a picture of trump on the way?
Yeah, I'm sure the very people who colluded against him are going to execute any of his ideas once he becomes obscure
So he's spineless and stupid
There's a difference between having a non-functioning spine and being without a spine at all.
the democratic platform has already changed massively in favor of bernie's policies though
honestly it makes me sad that you probably believe the horse shit you write, though i suppose that it's natural for a 16-17 year old weenie.
Jews never have any spine. Thats why they work in the shadows and subvert people and trick them instead actually directly confronting anyone. Theyre a tribe of cowards
nah he i give him credit for speaking his mind
6/10. I thought you were actually retarded, but you're just a troll trying to start shit on pol. You got me, hope your miserable life feels a little bit more validated.
It seems to me Sanders holds more loyalty to the democrat party than he does to his own supposed "principles" ,or even his own supporters.
Pic related
You do know he has to endorse Hillary right? Otherwise, he would lose his delegates.
Except I'm right.
When you support the candidate whose policies mimic yours the most, while buying yourself a huge amount of influence on multiple policy issues, you are not selling out - much less when you've said that you would support said candidate from the very beginning.
Eat a dick, you 16 year old toothpaste weenie.
at least he has a thick wife
I'd totally fug Jane
Is he really speaking his mind though? How can a self proclaimed socialist endorse someone taking money from some of the largest capitalist institutions on the planet?
You hogfucker hag lovers are disgusting.
Cant wait for autumn
He said during the primaries he'd support Clinton in the general. Did you really expect Bernie to do Trump's work for him?
Welcome to American """"democracy""""
Why? You graduating primary school by then?
>the democratic platform
lol it is meaningless. Only the POTUS matters. Shillary will do what she wants, which has always been to make money for her rich friends and donors.
It's a presidency not a dictatorship, though i suspect most people around here wouldn't know the difference
wow epic reply but the platform is literally not binding in any way. It's not a parliament. Executive branch is totally independent. Just look at all of obama's executive orders. He didn't even declare war when he felt like bombing people.
>He didn't even declare war when he felt like bombing people.
the last formal declaration of war by the US happened in 1942 friend
You're kind of proving his point there
Currently at -54:44.
No I'm not. The whole concept of declaring war is antiquated.
Just goes to show how much you lot know about international politics.