Be ISIS member

>Be ISIS member
>Kill a load of people
>Pretend it's in the name of Islam
>Make Westerners fear Islam and mistrust any Muslim
>Take advantage of young Muslims who feel alienated and persecuted by the West
>Recruit them
>Rinse and repeat
>Take over the world

Basically the rise of Islamophobia and the racial tensions in light of the atrocities committed by these fanatics is exactly what they want. So, well done Sup Forums, you are all good kuffar.

Other urls found in this thread:

> This is what leftists actually believe


Fuck off with your taquiay mudshit

>pretend it's in the name of Islam

Goy is right
Calling muslims out for their problems and alienating them those play into Isis's hand

But you know what; ignoring them will be even worse.
The muslim goy locked the game in a way which only allows a victory by war, accepting it and facing him is the only way to win.

>"we mustn't alienate the tolerant, peaceful, intelligent Muslim communites OR THEY'LL START MURDERING US"

>Take advantage of young Muslims who feel alienated and persecuted by the West
This, this right here is the problem.
If they'd be persecuted there wouldn't be any muslims in europe.
Trust me, we know a thing or two about genocide.

This. The IS gives right wing populists bait to get votes, and the right wing populists alienate young muslim men from our sicety so they can easier be radicalized by islamist extremists. It's a perfect symbiosis.

This is obvious b8 and we see these shit threads every day, so SAGE.
Playing the victim for the muslims while they bomb themselves up. It's the ideology that's toxic and due to their inbred nigger brain they CANNOT be integrated.

The real kike is the lefitst media/shill spreading this "hate against muslims creates terrorism" shit, it effectively makes you do nothing to stop terrorism, because blaming muslims would create more terrorism.
So yeah no matter how much money you give to the sandniggers, it won't stop terrorism.

I elect our greatest ally to have the responsibility of demolishing ISIS. Consider a way to... repay... all of the things we've given you.

Exactly let's be more nice to muslims and maybe they will stop killing us!

>alienate young muslim men
>from white christian society

?????? they already are ?????

>make the west hate Muslims
>lots of Muslims join ISIS
>they all die because Muslim countries are third world shitholes and can't last 2 months of total war against the now unified west
Brilliant plan Muhammad, you sure showed us


until they get deported

If I do that
Will you shut the other Goyim up
or is the world gonna scream "hamas" over every civilian caught in the crossfire

What you don't realize is that new IS recruits are mostly frustrated young men who feel alienated from the society they live in. It's the same kind of person as white shooters like, except they have the IS offering them a place to live out perverse lust for revenge as part of an ideological group rather than as nihilist individuals.

Only Muslims can make the world a better place, by killing themselves. Please make the world a better place op. An hero.

Anyone have meme with the guy getting his throat cut by a smug durka pepe while he says "sorry for not being tolerant enough?"


Nearly all of the goyim who cry about hamas are either good goy under the control of leftist American Jews, or Sup Forumsacks who just want to piss Jews off in general.

Next to nobody actually cares if they die, jewfriend.

These "young muslim men" don't exist. They don't live in our society, they live in their ghettos/subcultures. If they lived in our society, they wouldn't be "alienated" by the right, they wouldn't even be muslims since Mohammed was a warmongering pedophile. They would support removing dangerous terrorists from their society.

But as I said they are not living in our society and they cannot be integrated in our society.

They aren't by default. It's pefectly possible for people of different religions to assimilate into one culture (see far eastern countries, jews in europe, carribean island with syncretic religions etc.). It isn't until until the majority starts actively alienating a group that said group starts to radicalize, increasingly cling to their identiy, and despise the majority.

It's not a bad argument though.

>pretend it's in the name of islam

do you really think the people running isis believe they are intentionally misusing their own religion to cultivate an army?

i would love to see how much more you know about islam than muslims do

Why dont you "moderate muslims" instead of talking shit go and fight ISIS? You fuckers just talking shit, you deserve to be exterminated!

>not in my name, not in my name

Go fight them, why do you hide here? Spineless cowards!

>young muslim men
>they'll only cling to their identity if people call them out for being young muslim men

Western society has no place for Muslims. Either convert, or at least renounce Islam, or you might as well be a towelhead getting blown up via predator drone.

That's only a problem for moderates though, people here believe that muslims don't belong in Europe and in the end they'll feel strongly alienated when the deportations start.

>Be young, peacefull, devout muslim
>Would never harm anyone because Allah says that if you kill one man it's like you killed everybody
>Suddenly an ISIS recruiters come along
>"Asalam aliekum my brother you see those fucking westeners? They fucking hate us and mistrust Islam, come join us in our rightful jihad, death top the infidels!
>"Yeah ok, why not"

As you can can see, there is something wrong with this thought process.

This is exactly why we should just exterminate them all


Ghettos and subcultures are part of our society. Their existence is a symptom of our failure to properly integrate migrants. Sure we can blame them for their unwillingness to integrate, but it is much more our social policies that fail. Widespread and well budgeted mandatory german courses, easily acquired working visas, more programs to integrate the children of migrants in schools: that's what would help. Not flat-out dismissing an entire demographic as unworthy of even being here and demanding their immdiate deportation. The deportation of all muslims from europe is likely even logistically impossible in addition to being an economically unsound decision.

Islam is to blame.
>ISIS is an Islamic fundamentalist group.
b-but ISIS has nothing to do with Islam
>What about Islamic Jihad?
b-but they're not proper Muslims either
>What about Al-Qaeda?
b-but Islam is the religion of peace
>What about the Taliban?
>What about Hamas?
>What about Hezbollah?
>What about Boko Haram?
>What about Al-Nusra?
>What about Abu Sayyaf?
>What about Al-Badr?
>What about the Muslim Brotherhood?
>What about Lashkar-e-Taiba?
>What about Palestine Liberation Front?
>What about Ansaru?
>What about Jemaah Islamiyah?
>What about Abdullah Azzam Brigades?

>diametrically opposed ideology exists
>guys don't be diametrically opposed to them or they will be hostile to us

No one is responsible for their disillusionment. The ones that live in Europe have no idea how good they've got it.

Taking a hard line might turn a few of them that were already on the fence. But those ones were cunts anyway. Doing nothing will do far more damage in the long run. ISIS wants us to continue on as a giant soft target, pretending that a very real, systematic problem isn't on our doorstep.

Data collection is showing that assimilation isn't working; younger generations of Muslims in Europe hold more radical views than their parents.

>a minority group exists within our own nations that will surely kill us in large numbers if they are slighted
>therefore we must be kind to them

And yet they keep killing us, and we keep bringing more of them in. This has to end.


>if we kill the terrorists, they win!

Does your dumbass realize that, whether they want to or not, terrorists can't do shit if they can't get in your country.

Seriously. Tell me, what is a consequence to the highest level of "islamophobia" imaginable if a terrorist can't stage a terror attack in your country?

You can't. Your faggot ass response is "Keep letting them blow us up! Eventually they'll stop once they realize how nice we are!!"

>Be Nazi Party member
>>Kill a load of people
>>Pretend it's in the name of Reich
>>Make Europeans fear Germany and mistrust any German
>>Take advantage of young Germans who feel alienated and persecuted by the rest of Europe
>>Recruit them
>>Rinse and repeat
>>Take over Europe

Except the part where they kill other Muslims, you (((retard))).

They're batshit insane, plain and simple. No big conspiracy to it.

>these people think we're all violent killers!
>if we violently kill them, that will prove them wrong!

>moderate muslims
>one insult away from jihad
d-don't provoke them

>ISIS attacks and kills people
>recognize that we should accept that they are not Islam
>be very accepting and change nothing
>not a trace of Islamophobia
>ISIS notices that their plan is failing
>decide they must just need to kill more to have an effect

The ones they kill aren't real muslims, they are the only ones following their religion correctly

That wasn't REAL national socialism, though.

>1 post by this ID
I didn't like Muslims before ISIS either, Juden.

The demand of a religious majority for the minority to denounce their religion or conver is what happens in degenerate medieval-tier nations. Any successful empire manages to integrate the cultural differences of it's citiziens in a way that makes their living together viable.

>if you kill your enemy, they win

>if you kill your enemies, you win.

Justin "Weedman" Trudeau

the irony is, that you will all have to blow yourselves up to do it.

>If you kill your enemies, they win.

How's London, Trudeau?

>1 post by this ID

>who feel alienated from the society they live in
They shouldn't live here in the first place. If they feel alienated, we should send them back.

>>Pretend it's in the name of Islam
You think they don't actually believe?

> Muslims kill westerners

> Expect westerners to cuddle muslims back

> Leftists in a nutshell

it's a terrible argument, because ISIS is literally just doing what Muhammad did and what he commands his believers to do in the koran

western "muslims" are "pretending" to be "muslim" if anything

>terrorists don't represent all Muslims
>but all Muslims will become terrorists if we fight terrorism

>implying muslims are not mostly semitic

>any successful empire manages to sacrifice its native people and beliefs for the beliefs of an unneeded migrating people
I don't want the Muslims living like Muslims next door. If that's really what makes an empire, I don't want an empire. I want a nation.

>try this with russian

fuck off mudshit.

They are following the religious beliefs of your pedophile prophet. islam is fucking cancer and either needs to be reformed to fit a modern society or just outright exterminated from the face of this earth.

Its your people that still believe in the savage teachings written in your shitty book.

They feel alienated not because of racism, but because they grow up in the West, sons of immigrants, with no real identity, calling themselves Muslims when in reality they drink and do drugs and commit crimes that are against Islam, they get fed anti-West rhetoric from parents, then they go to a mosque in Europe where the imam is preaching about destroying the West and redeeming yourself through jihad. They see it as a chance to prove their identity as Muslims.

You want to fix this, stop the retarded multicult experiment and send them back to their land.



>Any successful empire manages to integrate the cultural differences of it's citiziens in a way that makes their living together viable.

This is how we integrate and maintain our cultural integrity.

>degenerate medieval religions
Feudal Europe led to the Renaissance, hardly degenerate at all.

Their radical views are caused by our failing integration politics. Language barriers and failing job opportunities is what makes the formation of ethnically based subcultures in western societies possible. Inside those subcultures it is much easier for shitty ideologies to spread, because it lacks the dialogue with the Leitkultur. Properly instituted integration programs are the only way. I know, it's anecdotal evidence, but I have worked with migrants in the past, and I can tell you, the integration programs offered by the state are badly instituded, underbudgeted, and therefore just don't work.

when I said "this" I was referring to having them assimilate into Christianity, btw


really makes you thikn.....that Islam is the root of this problem

The leaders of Daesh are some clever sons of bitches.

I'm genuinely unsure as to whether this image is sincere or not, lefty logic is so confusing now that many of them seem convinced this sort of thing WOULD be a victory for ISIS.

>hurr hurr don't resist our invasion or we win hurr hurr

>this thread
>yet again

Democracy has basically destroyed Christianity. It will do the same to Islam. Isis hates democracy because it understands that it will end Islam. Muslims who accept the lgbt, and women's rights are not Muslims in thier eyes. Sending in refugees won't stop Isis. Radicals will come in and make sure Muslims don't accept democracy. The moderates who are for it will say #notallmuslims, which won't stop the radicals.

If lefitsts think that regular muslims are capable of joining ISIS because we're mean to them then it's just another reason for not letting them in.

Or you, you know, institute proper programs to lower the influence their parents have on their views. If you have schoolchildren seperate their social groups by ethnicity, of course they will look to their parents for guidance rather than our culture.

Why does it bother you so much that the places they pray in looks different, or that they wear certain clothes? If you really think of our culture as a just and strong one, then you shouldn't fear it's deconstruction by the behaviour of a minority that is somewhat different.

>failing integration politics
It's usually nice to do this when they want to integrate. These people do not. I don't know how long it will take you to realize this, but most of these people hate their host nations. It's nothing new either. Algerians and Tunisians for example, have despised France for decades, while living in it under its welfare system. You are not going to fix this with "integration programs". You're asking people whose identity involves a deep hatred for a country to give it up and start loving that country, for no reason.

Fuck off m8. I hope you're baiting.

I honestly don't give a shit whether ISIS exists or not as long as they stay in the Middle East and out of the West.


Literally everyone separates social groups by ethnicity. You're asking for an entire population to give up their identity and love Europe, to renounce their parents and love the state. Even if they do it they will never belong. They will always be Arabs roleplaying as Europeans. Pretending culture is not related to race is retarded.

requesting the "don't you get it, ISIS wants you to fight back"


Even better reason to send them back to the ME. Diversity is a lie. They'd be happier in their own culture and we westerners wouldn't have to worry about them constantly chimping out.

Who cares about what ISIS want?
Just remove kebab from our countries.


It goes the other way too OP. These retaliation strikes that are supposed to hit ISIS (like one done by france after recent niece attack) just kill more civillian. and create bunch of people with nothing to lose.

While secular ditators are gone, radical immans have easy time to do their job convincing people about 70 virgins.

Oh, and west is giving them free passage to their countries too.

West is basically manufacturing their terrorists. They are neded for Ordo Ad Chao after all.


Even if that narrative is correct, Islam is still incompatible with Western values and deserves absolutely no respect.

>but muh freedom of religion.

Those laws were written hundreds of years ago in a time were there was no "moderate Islam" and (((integration)))

>reduce military to make the invaders feel comfortable
>bend over and offer your boipucci whenever muslims mass murder
>voice absolutely no opposition towards the fact that a startling number of muslims are pledging allegiance to isis
>do this for years because being nice to muslims doesn't stop isis from killing people
>get killed anyway
>just before you die, ask h-how could this be possible? I was on the muslim's side!
At least I wasn't called an Islamophobe(TM)

Right, because the middle east was a utopian paradise before whitey showed up and will be again once whitey is gone.

Do you retards even know what a phobia is? It's an irrational fear of something. Most people do not fear muslims or islam, most people fucking hate them. There is no fear, only hate.

>Pretend it's in the name of Islam


They cant be recruited if big brother is watching them closely and monitoring their web usage.


okay Ismal

>we need mo money fo dem programs

We should not mix up different ethnic groups here. Algerians and tunisians sure are harder to integrate due to historical reasons than say, turks and arabs in austria or germany (no don't accuse me of saying that todays native french people should feel guilty for colonialism, they aren't guilty of it, it's just a historical explanation for whats is happening is happening over there).
In the case of what's going on in the german sphere though, I would say that you are mixing up cause and effect. Those migrants who come to despise their host nation usually do so because of failed integration, not the other way around.

Not baiting. I very much prefer the western culture over any other, which is precisely why I look for rational solution to problems it faces, rather than emotionally laden unrealistic demands such as the deportation of an entire demographic based on it's religion. It should be our strenght to deal with this using logic.

No, what I am suggesting is that people of different demographics can live together in a functional way. Humans can have different interests and believes and not hate each other at the same time, under the condition that their is a set of established rules in the nation they find themselves in. That is what I think integration is about. If muslims don't adhere to those basic western rules, it is not because of islam per se, but because of failed politics.

>Cuckistan flag