Is this correct?
Is this correct?
No. It is the eternal gnashing of teeth.
Also 1 post by this id
Thank you for telling me about Sup Forums and why he wears the mask.
No im not angry the world is the world.
Not at all, for me anyway
Im successful and have a girlfriend
Supporting Trump and browsing Sup Forums doesnt make me sad
Well yeah, seeing how totally fucked up everything is and how it is only getting worse makes reasonable people sad.
my mask is mirth and underneath is contempt
For me yes
Looking at how talking about most things talked on Sup Forums is fucking illegal on many european social networks...
Not really. I'm just here to get news of HAPPENINGS in real time, the MSM takes too long preparing their narrative.
Deep down, we are all sad and in despair that our country is in shambles but we can't do shit about it.
Which makes us angry.
Not complicated sempai.
I'm not angry, most of the time I'm just laughing at the shitshow
Sadness is the mask, anger is the face.
You can only be outraged at the world so many times before you start to feel bad.
>Is this correct?
Holy shit, you're absolutely right, your impressive logical argument finally made me want to vote for Hillary and start global thermonuclear war over the issue of gay rights.
>that signature
my sides are intact but damaged
>it's an "anger is never legitimate and they must be sad/stupid/afraid" episode
If I take off that mask will you die?
Why are there shitskins in a Swiss paradise
Because you lost the war
This strip is wrong, people hides sadness with external happiness, like if they were want to show off that they are better than you. Anger is just for the frustration, like the anger i feel when a lot of fuckers 30year olds are chasing virtual pokemans.
Was electing donald trump part of your plan ?
What would happen if I removed the mask?
It would be a big mask
he's a big guy
What are the lines on his chin and sides supposed to represent?
peach fuzz nu male beards?
Pretty much.
Imagine a world where america allied with germany.
It would be paradise.
Thanks for the inspiration, norbro.
>b-but, muh (((sexy))) stubble
I think I'm more like BookStannis, just grinding my teeth the entire time because of this fucked world, but still trying to keep my convictions.
where my dorfs at
well it's not wrong
Nobody cared who we were until we put on the mask...
>most things talked on Sup Forums is fucking illegal on many european social networks
>Facebook hiring a ex-Stasi to survey German citizens' shitposts
>Like 60 people get party van'd for shitposting
Yes. Anger is a more productive emotion than depression. I'm sure the shills and cucks would love for people to be depressed and do nothing, instead of getting pissed off and calling them on their shit.
No, that isnt his signature he was so proud of having trademarked
Wow that's pretty bad ass!
I'd say I'm like a cross between Ned Stark and the joker
Only because i weep for the Death of Mankind
It would be very painful
>he actually did it the absolute madmane
For whom?
This picture makes me sad.
Top lel
Solve the puzzle.
who wouldn't be sad to see his nation and culture be erased
who wouldn't be sad to witness humanity slide into degeneracy
we are angry because thousands of years of human development is being undermined
>beautiful, picturesque swiss village
I'm not even white and this picture makes my fucking insides hurt. How could you people do this? What the fuck happened to you?
Will you be adding muzzies to the list, froggy?
He pulled it off, surely he'll die now...
its just a family having dinner, could you faggots get any more dramatic?.
Constant mortal danger
>Actually getting 00 and 11 doubles
>leftists will declare this powerful art
>He's just a quiet Muslim boy
>Nothing wrong here
>Just a normal person
that looks really nice
its not like theres bombs going off
We're not at that level here...fuck there's still pseudo-fascist groups around...but
1)i'm not going to take chances
2) western censorship works by putting your job(or future job) on the line just cause of your political ideology...and I don't want to end up working in construction or some shit...i very much like my little cubicle-like desk
Is this Loss?
>Generations upon generations and lives upon lives in order to keep muslims out of Europe
>just letting them in
gg europe
The sandniggers are ruining the beautiful scenery; this is sad. There's nothing dramatic about this mate.
Where is the original with the jew underneath the Democratic Party mask?
> a family having dinner is literally the same as a major terrorist attack
this is what americans actually believe
they might be rich tourists improving the swiss gdp. we dont really know.
I can tell that shitskins were not even admiring scenery. They are just looking at their plates and devouring food.
This picture just makes it all worse.
>1 post by this id
>on the first reply
Cmon senpai. At least wait a bit before sayingtjay
This is one of the most awful pictures on the entire internet.
Yes. Once I begun suppress my rage I became depressed. And now I can't go back. Oh.
I'm getting an headache just by looking at this picture. It looks photoshoped.
Not to talk far from being a paradise. I've lived in a mountainous area long enough to know falling rocks are a constant hazard.
>there's still pseudo-fascist groups around
Who will be arrested for making a hand gesture that slightly reminds people of fascism, or for talking about the Muslim problem in private.
>i'm not going to take chances
Firstly, that's a personal issue. It's wrong, but if a company wants to put up a certain image, they can do whatever they want and it's your choice to oblige. However, that's not something any government should have the power to do. If the company never finds out, but the government comes in and outs someone for 'hate speech', that's completely wrong.
>there's still pseudo-fascist groups around
Yeah, so? In a free and open society, the public would tear them apart and disprove them. Now that you have the government breathing down the necks of normal people, they're actually being drawn toward the fascist right parties because their only alternative is the fascist left in power now.
When you don't let people speak their minds, they will eventually start bombing you. I wouldn't be surprised to see the German capital being bombed by not only ISIS, but the German people.
I totally agree. The whole world is colonized by American corporations. Does anyone even remember what regional Swiss teas tasted like?
This is.
It amazes me at how much the sacks of shit on the right of the photo make me rage.
>tumblr art style
>tumblr humor
>tumblr argumentation
it checks out
>studying up on ottoman history and how they almost conquered Vienna
>now they're welcomed with open arms
This hurts, lads.
Island within an Island
thank fuck for private land ownership
Alternate version.
i do
it's ok
ok? It's not like your country isn't full of them too.
Who brought them in? Switzerland doesn't have cuck-quotas imposed upon them by Fuehrer Merkel as they aren't in the EU so why let them in?
>Dwarf Fortress
Purest game, and one of the only ones I can call non-cucked.