Can your army protect your country?
Can your army protect your country?
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That subhuman negroid must be killed for desecrating the institute of Finnish army
He is literally the only human being in the picture. Others are finnoids.
>Can your army protect your country?
Yes but the Navy and Chair Force are the first lines of defense.
one of our politicians suggested we get a button that will send a message in russian saying "we surrender"
Negroids are literally not human and quite frankly must be exterminated across the globe
"At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races." Charles Darwin
The Russian fears this
Negroids are literally humans. Finns - not so much.
>a libertarian rat would give up his country
>and quite frankly must be exterminated across the globe
Are you in this pic?
I guess
t. subhuman racemixed abomination
Extermination of negroid and australoboriginal genetic legacy is “when”, not “if” type of question. It’s only a matter of one biovirus
No but mercenaries are a thing so we're good
lol no. But were still an occupied country so I guess America will want to protect us.
>"At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races." Charles Darwin
t. Pic related
We are the only country in South America that can protect our entire territory
We also have a sailing vessel that we stole from the Germans.
>No but mercenaries are a thing so we're good
Not according to the butt blasted UN.
And there would be no point in attacking us anyway
not sure
all our soldiers are around 21 years old, so it could be pretty disfunctional in a war.
but there are pretty many soldiers in proportion to the countries residents and theres at least one rifle in every apartment block. also a bonus is being surrounded by mountains with bunkers and passages.
Yes or it wouldn't exist desu
Im sure they will do their best
he could probably kill all the finnish soyboys at once
we will just blow up our country to defend ourselves
Against our neighbors yes
Against china or usa no
>3rd from far-left, top row
>right hand man bottom row
subhuman fucks, ought to be gassed along with the nigger
Oh, thank you for confirming my point. Extermination campaign can’t start soon enough. Ever wonder why so many Poles rock that “Der Untermensch” look?
That’s because “Poles” often have those subhuman negro genes thru Jewish side (jews are 2-6% nigger) manifested in them.
I can say that the share of Ashkenazi Jewish, Lipka Tatar or Armenian ancestry among the general population in Poland lays between 30-40%
That means poland is 60-70% white, as white as mongrel united states
Let that sink in lmao, even Germany with 10mln nonwhites and massive influx of "refugees" is whiter than Poland
Poles cant claim that Poland didn’t :
A - gave refuge to subhuman gypsies killed by Germans
B - bring armenians to Europe
C - give a homeland to the jews
D - import lipka tatars
Army? Probably. The Navy and Air Force are more relevant for an island nation though desu.
>negro got better posture than the soyboys
>subhuman is still coping
Extermination will happen. The future is very technocratic and eugenic
>serving next to invasive non-human species
Mannerheim didn’t fight for nothing
What total and utter bullshit is this?
You seriously think we can protect ourselves without NATO against anybody but countries like Belgium?
We have almost zero tactical depth, the waterline is no longer relevant because many of the floodplains are now part of the Randstad. And our army has just sold all tanks to ze Germans. Our airforce is ok.
All we have are some of the best SEALS in the world but our regular army is way too small to put up any resistance.
Plus we have poofy gun laws, and a population that is unmotivated for war so forget about a militia.
mate, I think you done an American there, check the flag again
Against neighbors, yeah sure.
Now superpowers....
>And our army has just sold all tanks to ze Germans.
Us, actually
when i served we also had blacks & asians and loads of other immigrants but there was only a tad bit racism against the balkan groups (mostly kosovo/albanian), which they mostly deserved for not integrating at all. I was pretty surprised by that desu, as there were tons of uneducated farm/mountain people too.
No, an attacker would just fling nuclear warheads at us.
Nah m8, trying to secure the Amazon would be an absolute nightmare. You could easily form a guerrilla movement that would be impossible to defeat in such a large jungle area. Vietnam is tiny in comparison and we couldn't do it there.
>subhuman is still coping
You can’t “”””integrate”””” into Alpine culture. Are you even trying? We can and we will exile those who have empathy towards our-group. Do you think fully blooded natives with nonwhite friends will get to stay? No lmao.. to Brazil they go.
We shouldn't be unnecessarily friendly, live together or mix with nonwhites, even if we were inferior. We are who we are. The main reason shit ideas like that don't fly is fucking basic biology. But I guess you "very own multiracial society never been tried", right?
The only way to keep it as natural as possible is radical exclusion. It's literally unnatural to care about those who are not of your own. Empathy towards those genetically dissimilar is literally a sign of genetically inferior individual good only for sterilization. Genetic altruism fails the evolutionary group strategy greatly.
Civic "nationalism" is multirculturalism. Culture is a racial ethno-linguistic product alone. That's about it. One way to deal with it: In Europe DNA based citizenship within the subracial group only; in USA - Balkanization. A multiracial society is just some bizarre perversion dreamt up in the minds of marxists with sad childhoods and literal rootless jews (not even a conspiracy, look up the ethnicities), biological organism following their biological perogative when inserted into it is not strange or surprising. You guys act like Brazil, USA, Russian Federation and South Africa don't exist. Population groups compete for resources; bringing a bunch of different subspecies of primate into one administrative region and saying "okay, you're a country now" doesn't change that.
Fuckoff Russian scum. This is a celebration.
Honestly sad your army is made up of foreigners.
isn't yours the same? lol
most of these kids are second or third generation just like yours
Of Finnic and Northern Germanic races getting their indepenace from racially egalitarian jewish-backed Soviet subhumans.
Were a new world shithole though. Not like you who actually are native to the land.
Brazilian army is more powerful than the whole Latin America combined, mate. Also, our numbers can perfectly defend our frontiers quite well. Chilean army is a joke.
Our entire military, specially the army are focused on jungle warfare. There are fuckton of exercises that happens there every year and currently there is the biggest logistical exercise happening here.
Right wing slavs look subhuman
Probably wise. Neighbors would have to through the interior first to reach the coast. Superpower could take the developed coastal areas, but would have a hard time occupying it with guerrilla movements setting up in the jungle.
I see now, Luxemburger. Tx, Hans. Can i have my grandpa's bike back now?
Still, thinking that mercenaries will be your savior has proven to be a fatal blunder since at least the Romans.
It can protect muslims but not the country lmao
Their main focus is the amazon and bordering areas. I'm actually impresses this year because the army been doing a fuckton of exercies of all kinds.
Coast they never really cared much for some reason, the Navy compared to the Army and Air-Force is pretty shit. Even thought the MoD just authorized them to buy a Britith LHD.
That’s because he’s not Slavic, but partly jewish (pale mulatto) subhuman
He is obviously some Portuguese-Albanian-shitalian orc
I think so, unless there are nukes.
No greater way to celebrate independence than to cause great butthurt in Russians
> russian
> white
pick one faggot
No I don't think so. But I don't know much about the military
t. negroid in deep denial
lol no, but who would invade us anyway
Me on the right.
You pretending to be American on the left.
I can't think of any realistic scenario where there would be fighting on Dutch soil, but IF it was the case, our Army would be the weak spot. We lack heavy armor and the numbers, and probably munition and logistics for a larger scale conflict as well. Oh, and our tank brigade is literally integrated with the Germans. If we're looking at threats from the air, our ground based air defence is really good for a small country. Stinger MANPADS, NASAMS 2, Patriot PAC-2 and PAC-3 and multiple (linked) radar systems would be perfectly able to protect our air space, together with the F-16s (and soon F-35s) from the Air Force. F-16s and Apaches would also be able to carry out offensive tasks but unfortunately lack any stand-off missiles. If we're including threats from sea, our Navy would be perfectly capable of countering missiles (4 air defence frigates with ESSM/SM-2), other ships (6 frigates with Harpoons/Mk 46 torpedos/naval guns, 4 subs with Mk 84 torpedos), mines (6 minehunters) and submarines (2 ASW frigates with hull sonar/VDS/Mk 46 torpedos, 20 ASW NH-90 helos, 4 submarines with Mk 84 torpedos).
Or we could just skip all this and ask the US to use the B-61 nukes stored here.
Fuckoff with your retarded WWII bullshit posting. This is a Finland independence day thread.
>isn't yours the same? lol
>most of these kids are second or third generation just like yours
That might be for Hispanics the white soldiers are from older families and so are the blacks. We don't have a lot of Asians, Jews or Arabs that serve.
How many Finnish girls has he blacked?
Pls but pretty good for defence.
only boys you silly
Germany can't be defended because of geography. That's why we started preventive wars in the last century. We lost anyway but at least we could fuck half of Europe before getting fucked ourselves.
Brazil vs Argentina
Who wins?
Good enough as deterrent but Indonesia,Singapore and Thailand will be a meat grinder and China is downright impossible.
But we already did.
we do
>That's why we started preventive wars in the last century
No. You hadn't resousfull colonies while other europe hade half the world
More and more every day.
They're also talking of Scoprene submarines. God I would be so happy if we manage to get two of these babies.
Does your army protect your people?
Nice Reddit spacing, fag
Brazil easily
I'd say Colombian army is better in the jungle. We have experience fighting with ourselves there, and the armymen are really experienced. Brazil's army is still way better desu, cause you are huge af
What about the Mexicans? I think theyre pretty strong too. Venezuela has tanks and some Russian stuff, we have a good army. I think argies have some submarines or something like that, and Chile is so-so. The rest are useless. Maybe Peru could be strong too
Colonies are overrated. In the late 19th, early 20th century we were basically what China is today. Enormous industrial grows, rising wealth and generally a very stable and effective regime.
The problem was, that we were surrounded by real or potential enemies and because of our idiotic colonial strategy destroyed the good relationship with Britain, our former natural ally.
Argentina's military is probably in the worst situation of all Latin America currently and it's been happenuing way before the San Juan incident.
Good :)
Colombia been fighting there for 50 years, so it's expected to.
Like i said, they do a fuckload of exercises there every year.
They can't beat Colombia or Mexico
The quality and experience of troops from both of our countries out matches them
Finnish independence is about being a home to Finnic, Baltic and Northern Germanic races. Removal of mongrels, cucks and degenerates is a top priority of every European society
Here comes the amerisubhuman
>Britain, our former natural ally.
"Perfidious Albion is an anglophobic pejorative phrase used within the context of international relations and diplomacy to refer to alleged acts of diplomatic sleights, duplicity, treachery and hence infidelity (with respect to perceived promises made to or alliances formed with other nation states) by monarchs or governments of Britain (or England) in their pursuit of self-interest."
Britain has never been an ally to anyone. The British use, control and betray whenever it suits them. Little more than white Jews.
Since of the end of conscription most of French soldiers just serve for the money, the "planqués" (artillery, air forces, logistics etc) immediatly desert when they see combats (no joke, logistics fag are massively leaving the army because African militias are attacking them) some kill themself because they can't handle the military life
Officers only care about their career they are pussies who never go to frontline and give
The only good units are our Special Forces, the foreign legion and some airborne regiments, airborne and legion used to be top-tier but the new generation of officiers are pussies and scared by the hardcore training and dedovshchina that the legionnaires and paras do
Also Western soldiers are shit because they have no experience
Individualism killed the Western armies
>Officers only care about their career they are pussies who never go to frontline and give
They give contradictory orders during combats
Yeah, but I don't think ours could do anything againt the US PIL Division.
Pfft, armies are for pussies.
No but your cunt is strong enough against the rest of latin america with the exception of mexico I think
Mexico don't have tanks, jets or mean to sail all the way into our shores.
Useless in our terrains, but that may change anyway
Sad, we have 3.5 tho
>mean to sail all the way to our shores
And neither do you to ours
In a level featureless combat field yeah you win against all of Latin america, but that's not the complete story
Just like with Colombia, our armies have decades worth of actual combat experience, exercises cant match that
Mexico army isn't big deal. It only has ships and more ships, and great part of them aren't even properly to open combat.
Our army is constantly in action-training in the frontiers, so to assume the quality of our training is just ridiculous. No one has ever seen it in action against another country yet, and all our active international operations has been a success.
Colombian tanks are rather inferior to ours, and their training in the jungle happens in a territory of Amazonia thousands of times smaller than ours.