Finally some OC edition
/v4/ + frienemies
Other urls found in this thread:
what does /v4/ think of Romania
RIP King Michael
>tfw family betrays you
they took away your cum bottle?
>taking away someone's cummies
Are Poles really that evil?
No, they make us look like literal Hitlers, while they're being literal Stalins.
Gulags for Kulaks when?
They're actually trying.
Atomic age when?
Land stealing scum who's we wuzzing is as laughable as Albania and their ethnic makeup is just like that 100% cigány
I try not to
>you see, I've met weird artist girls that have mind on some other plane of existence
literally best grills
I mean, there are easier types to live with, but artist grills generate the greatest feels
>artist girls
Tóths is this true?
what does it say?
my statement obviously excludes damaged units
Yes you big bully
>Slovaks suffered from ethnic cleansing
>Slovak schools and institutions were ordered to be closed, the charter of the Matica Slovenska was annulled, and its library and rich historical and artistic collections, as well as its funds, were confiscated. Inequalities of every kind before the law were devised for the undoing of the Slovaks heritage, language and culture and turning them into "proper" Hungarians.
>All these ethnic cleansing policies on the part of the authorities tended to produce an active Slovak emigration abroad while stifling economic factors exacerbated the situation.
>Whole villages became Magyarized, unable to communicate in their original language and forbidden to learn about their history.
> What's more disturbing is that this process bred a societal self-hatred, where anything Slovak was to be hidden or admonished
>Hungary has today completed the goals of Magyarization in Hungary, creating one of the most homogenized and "ethnically pure" states in modern Europe.
>Currently, many Hungarians are either unaware or refuse to acknowledge this horrific and shameful part of their history, or, similar to Holocaust denial,
> tót memes are real
>(((Wikipedia))) says holocaust was real
Dropped asap
Honfoglalás 2.0 Mikor?
> similar to Holocaust denial
henlo, why is this ded
did I make it kill with planes yesterday?
Jesus fucking Christ does Shitzune's route make her even more unlikable than the other paths? Not even in Act 2 yet and I'm fucking fed up.
>did I make it kill with planes yesterday?
I comed and posted-ed planes
it kill now
Post more
will it make thred unkill?
I'm on a train
then I should probably work
Come on, you know you can only unkill a thread by posting in it. It's the only way
No, I'm sitting here by myself, there's 20 mind left until departure
I know, I had a weak moment, I should work regardless of that. The course ain't gon study itself
>No, I'm sitting here by myself, there's 20 mind left until departure
though an empty moving train is incomparably comfier
They didn't even turn on the lights yet, the heating is on at least
I should start reading again but I'm too captivated by how much of a cunt Shizune is.
one of these days I'll come and post planes, don't you doubt that
that's even comfier
darkness is an old friend
Elsa is such a qt id marry her also shitzune isn't even worth a second
Lewdish bump
is that a trap?
japs say basha as their equivalent of splash?
Holo is a woman and that's a little boy. Not all Chinese cartoons are filled with faggotry you know
>Not all Chinese cartoons are filled with faggotry
>go to parents
>ask mom if there is cheaper soy sauce in their supermarket
>she shows me what she buys
>check the label
>made in Czech Republic
>wtf nice
>go to supermarket
>look at soy sauces
>Japanese ones for 2,49 € / 150 ml
>Czech one same size, 0,69 € or something
>whole shelf where it's supposed to be is empty
lol ffs
Vitana is some good shit desu
Seems like they do.
Hungry is to busy sucking Russian cock to talk with you 3.
what a shame that best animes are 12 ep long 1 series only. meanwhile narutrash goes on and on now with his son.
anyádba ereszteném a gezyimet
>*zabun* for a very big splash
basha I can get, but zabun? Any idea how they pronounce that?
We don't say such disgusting and foul words here as a*arti aka turboscum
Same goes for p*kemon
their regular soy sauce tastes too much like maggi, I don't like it
although the picante soy sauce is excellent, I could drink that shit straight from bottle
It's not that only trash ones are long, it's that being long turns them into trash.
Looked it up. It's ザブン in katakana, so pretty much how you'd pronounce it if it was a Slovak or Czech word.
Not if they are based on a good ln or manga
the truth is, all anime outside of dragon ball and saint seya is trash
Anime is trash but I sometimes enjoy trash like a McDonald's burger
>Tfw 100% átok
spoken like a true garbageman
Fuck it, I'm giving up and embracing the weebshit discussion.
Name one good anime that's more than 50 episodes and is based on a light novel. I've seen 2 months worth of anime, but I can't come up with any.
Sorry but without weebs hit this thread would die tbqh
And idk I've only see a weeks worth I'm not that much of a dweeb
>nationalists say they'll buy AMV XP with a slovak turret
>public introduction to the vehicle on mikuláš day
>they show an old AMV with a slovak turret
goddamn thieves, either they think they can fool the public by showing them a prototype that's not really a prototype of what they'll later buy
or they were outright lying about buying the XP version and are absolute madmen who think building 2A42 into a new vehicle is a good idea for a NATO member
It's the effort that counts, thank you for doing your part as a NATO member.
the cannon kind of makes sense on Svatava, the BVP chassis won't last as long as the Patrias should, so there's no reason not to use the cannon we have gunners trained for, especially since it's a recce vehicle, so contact with the enemy isn't its priority.
>It's the effort that counts
effort counts for nothing in battle. I know we probably won't ever use them in battle (I sincerely hope we won't), but even the greatest pacifist (which I'm pretty close to myself), if he had to, wouldn't buy a gun that doesn't shoot straight
I have trouble naming good animes that are longer than 50 eps tbqh
This all good ones end in less than 50 eps
Nice to see slovakias entire armoured forces
Galactic heroes
Are you doing this on purpose?
But to the point:
A lot of sports anime are longer than 50 eps and pretty good if you're into that sort of thing.
>„Aj toto podujatie je dôkaz, že nič nezamlčujeme a že všetko prebieha transparentne,“ povedal minister obrany Peter Gajdoš (nominant SNS).
just ridiculous
>Tfw no gf
hmm yeah they can do good sport animes with exception of those gay ones. even when I dont sport or watch it
Every sports anime with male cast is at least a bit gay. Unless you count shogi, go, mahjong and other board games as sport.
Singular: anime
Plural: anime
Unacceptable and would be considered a pretty weak bait on Sup Forums: animes
theres is nothings wrongs with sayings animes
I've spent too many years on Sup Forums for you to convince me otherwise.
okays :-(
It's not your fault. The elitism on Sup Forums is (or used to? haven't been there in a while) just too strong and leaves its mark.
any closed community promotes elitism, it's alright
>I've spent too many years on Sup Forums
my condolences
Go eat shit rude magyar
Not responding to him had a purpose, anonku
Sorry, he's been being a dick for many posts now
time for another attempt at chicken adobo
being a dick back only motivates him to stay that way, you know
post planes instead
I only watched the boxing one and volleyball one and those were surprisingly no gay.
I think I'm growing manboobs
see your doctor and ask for t supplements, or stop being fat.
stop drinking so much alcohol
oh who am I kidding
I have no planes
I'd love to make some v4 OC but I'm crap at drawing and have no ideas. The only thing I made was the gta V thing
>Tfw manga reaches major plot point
>want to post it to make pepik happy
>Tfw you realize it would spoil the story
Oh well
ma man
>chemicals in the water that turn the friggin humans gay
same shit was done to Schwabs here
Hungarians need to be gassed desu
start eating onion
>same shit was done to Schwabs