I really don't want Trump to win. He will cause a lot of chaos in the world with his lack of foreign policy insight. But it looks like Hillary won't win after all these scandals and now Trump is doing better in the polls as well. What is happening to the world?
I really don't want Trump to win. He will cause a lot of chaos in the world with his lack of foreign policy insight...
Same here. I really can't believe that it came to the choice between Trump and Hillary. Are Americans really that dumb?
The only thing he do is set off chaos in the south china sea. He is going to be amicable to the Russians, the Middle East is eternally fucked, and do we even really care about anywhere else.
wtf i hate trump now
Trump is the savior of the west go back to your middle east shithole and get beheaded for listening to music.
If you care that much become a citizen and vote instead of bitching on a Chinese silk threading board
You are just pissed because Americans are finally voting in our own best interests.
Maybe if you assholes were the least bit grateful this wouldn't have happened.
Why do you believe a billionaire with international corporations has no foreign policy insight?
What is he supposed to be grateful about?
His NATO comments for example show that he has no idea what he is doing by saying he might not help other NATO members.
>1 post by this ID
Sage and move on.
>he will cause a lot of chaos in the world with his lack of foreign policy insight
Like what?
>a german doesnt want trump to take out isis
ok bud have fun when more attacks happen on your country!
Destabilizing Europe by weakening the NATO.
We should have a shill thread for y'all to farm your bitcoins in a corner, you guys need to be contained.
Well apparently our politics are important enough that you are worried about it. Which means you must be depending on us for something.
If you are not depending on us for something then why do you care at all?
>...might not help nato members who do not contribute as demanded from the contract.
Seriously, nato needs an overhaul, and it seems obamas polite warnings were not enough.
Americas military umbrella wont last forever, europes nato members need to at least be minimally capable of self defence.
Left is nationalism. Every race gets their own country and culture, and everyone gets along because one race isn't ruling over another.
Yeah, how ironic that this is coming from an Estonian. Let's see how you can defend yourself against Russia when you are on your own.
>lack of foreign policy insight
>wants Hillary
fucking lol
Just pay up.
>any criticism means you want to destroy it.
Yeah, no wonder germany has been such a wonderful leader for the EU.
If America continues to elect retards like Obongo and Hillary into power, then America is going to lose its position as #1 (some arguing they already have).
Now all memeing aside, this is a very scary prospect. I don't want a communist dystopia like China calling the shots on geopolitical matters or being responsible for protecting the rights and security of nations across the globe.
Not only does America need Trump, we all need Trump if we value our freedom and identities. Because fuck China and Merkel and all of the other shitholes challenging the USA for #1 superpower.
>a german concerned with chaos
Its a tanned german. They are worried there might not be enough tanned americans by the time the middle east runs out of oil.
daily reminder most NATO countries are fucking freeloading jews
>P-P-Please take in boatloads of Achmeds and surrender your right to self defense just like we did!
Fuck Germany
bravo estonia
>He will cause a lot of chaos in the world
If you value stability over freedom them you will have neither.
Also do you think more Muslim migrants will help stability?
too late for that hans you invited 2 million terrorists into europe
They truly are the most pathetic race on Earth.
>be German
>gets raped
>gets shot
>enjoys it
>wonders why the German race is going extinct
You do realize you were trained with military precision to be a cuck from birth - as punishment for WW2 no matter how hard you deny it.
Most of you autist krauts think you're savvy and objective because you watch your state-controlled, politicized 'comedy' and feel like you're a worldly bohemian rebel for sucking muslim cock
This is your future, Germany, if you let SJW and Cultural Marxism win.
What the fuck happened to you cucks? Where has your pride gone? For your country too?
translation: what does the (right wing Freedom Party Youth) mean, when they talk about "our women"? I am not "your" woman. I don't need your protection or your disgusting racism. Oh, and one more thing: me and all other women can speak for ourselves, thanks!"
Young Greens, Upper Austria
Sure. What did you contribut to make it better?
Oh wait. Nothing.
Pathetic looser hiding behind water. Like the father, eh?
Come back when you contributed to the world.
If things got anywhere near as bad over here people including me would be rioting in the streets because people over here actually have a pair of balls. No wonder you Germans lost the war you cowardly pieces of shit.
Hillary is pro regime change, retard.
Until you start paying into NATO you don't get an opinion.
Time to pay up Europe. We've footed the bill for your security for too long.
Learn some respect and pay your fair share or you can kneel before Russia and China for all we care.