>Hello, I am here for the job interview.
Hello, I am here for the job interview
I'm calling DPD right now
Have a seat over here Obongo.
The position has been filled.
Great. Let me introduce you to my wife.
Sorry, we already hired this respectable member of the Aryan race
He's dressed professionally, has a clean and groomed appearance. It's safe to say he has (useful) education or a professional background of some sort.
Depends on what the position is for but even as a racist I'd take a smart, educated black guy over an overweight greasy white NEET that doesn't know how to communicate.
Well if you're CV looks better than the rest and you give me a good impression then sure, you're hired.
What's funny here?
this post breaks the rules, go back to plebbit you fucking kike
Peer pressure from my in-group says I need to reject your application sir
I-i did it guys
Neger sind hier nicht erwünscht
Why not? There are niggers and then there are blacks, the first ones are the problem...
If he's a conservative and if he's the most qualified then he's got the job
"Bit too fancy for a burgerking interview, don't you think Tyrone?"
Okay. Pull down your pants, my wife is in the other room.
Don't call us, we'll call you.
"The cuckshed is this way"
t. Canadian.
dude i said i'm looking for a drummer not a rapper
That dude is a BLACK MAN
He is NOT a dindu
We hate Mudslimes
We hate Niggers
But we aint hati'n on the few black women/men that rise above their trash culture and make something for themseleves
>burgundy tie
>red pocket square
you have to go back
Am I the only person that really can't stand suits/ties and thinks they are completely overrated?
We need politicians who don't wear that shit.
Topkek sir.
Is that Agent 40 ounce?
They look good you asshat
A good shirt i s comfy, though cotton shirts are overrated and linen/bamboo shirts should be the new standard due to breathability
Dressign up in the thing means you made the effort, which means you mean business
If you cant do that, you are most likely a selfish cunt who want to make the rules, an employee mr.Goldstein dont want
I'll hire him, but he has to stay away from my wife and her son.
Yeah let's make all clothes that aren't cargo shorts and t-shirts and sneakers illegal because fuck dressing well