Wonder woman 2009 film

Fuck this movie is really good if the upcoming wonder women film is even half as good as this it will be a huge hit.

That one (possibly 2 but it was a half second shot so I would need to check frame by frame to make sure I definintly only noticed the possibility because it was a few minuites after the first one) scene where they dident animate the background characters when literaly every other scene in the movie has everybody in shot moving unless they were auctualy still for a reason was really jaring.

Also some minor pacing issues about 3/5 in

Nice blog. Nobody cares.

>don't talk about a comic cartoon on the comics and cartoons board

Yes. Welcome to 2016.

Even then, you're trying to talk about Wonder Woman on Sup Forums. That alone means you should fuck off, moron.

Sup Forums loves wonder woman

Well it's not a bad movie.

No they don't, they love retarded memes. Fuck off.

No they like both
Now why don't you go rape the joker and let the big boys have there discussion send me the tape

neck snappin and men rapin

Thanks for proving me right. Now go kill yourselves.