"Russian Fingerprints All Over The DNC Hack"- What did they mean by this?
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It means you should vote Hillary or you are a misogynist racist supporting the subhuman mongoloid nazi Putin.
Reminder that Russia hacking the DNC and leaking the emails doesn't absolve the DNC of their crimes. The DNC has still broken federal law and those responsible must be punished accordingly.
They meant that the Russians are actually the good guys.
> They
> Meant
> That
> That fascist wanna-be dictator Putin
> Wants Trump as POTUS so he can more easily cuck America
Putin trying to help Trump win.
didn't a romanian(?) lone wolve take credit for it?
>FBI investigating hack
>Not investigating emails
Sounds about right
They did a software fingerprint sweep on the hard drive on the server that was hacked. They then ran that digital fingerprint through the international hacker fingerprint database. Turns out the guy behind the keyboard was russian. Apparently Putin wants Trump in the white house.
They're trying to distract from the actual contents of the emails. And they'll fail miserably, just like these slide threads.
Can't stop the signal, Mal.
Noice how they never deny the content just blame the Russians for exposing her.
Kinda like how if you catch your women cheating and she gets mad at you for finding out.
they're using it as a slide
>no, none of these DNC emails mean anything because russians did it
First trump was gonna attack russia and start a war, now putin and russia are helping trump win
also 9 get
are the DNC fingerprints on them too?
Kek is with us
RL sliding
praise kek
CNN is literally propaganda at this point. Not worth watching
>They did a software fingerprint sweep on the hard drive on the server that was hacked. They then ran that digital fingerprint through the international hacker fingerprint database. Turns out the guy behind the keyboard was russian.
>DNC has still broken federal law
Which federal law is that?
Praisu keku
who has dinko as a friend in kikebook?
Kek wills it.
Yes, just another wonderful example of liberal doublethink.
They can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few hacks in their time
praise be upon Kek
I've been listening to NPR and that's exactly what they are doing. Its kinda funny in a sad way
Pesky computer hard drives. They should have wiped em clean with one of those clothes.
>doesnt investigate a traitor criminal running for president
>investigates one of the best allies we could ever have for trying to help our country
Fuck the FBI
If a pickpocket breaks into a house to steal the TV and discovers that the homeowner is a serial killer keeping the bodies of his victims in the basement, the real criminal is still the pickpocket.
Unless the dumb fuck ruskies left some russian in their software or used the same style of code to build whatever they did with, that's how.
But most likely we will never know the details as it's probably bullshit warmongering
Praise Be.
>believing the organization that refuses to indict someone for blatant treason
>not believing they say "russians" as a means to change the narrative and save said treasonous person
What you is booy?
You sumtin' different Das fo shure
>hey guys, same people who "investigated" hillary's extreme carelessness here
>i know that took literal years but we figured out this dnc email thing in less than a day
>so yeah it's the ruskies no doubt, really can't trust the content of any of those emails guys
Yeah, sounds completely legit.
It means Russia is trying to fuck over Clinton because they think that Trump is a weaker leader.
>never mind the content of what the emails show
>how dare you think the Democrats have to answer for their tricks
>Turn your attention to Putin and Trump, there is nothing to see here
Electoral Fraud, or at the very least they could probably be charged with Conspiracy to Commit Electoral Fraud.
Touched em up!
if by weaker leader you mean is likely not going to take every opportunity to start shit than yes
Praise kek
Hatchet Act, we have the DNC handing out federal positions to donors.
1 post
God damn I hate you Jew worshippers
We're officially a banana republic for how transparently they are circling the wagons against Wikileaks:
>Wikileaks Put Women in Turkey in Danger, for No Reason
Who cares who hacked it, it just proves how shitty the DNC's servers are.
Who knows what we'll get from Clinton
Does anyone even believe this? Trump is extremely favorable in the strength and power department. Isn't this why progressives hate Trump, because he's Hitler and will kill all the brown people because he's so strong?
>are progressives really this full of double-think?
Which is it? Is Trump so strong that he'll unite the country in the murder of all the brown people or is he so weak that every country will bully him?
>Trump will get rid of our precious illegal immigrants and shitskin terrorists!
>but he's also a weak leader who'll have no power
Pretty sure that because the primaries are run by the parties and only pick the nominee for the position there was no electoral fraud. I could be wrong though.
>tfw Trump will make alliance with Russia and make the world great again
Post this in every thread accusing Russia of doing this for Trump.
oh yeah, im sure the fbi will come back with conclusive evidence one way or another on this. no doubt it will be proven that this goes all the way to the top, no doubt putin himself will be implicated, because as an ex kgb guy, he definitely has a habit of leaving paper trails and what not behind opening himself up to incrimination. my fucking face when
protip: they aint gonna find shit, and the accusations are reckless to say the least, and all for what? wasserman shultz? fuck her, they can have her. they can have 1000 debbie wasserman schultz.
Yes please.
US + Russia + Serbia + Syria = remove kebab
Hope you Trumpfags realize that Putin is supporting Trump because Russia has covert plans to destabilize the west. If you don't believe me, there's a playbook for all of this:
Some highlights:
Russia needs to create "geopolitical shocks" within Turkey. These can be achieved by employing Kurds, Armenians and other minorities.
United Kingdom should be cut off from Europe.
Russia should use its special forces within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism. For instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics.
>vote for Hillary
>she becomes president
>takes revenge on Trump and Putin
Lets make this happen guys.
They didn't wear gloves! Fucking idiots. I knew they would fuck it up.
True or not, it's clear Russia wants Trump over Shillary.
Not because either is weaker than the other, but because Trump has spoken out against excessive interventionism, which is exactly what Russia (and China) want to see. They want a stable USA that keeps to itself.
This. A hundred times this
>not using car-stealing approved finger prints
>scriptkiddie get
Sure is summer here.
Come on, Guccifer 2.0 said he hates Russia
meaning it cant be russians :^)
Nines be praised! Kek bless me with nines
well there goes that.
Damn, that Moscow country sure is big.
Will the FBI be as hard on the Ruskies as they were Hilary?
>claim Russia is behind everything that has happened since 1922
>source: my ass
It's already been proven than Soros and his Jew fleet are behind BLM radicalization, as well as the climate of Us and Them that the media has churned out, as well as starting the SJW movement, etc.
All you're doing is claiming
>nuh uh jews didnt do this ruskies did
Just fuck off and ask your supervisor for tips on how to shill better, you fucking Hillary supported cancer.
The democraps want to revive the cold war because he butthurt their obama.
No surprize there.
This board is filled with KGB agents and payed russian shills.
They meant
And if the Russians did it, SO WHAT?
Why would Debbie VASSSSerman Schultz step down quickly?
Is the shit economy part of their plan too?
praise kek
>covert plans
>literally released them as a book
They got caught red handed and trying to deflect it with nonsense. The emails exist and Hillary and crew have bee exposed as manipulative and corrupt. They can't deal with the reality so in their hillbilly minds they think this deflection will work for damage control. Deep down they're amateur at best but know how to bribe, manipulate and corrupt people to get their way.
Watch CNN now, they got caught red handed biased towards Hillary, they're repeating the whole fiasco of today over and over, maybe they took their heads out their ass too. Bernie boooo'd, DNC head oustered and booo'd today about emails and much more. CNN is now trying to act in an unbiased manner after being exposed and it's not looking good for the dems at all.
Some cuck on CNN from the hillary campaign was saying how the hacks were meant to help trump. But they only help trump because they expose the truth of her corruption, no? That's such a stupid thing to say.
its also filled with bbc/cuck shills, swedes, or both
Paid! PAID! How many of you fucking retards are unable to spell this simple word?!?!?!
Also filled with BLACKED shills like yourself
It's basic strawmanning. Russians didn't write the emails.
Hey man you should be happy the refugee bothered to learn english.
>Destabilize USA by injecting cultural marxism
>Be Russia
>Destabilize USA by injecting nationalism
Russia is just fixing what it broke.