Russia is officially confirmed for the 1st world

Russia is officially confirmed for the 1st world.

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You aren't first world, you subhuman coward. Go back to drinking lighter fluid.

If ever there were a map that utterly bankrupts the HDI meme it's this one

Better internet than yours, inbred abo nigger

>drinking lighter fluid
I thought you were all about drinking petrol.

You can't argue figures.

Bravo Russia!

based aussie

Greetings fellow first worlder

thank you. i hope we get as developed as finland someday

Why can't you just be happy and celebrate this long anticipated rise, that became possible despite such obstacles like Putins regime and sanctions? It's time to open champagne or whatever you drink there.

poor Moldova man.

Russia fake their statistics to appear better just like North Korea.

It's banter lad, congratulations.

How can you possibly fake statitics? The worst we can do is to secretly change the athletes urine.

You aren't first world, you aren't white. Stop telling lies on the internet.

North Korea is bad, but a bit better than it appears, to be honest.


This was pulled out of the North Korean that defected recently. I imagine if you cut open the average ruskie, you find something similar.


the fuck

Most North Koreans are infested with parasites because they don't cook food, don't wash their hands, sanitation is obviously non existent and they use human shit as fertilizer.

My congratulations. But remember the Oil isnt eternal.

Official sountrack of this thread. Hurrah!

its not like we get anything from it

>first world country


Did you expect 1st world to be heaven Earth? Don;t be silly. Look at the streets of Bruxells. My homecity's downtown is x10 cleaner, believe me.

I'm skeptical of Russia and they are obviously an enemy of the free world, but they are an enemy which should be respected. And they arent that much of a shithole.

Also it's almost impossible to fake these kinds of statistics. They are done in concert and cooperation with World Bank reps and sometimes

Spreading retarded, outdated ideas like ''Russia is third world'' won't help us contain and isolate them.


what do you need for that 0.800 and above HDI? we're pretty close then at 0.794

Who else stuck in middle income trap here?

I'm not sure, but you definately can get ~20 points through human rights improving, If you don't have any natural resources and such.

Has nothing to do with human rights, press freedoms, etc. It's obviously correlated with them but

Pic related, the formula

Whats with this buttmad Aussie today?


>developing economy
No it isn't

Russia is third world, though.

>algeria more developed than morocco
I had no idea.

it's true and by a big gap

t. went to both

viva Mexico cabrones!

>inb4 banned from first world status

poland first world country lol


How can you ban figures, lol?



я дикa извиняюcь нo я тyпa pэпaнyлcя


It's still a mystery to me why the largest world's economy has a medium development index, though an average wage there is larger than in Russia.

it isn't

>the largest world's economy has a medium development index


No corrupt dictatorship is first world.

more first world than you

It's China.

Russia is shithole but it's not that bad compared to others ex-USSR republics.

1 world is declining you don't want to be part of this dying club

Everyone knows that rural Russia is shit, but what about big cities? Moscow, Saint Petersburg etc.

It's unclean and neglegted visually, but not poor and shitty. By the way, it has medium Gini index, which is pretty cool for a country this corrupted.

Rural Russia is failing because of the Soviet past. Revival is a matter of time.