Literally how is your 2nd amendment gonna protect you from tyranny when the governments has tanks and fighter jets?
Check m8, libertardians
Right now I'm more interested in protecting myself from other citizens.
There are a fuckload of people and some of them work inside the government.
I read somewhere that in case of an uprising the military will side with the gun-wielders against the gun-control folks.
If you could just get 10% of the population to be armed, that would be enough.
Sure, the government could kill all of them off, but they would have to cull 10% of the population, which is never really good for the people in power.
Because the government isn't going to bomb and nuke it's own cities.
>F-16s on street corners with K-9s and AR-15s
An uprising in the USA would have a very good chances of succeeding. Around 60% of the army would desert instantly (more with a liberal president).
majority of the current armed forces will side with the people. Most of them wont fight/kill their own friends and family and would rather refuse orders and infiltrate the government. Most of the war weaponry would be seized within 24 hours for the "2nd amendment libertadians"
>large percentage of military absconds
>what are guerilla tactics
>what is military operations within their own boarders causes more sympathy for those who rebel
It's almost like asymmetrical warfare and revolutions have happened before
that's more than enough. during the revolutionary war, the colonists beat the british while fielding only 3% of the population as soldiers. they had the active support of maybe 3-5% more, in smuggling, and caretaking, and safehouses, and so on. logistics REMFs.
some 30% of the country remained loyal to the crown but didn't really do anything about it, and another 30% didn't much care which way things went. so, in short, so long as patriots have military-serviceable firearms, having an opinion is politically irrelevant, no matter what it is or how many pinoy storytelling forums you share it on.
some private citizens also own Tanks, Howitzers 40mm grenade launchers etc etc
we also have class 3 vests
its just that our supply of ammo is going to be a lot weaker
oh but we do have welders and tractors
it would not be hard to honestly build a few "tanks"
there are more armed american people than there are soilders
its going to be a bit like stalingrad, but we'll get shit done, dont worry.
They gotta eat and sleep
Well, op is right that now the weapon's distribution is a little more assymetric.
The government would still likely be fucked during a revolution.
Who's going to fly those jets and drive those tanks when most soldiers, who hold conservative views, decide to side with us?
Besides, if your beloved government is so powerful and mighty then it shouldn't intimidate you if we own some semi-auto small arms.
Look at the war in Afghanistan or Vietnam.. asymmetric warfare have proven to be quite effective and difficult to combat with conventional weapons.
Tanks and fighter jets can't kick down your door with a search warrant.
Tanks and jets can't fight in heavily-populated urban centers without causing a fuck-ton of collateral damage in the government's own cities.
You think every single soldier in the fucking army is going to side with the government? Hell no. Hundreds if not thousands would desert to defend the rights and people they swore to protect.
Jets and tanks alone don't win wars. There are millions of armed citizens, trained militia groups, and military veterans against what, a million U.S soldiers including non-combat personnel, many of whom are stationed overseas?
Dallas showed us what a single determined ex-soldier could do alone. Fuck off, OP.
someone post the copypasta about a f16 standing watching on a corner
literally how is the governement going to stay in power when they cant get out of their vehicle without being shot at?
you dont shoot the tanks you retard. you shoot the people directing the tanks.
Also keep in mind that there people like this in the south
You can make a shaped charge from a wine bottle that will penetrate a few inches of armor. It can easily take out an engine.
homeland doesnt have the manpower. military isnt allowed to wage war on native soil and theyre dead serious about it. fuck your shit fincuck
Are you so foolish to think that uprisings have never occurred in the modern era?
Ever heard of Syria? Iraq?
First of all, if the government tries to take over, it's unlikely that 100% of the armed forces will just go along with them. More than likely, generals and lower officers will break away, and the troops loyal to them will join the resistance, bringing along their armored vehicles.
Then, the resistance will slowly capture military equipment. Not every base in the US is so well-defended that armed citizens couldn't take one over.
A scenario in which every soldier fights against the citizens, who are unable to attain more than their handguns and rifles, is not only unlikely--it's preposterous.
Then why couldnt both russians and americans beat the AKs of the taliban with their tanks and jets? Check, m8.
Tanks and fighter jets have brutal logistic overhead. Tanks fight armor, which is great if you're fighting APCs, but worthless in the case where most insurgent transport would be technicals; you couldn't justify the overhead for lightly armored targets.
Fighter jets are also great against armor, enemy air, and fortifications, but an insurgent force wouldn't utilize any of those.
The US military is still largely geared to fight a standing army. It's the reason we've had trouble in Vietnam and the Middle East.
really makes you think...
There arent enough tanks and drones to eliminate a 85 million man army.
Guerrilla warfare. Psychological despair.
simple. most of the military and police are right wing.
>military isnt allowed to wage war on native soil
Not disagreeing with you, but does this mean that the U.S military would just throw down their arms and roll out a red carpet to the white house for any invading forces?
because those guys piloting them are on our side
haven't you heard? libertarians are anti gun now.
The military or most of it will side with the country. Thats why Obama had to raise a 500,000 man army.
Nobody is going to get us. I dare them to fuck with us.
I also like the fact that eurocucks get butthurt at the thought of Americans being able to fight off tyranny.
Stay mad.
You do realize that if something like that were to happen, the economy would come to a screeching halt?
oh look it's another
mmmmm.... how much you get the M1 for, and is that a 9130?
is a jet gonna enforce a curfew?
There's a difference between defending your country from an invasion at a cost and destroying cities to kill civilians.
tanks for everyone!
The same way regular guns beat America and others in Iraq, Syria, Vietnam,Afghanistan etc, that's how OP, tanks and jets don't win wars, people do.
Because civilians didn't help stop the tanks and helicopters in Turkey...
>implying Dude Weed lmao and Billy weld are an accurate representation of libertarians.
to be fair, they didnt have outdated weapons, the soviets were helping Viet cong. Also, you can really get a lot done in a war when you have forced labor like the cong did.
My pop said theyd rebuild stuff faster than they could destroy it. Not to mention, the majority of soldiers didnt want to be in Vietnam anyways. We did in fact kill more of them than they did us. Morale has a lot to do with success too.
It's almost like you've never heard of martial law or something
The military would splinter.
We'd have tanks and jets on our side too
tell that to isis.
Because tanks have to be maintained, gas has to be refilled, jets and drones have to land, drone operators and politicians have families that bleed as easily as every human.
You get it?
Simple. You shoot the planes on the ground. You shoot the trucks bringing the tanks and planes fuel.
Norway, you've done resistance fighting against the Nazis. You should know better.
The government doesn't have tanks and fighter jets, the military does.
Literal sand niggers have been holding off the US military with nothing more than crummy ak's. Also the military wont shoot civilians, those are their family members.
Theres 20x more prior service personnel that active duty.
20x more "civilians" that have driven Abrams tanks.
20x more "civilians" that have flown blackhawk helicopters.
It would be very simple for civilians to take control of our military.
are you retarded?
When dealing with a rebellion the government always wants to do as little damage as possible to property and land that way they don't need to pay more money for if they put it down.
The government has run numerous simulations on if a civil war were to ever happen again and every single possible option leads to the downfall of the government. The us has the larges number of rifles in the world in private hands at somewhere between 315-345 million rifles. There is enough ammo in the us to kill every single person on the planet twice. The minute the us starts a civil war is the minute it loses. There would be a desertion rate of 60% with 55% of those people leaving instantly and 5% staying behind to act as spies, informants and saboteurs. The gov woul lose.
>e has told them that we're retreating under the pressure of the Cold War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the final ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary, because by that time we will have been weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically. He believes this because from our side he's heard voices pleading for "peace at any price" or "better Red than dead," or as one commentator put it, he'd rather "live on his knees than die on his feet." And therein lies the road to war, because those voices don't speak for the rest of us.
You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin—just in the face of this enemy? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the pharaohs? Should Christ have refused the cross? Should the patriots at Concord Bridge have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard 'round the world? The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn't die in vain.
based Reagan
This just to get started ffs OP...
>sauce on the tits?
While the government technically owns the tanks and jets, they are still piloted/operated by the same 'libertardians'
Iknow right, the A-team built tanks in like every episode...
Does it matter?
We'll still fight anyway.
We dont fucking care.
And I agree with the picture.
Also the military itself knows they cant take us in the event of a full revolt. Ask the guys in the Mil. Get your facts straight son.
Also contemplate this:
"When seconds count, and the police are only minutes away"
Better have a gun to shoot the bastard.
This is correct.
we're the ones inside the tanks and fighter jets you lulzy faggot
Also in the case of Obama and Hillary the Secret Service hates their fucking guts.
The Secret Service would can their asses first thing, hand them over to the US Marshal's office. Meanwhile Mil would mop things up.
I really won't. By the time the US goverment starts fighting a war agaisnt its own citizens it will collapse and drag the whole world down with it.
Now, all those guns will be really useful against the roving bands of techno-barbarians wearing scrap metal for clothes
Was about to post this but duped it's really worth the read
It would take more but if it got atrocious people would be seeing red about it real quick and they would get a higher percentage.
Even 10% would pretty much shut the country down, make it non functional. We'd probably have Russia walking over to give "assistance" (stabilizing the country and ending the civil war, but with their own slant on things)
I think if it got to 3% it would jump to 30% DESU.
>fighting against a foreign enemy is the same as fighting your own people
it's really tough on those soldiers manning all these tanks and planes, when they have to wreck their own neighbourhoods...
guess you want more Kangz in your army
>Check m8 vietcong
>Literally how is your punji trap going to protect you when the Americans have napalm?
>Literally how is your 2nd amendment gonna protect you from tyranny when the governments has tanks and fighter jets?
What makes you think the 2nd amendment is limited to hand held personal weapons?
This porn was saved.
How is a tank or a fighter jet going to enter my house to disarm me?
Guys I think have deja vu. I could have sworn I've seen this topic on here get debunked over a thousand times now. Really makes you think.
Also don't forget to sage this shit-tier thread.
Tell that to the dirt farmers who have been fighting America on their turf for the last 15 years.
This had gone the other way throughout most of history.
You shoot the Fuel Truck that feeds the tanks that get 0.5 miles per gallon. And the Hum-Vees that get gas mileage like an RV.
And suddenly the military is 100% in enemy territory... give me a break... logistics fucking nightmare. Its like zombie apocalypse, you ever see the military winning in those movies?
This is why the government wants the guns. They want to get those .308s out of people's hands. Accurate to 600 yards but even at 200 yards it will kill somebody if you shoot them most anywhere except the Vest. And its not so hard to headshot somebody at 200yd with a scoped rifle.
ITT: more Americans to be put on a list and abducted at 2am never to be heard from again
Fun Fact.
Washing DC is not actually a part of the united states. It has no Army, Navy, Marines...
If a Madman were to order the United states to attack it's own citizens it would last about 10 seconds. Even the Secret Service Swears their oath to the constitution not the president.
And If you think The members of the military or going to attack citizens because they are ordered to...
isn't there some on going debate about DC becoming the 51st state?
This shit again?
There are roughly 650 million guns in the world.
Roughly 320 million of those are in the United States.
Roughly 20 million of those guns are US military, police and government owned.
The private citizens in the US own the remaining 300 million guns....
And many other estimates show that America might have as many as 750 million guns in the citizen's hands... :)
kent state. unarmed protesters mind you
>unarmed protesters
Vs. armed protesters...
>Tanks and jets are not manned by people from said country with friends and family living in it.
>I read somewhere
you read that in the delusions of gun nuts
I saw this post on another thread some time ago, were you the bro who was asking about his grandfathers gun, and then some dude asked you if you were considering an arisaki for your collection? Pls respond
Desertion thereof and support from other countries (i.e russia) litterally turning their weapons against themelves
Time to rage and cry
That's not the point.
For one they act as a deterrent to tyrants.
Secondly, I doubt the American military is going to wage war against American citizens.
Yeah, came here to post this. My disciples are many, apparently.
Haven't you seen the original Red Dawn, worthless eurocuck?
Military Rebellion.
Then the machine stops. When the machine stops you arent making money. We all know governments love money.
In 1991 the Russians turned their weapons on the mad men. That is about the way a coup would go in the US too.
Most politicians don't know how to drive a tank, they pay citizens chump change to do that for them.