Wake up

>wake up
>The United States of America still exists

The U.S. existing is a disgrace upon us all. I don't know if I can take this anymore.

Merry-kun is bad. Good thing we have based weed man to protect us.

Do something about it, pussy.

Yeah, I'll kick your fucking ass. All of you.

You have ten seconds to prove you're not Trudeau

>wake up
>Bhutan still exists
>no one cares cause no one knows where Bhutan is

I wish I was Justin Trudeau. He is one of a kind. A true leader. A real man. The hero, the leader we need. Most Canadians love him. I love him.

I only remember because being jammed between China and India sounds terrible.

If you kill your enemies they win.

Therefore Canada will never do anything but suck our dicks

Do it.
Come fight me.
Or quit bitching.

but if you kick our ass, we win

Still better than yours, goatfucking shitposter. Bestality is legal in your country and your Prime minister is a islamist apologist cuck

Fight me, faggot

Oh yeah? Really? Where the FUCK are you then? I'll rip out your american burger intestines and stomp on them and then shove them back down your THROAT since you all like eating BURGERS so FUCKING MUCH. YOU PIECE OF SHIT.

>taking Justin Trudeau's words out of context

He meant to be loving and caring, but to destroy the enemies of progress. Like you.

>wake up
>still a leaf

i'm quite entertained, why aren't you?

I live in Key West Florida you punk pussy bitch.
Come get this dick in your mouth.

Come on down to Provincetown and run your mouth like that, homo



Yes we need a Coup in the united states.

Then you get the Neo-Facist Military Corps, right on your southern border.

"I mean we police the world right, so why not just rule the world instead?"


Isnt provincetown the gay capitol of the world?

You forget that the USA is the biggest example of crowdfunding in history.

For over 80 years the world funneled all of its ingenuity and resources into the United States.

And then people complain about them being the biggest superpower on the face of the earth.

It exists because people built it up to where it is. Its gonna take as much to make it go away.

America passed the test. thats why they are my favourite son.


>thinking America is real
>thinking you own America

Gtfo goyim

Yeah, how about we all meet up somewhere? Like some location that is convenient for the three of us, where we all make minor compromises? I want to make it easier for all of us to get to the destination, so I can beat your asses easier. I'll fight you both with one handed tied behind my BACK. hahahaha american losers

Do you not know that your country is LITERALLY a meme? If reddit was a country it would be Canada. No one takes you seriously at all and when people even think about Canada they think about some fag in a flannel saying "Sorry XD XP". You are a joke and your whole country is a joke. If it wasnt for Polandball and reddit I dont think people in europe would know you guys are a country

>wake up

The United States of America is pretty irredeemable and terrible, but so are you, leaf. The Americas were a mistake and deserve to burn.

But if you kill your enemies, they win.

The US isn't perfect but it's thousands of times better than sandnigger and tribenigger lands. You better get used to being pushed around by your big brother, shitposter.

You're the faggot that gets online to cry about my country and then threaten me.
Come to Key West you pussy.

Hey Justin

shut up you stupid canuck if it weren't for the US you'd be dead by now

Canada was my second favorite country in the world before I started coming on this site. I've never met any hockey bros that are like the whiney pieces of shit on this page. You all must be basement dwelling whale weaboos.

No, we have to meet somewhere neutral so the OTHER GUY can come fight me too.

Fuck you ameriburgers can't into logic, can you?

U.S.A. BTFO again!!!!!!! kekekeke

>wake up
>Still be part of the most cucked nation of history

Just let us go

You sound really dumb. Canadians are like this in general, I've known my fair share of hockey bros. You were probably too drunk or high or dazed from all the burgers you ate to notice what was going on around you.

theres an infestation of canadian redditors and tumblr fags here, its disgusting to see my flag act this way