So this just happened. His wife didn't know the mic was picking her up.
>They don't know that your name is being put in nomination and that's the concern
So this just happened. His wife didn't know the mic was picking her up.
>They don't know that your name is being put in nomination and that's the concern
Other urls found in this thread:
Wait he's running?
what does it mean?
She didn't* know it was on.
So what exactly does this mean?
She said what now?
you already put that
what did she mean by this?
I have no fucking idea what it means. It just seems pretty important, I was hoping you guys would know. What the hell is he being nominated for?
She thinks they think Bernie won't even be eligible to receive ANY delegates.
She doesn't realize that they're mad about the rigged system
I think "not being put in nomination" would make more sense.
He'll get nominated at the roll call shit. And lose obviously because he doesn't have the delegates. I guess this is supposed to unify them or something.
Cuck of the Year
If this is true, I would be so happy.
Et tu, Bernie?
Could mean that the superdelegates have pulled their heads out of their asses and will be voting for Bernie.
>that your name is being put in nomination
I listened to it several times and I can't make out "your name" from it. To me, it sound more like "how/why she is being put in nomination".
I think it means sanders is being considered for a prominent position within the dnc or even in hillary's cabinet
They think absorhing sanders into camp hillary will calm the bernie supporters and stop the booing.
Bernie is being considered for something. His name is up for nomination someplace.
they don't know that hillary won the nomination and we been funding her the hole time
>incoherent mumbles
great, a cuck martyr vote.
>They don't know your name is being put in nomination and that's the concern
Underrated post
no im pretty sure the concern is that hernie was deliberately sabotaged by the Clinton camp form day 1 with the SUPER DELLIES and other blatant forms of devious corruption not because he wasn't going to get some pitty delegates in some patronizing way of placating the bernouts.
>your name is being put in nomination
So they're dropping Hillary?
>I think it means sanders is being considered for a prominent position within the dnc or even in hillary's cabinet
This is the most likely answer. The old Jew got bribed.
For anyone struggling to make out what she's saying, I do closed captioning for work. She's says, verbatim: They don't know your name is being put in nomination and that's the concern.
Do they vote for the VP by voice acclamation like the GOP? Does it mean that or some BS roll call vote?
In theory, they could stick her with him as VP, can't they?
But he just endorsed Clinton, it's why everyone is mad
How is this bad?
>they don't know about our jewish revolution
Screencap this.
Hillary is rumored to be "nominating" Julian Castro for head of the DNC.
Could be that role, but that's also a step down.
Holeeeee shit
Concern probably meaning they may cause an issue (delegates)
This makes sense. The superdelegates would rather have Trump as President than Sanders so it's probably something else. I've heard rumors for a while now that Bernie is going to be running the DNC after the election.
When the convention starts today at 1pm pacific they are gonna try to unbind the delegates, so they is a floor vote where they could choose Bernie instead.
Frankly, we should fear this. Bernie can beat Trump but Hillary can't
So will Bernie replace the Hildabeast? If so, is Trump doomed?
Who is "They" though? The bernouts? The DNC? Is this good for us?
>Implying she didn't do it on purpose
Bernie is playing 5D Chess.
>Who is "They" though?
The Bernie Sanders supporters booing Sanders right now for endorsing Clinton. That's the context for her saying that.
They don't have the numbers to take it. But 45% of the delegates revolting would be rather embarrassing.
I assume Jane was referring to the angry Sanders supporters. She and Bernie know something that she thinks will appease them.
Why is Bernie fucking that ugly old bitch. He could definitely be tapping some hot 20 year old pussy.
president, fuck tard. They are gonna try and unbind the delegates today, like the Cruzites tried at the RNC
So they're going to amp the Bernie crowd up again then rob them again? Can the DNC even think straight anymore?
>When the convention starts today at 1pm pacific they are gonna try to unbind the delegates, so they is a floor vote where they could choose Bernie instead.
Hillary controls the rules though. So, it would never be allowed. It's more likely that she was referring to some job Bernie has been promised (like head of DNC).
t. Bill
Frank pls go
lol he probably could, honestly, given the youth support. He doesn't really seem like that though. Also, he's old so he probably doesn't really care about sex at all.
the way i think about this, it feels like they are going to go for another silent vote, where option number 2 is hidden.
then they can go, look everyone here voted for hillary again, despite his name not showing up.
eityher wayo sd it seems kinda fishy, my guess is i think that probably it will turn ugly as shit in the convention.
>Frankly, we should fear this. Bernie can beat Trump
In what world? Yes, the DNC leaks and all the other scandals look bad for Clinton, and despite all that, the delegates will choose Hillary over Bernie in a heartbeat.
Yeah, didn't he turn over his delegates or something? So in order to appease them, he's going to pretend to challenge Hillary but then lose?
>president, fuck tard
Do you even know the context for this statement? He just fucking endorsed Clinton to his supporters. It's why they're mad, and why she said this to Bernie.
It's obviously not presidency. It's for a different position.
It's over. We let it burn to fast senpai. Assange hands the nomination and the presidency to Sanders.
Old people like sex, let me tell you.
She said
'You don't have an obligation, you don't'
Meaning to endorser her
This is confusing for me.
I thought he wasn't running and endorsed Hillary.
How can he be nominated?
>Bernie can beat Trump
When it comes to politics usually UK's trumps all (not donald trump) we seem to get a lot of limelight in other countries media especially with all the shenanigans going on.
But i must say this years election has been most riveting, you've really learnt how to make a wild ride with your national elections.
I really do commend you.
Does this mean there's gonna be a superdelegate uprising?
Remember, neither candidates have enough pledged delegates to win, and the superdelegates have not finalized their votes yet. There are 650 delegates.
Sanders is close enough that if the superdelegates switch to Bernie, he will win.
You faggots don't get it. She picked Kaine already knowing he would be a problem and having said she should face consequences.
Bernie is going to be on the nomination because he is going to accept the VP slot at the last minute to capture the bern victims amid the chaos of the leaks.
i know why they're such environment activists
that whale is literally in danger
Sure thing Schlomo. A jew kike, not knowing anything about everything they do. Hmmm really makes you think. #NotAllJews
He can though. The media has brought Trump down to the level that Bernie could take him.
>if the superdelegates switch to Bernie
If you support Trump, you should fear Bernie as the nominee considering he consistently crushed relative to Hillary when paired with all GOP candidates and especially Trump. You're right though that the odds of superdelegates switching is slim to none.
Hillary is the reason Trump is going to win. If it were basically anyone else, I doubt he'd win.
The super delegates aren't going to switch to Bernie, but we need to keep Bernouts believing this is possible, because we need to keep the Bernie Happening Bus going over 80 to deliver more happenings
she is really making fun of the berntard voters she said bernie could have put his name as nomation next to her name the hole time.
with all the scadals going on the delegates may bite the bullet and drop Shillary in order to win the White House. They could change their mind. Hillary is fucked
>In what world
This world.
Okay, that makes a little bit more sense. I didn't know the context of the video. I couldn't tell if they were cheering for him or what.
I feel like this is what's going to happen. There's almost no way that he will get the nomination. Because if I understand correctly, even if the super delegates were to switch sides and go for bernie, he still doesn't have the amount of delegates needed to be the nominee. If he was somehow the nominee, that would essentially destroy the democrats, democratic process. Even though they were really shitty, and it was rigged against him, the votes still counted.
Bernie Sanders is over 400 delegates behind Hillary when you don't count superdelegates, so unless he convinces every single one of them to change their mind for no reason and vote Bernie, it's not happening.
Americans would never vote for a communist.
That would be such a bitch slap to the BernieBro's
>He just fucking endorsed Clinton
Before the DNC leak, before Shillary hired DWS, the bitch who was sabotaging and mocking Bernie's campaign
Bernfags will block Kaine's VP nomination and push for Bernie for VP.
user, he literally just did it again an hour ago. It's why his supporters are booing at him. And why his wife said that.
>Potato fag doesn't look at polls
What if they switch Kaine with Bernie at the last minute?
A coup involving unbounding the delegates
which is not going to happen
So, this has been cleared up. It's just a formality.
Bernie's wife meant it as "Well they don't understand your name will still be on the ballot even though you won't win." She was reasoning that should be some sort of consolation for the Bernouts.
In other words, Mrs Sanders is just an idiot.
They are going to make Bernie dnc chair I called it last week. Screen cap this
what does this mean kek?
who cares? bernie will go back to a useful job in the senate where he can get shit done.
he never needed partisan politics before, and he doesn't need them now
Over 1,000 Bernie delegates are planning to do this
>Bernie the jew
>back stabbing Clinton the Lannister
It's like an episode of GOT.
He's still backing her after all that, nigger. He's a fraud.
No one gives a FUCK about your shit.
>Bernie can beat Trump
Nah, that old commie fart is nothing.
No, there will not be an uprising on the floor. Bernie has already endorsed her and did so again during this same rally.
Bernie is being considered and his name is being nominated for a prominent position by shillary and jane thinks berniefags will be happy and stop booing once they know.
Maybe head of dnc. Or hillary's main campaign advisor kek
Oh he's just a lovable nice guy who would never say anything mean about hillary
Its the people choice that hes running, he didn't even wanna be prez or nuthin