Ask a non cucked Mexican anything
Ask a non cucked Mexican anything
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The sun is cucking us all m8.
Me siento cuckeao cabron!
Esta cabron en el norte el pinshi sol
>non cucked Mexican
So the cartel leader basically?
Have you seen how high I can put my leg up? muchos gracois
cuck confirmed
Is the movie sicario based?
Are the border towns really such violent shitholes?Do cops smuggle drugs? Is the US government involved in the cartel thingy?
50° por aca
There's no such thing as a non cucked Mexican you have cuckness running through your veins
rape baby
Why havent you begun thee right-wing revolution in Mexico?
Mexico is already right wing.
Not that violent, the only crimes happen in the poor parts of town by niggers, as for the smuggling, that mainly happens in big cities like Tijuana
The border cities are hell, greetings from Reynosa, state of Tamaulipas.
They are eternal socialists & cucks to big government.
Como se lo va?
Right now no, PRI is centrist
But PAN is """""""""right wing""""""""
Did you voted Peña?
It depends of the states like my mexibro stated States like Tamaulipas that are important routes for drugs/immigrants are hell
>eternal socialists
do you even PRI? they just sold off pemexand multinationals are already coming in. I won't be complaining when I get cheaper gas
Con un puto calor aqui en Sonora, Pero al menos no vivo en Guerrero
It won't even make a difference
I was thinking of relocating from New England to New Mexico... is it really that hot? I thought it was ok cuz its not Humid?
tequila tastes like shit
We dont have such things like right or left wing, they may say they are something but every single politician in Mexico is a piece of shit, we are still doing what we do best... fight each other
I have a job offer in Guadalajara, will i die if move there?
It seems nice
Retarded spoted.
Sonora is pretty calm
All immigrants should go live in Oaxaca or some shit state like that
Salud por eso carnal
I don't know, judging by it's location I think the weather might be like Arizona so yeah, pretty hot
They are moving to USA, so dont worry
Guadalajara is completely alright, however you will always hear stories about narcos that may be spooky, but nothing more
what is your favorite:
>mexican dish
>region in mexico
>US president
>other south/central american country
any juan is free to answer this
Just like any city in the US, it has no go zones
In an average Mexican's life what is the likelihood that they will live comfortably? Does school and standardized testing impact it? The general feel of Mexico is is that the elites keep down the vast majority of the population to shitty manual labor jobs and I'd just like to know the truth.
¿Estás emocionado por la construcción del muro?
>the thinks all indigenous tribes in Mexico where rape
Riviera Maya
Idk George Bush maybe?
It will bring a lot of jobs and It will be a fucking awesome view
>tacos al pastor
>JF Kennedy
>Costa Rica
Im a dumbass and read ''favourite central amercican country''
change costa rica to Argentina
I'd say 75%, of you live in a shit state like Guerrero or Oaxaca then you are fucked
Some of you Mexicans aren't that bad, stay away from the border tomorrow.
Kek confirms
Bu-but but what if I live less than a mile from the border?
>drinking the cucked Jose Cuervo
If you are a non-cuck you must DRINK MEZCAL!
Thank you Mexico, How old is the average Mexican Sup Forums user would you say? For US I'd say
Mean: 20
>Not drinking the superior locally brewed tequila
Tbh I don't like tequila that much
jalisco looks cool
lots of agave production in that area?
that last one was phrased poorly, using "or" would be better than a /
How are we cucked? All our history has been blood and war you demasculated faggot.
But there are 14 year old edge lords who shitpost Facebook memes from SDLG (dank meme heaven)
He's Britbong pay no mind to him, he's probably only had 1 Mexican dish his entire life.
Everyone in the US is convinced that your Government is corrupt and your President is evil, can user confirm?
Actually you can get rich in mexico very easily if you work hard and dont waste your money on trivial stuff, poverty in mexico is extended cause indigenous people reproduce like rats, they dont even earn enough to eat but keep breeding, I was born in a high-middle class, we can afford trips outside the country twice a year, have kind of nice cars like BMW's, and all of these goods were gained by hardwork by my parents and their parents, we are a capitalist family that encourage their members to be entrepeneurs, both my mothrr and dad has no university education, but they have many graduated people working for them.
Summing up, most mexicans are lazy drunken fucks
>Says the Paki
Whatever you say, Ahmed.
My phone has auto correct
>Browsing Sup Forums on a phone
Burgerbro knows what is good
Confirmed as fuck
How long have you guys been learning English? I just started learning Spanish a few months ago and it's a little difficult. Especially on things like the subjunctive.
But it's probably because it's my second language.
Ahh, Michigan can confirm. Interesting point! The impoverished Mexicans living here (Which is most of them) notoriously breed like rabbits, then the MOST notorious thing they do is get their weekly paycheck and save none of it. For example: Juan just got his check and goes home to his 5 kids, Juan decides to spend the money on a Playboy subscription (Literally I know of this exact situation)
Started when I was like 11
How do I charm a qt latina?
My Mexican born Spanish teacher says that PRI is corrupt and teaches voting fraud, can user confirm?
He's also based as fuck and is that Capitalist type user spoke of. Supports Trump. God I love Señor Martinez.
I am a very worldly burger.
Thanks mexibro. I love white mexican women.
We're reaching Brazil levels of corruption
Do you think that this could ever change? Do you think that it will reach a revolutionary climax sometime in the near future?
If it gets too bad you can come live with me user, I hope you can take the cold.
Who are you voting for in the next election?
Who would you vote for in the US?
Do you really consider yourselves white?
Just look at Egypt...
But unless massive riots occur we don't have enough power to lead a revolution
Nuclear war could help
We don't know the candidates yet, probably right wing
The Donald J. Trump
In the north yes, in the south no
I live in Monterrey (40 mins away from the border) and the average temperature is pic related.
Thats is how the typical indio is, but dont get me wrong, some of them may turn out to be extraordinary individuals
Sr. Martinez is completely right, our politics is basically Russia corrupt tier, but instead of a Putin we have a group and not a single head.
Also most of us mexicans are capitalist and we love it, we only need a good government that wont leave crimes with impunity, right now I cant start a business in my hometown for fear of the druglords putting an eye on me for displaying wealth
Thats what Im aiming to marry, good ol' catholic conservative
I would definitively voting Trump if I could.
My skin color is white in mexican society, but compare me with an anglo and I would not look so white, my grandfather from my dad side were very brown skinned color, but married a tall white woman with green eyes, such a beautiful woman my abuela
What is your opinion on Richardo Anaya?
Se pasan de verga, yo me amargo con el calor, no andan todos emputados por alla?
What is your opinion on Ricardo Anaya?
No, nos Sudan los huevos un putero, las minisplit Se venden como pan caliente
Very young politician, may have a future if he can rally up right-wingers, not a possible presidential candidate for PAN because of his youth and because of the nomination of Margarita Zavala, former first lady with former president Felipe Calderon
como le hacen?
I don't know, he is """""""""right wing""""""""""" so I respect him a little bit more than the average politician
Con ese puto calor ni ganas de cojer han de dar
Jodete Luis Tapia
Minisplit + Gatorade (o cheve)
He is right tho
Eso eso eso
>Tfw 38 C and want to play pokemon go
Amlo is basically the leftist version of Trump
>muh indigenas
>muh public shools should not teach english
>muh secret elites contorling everything
Play with your weewee, thats what big boys does
Nice may-may
>Mexican secret elites
Those fuggers doesnt even hide m8, even fucking AMLO is part of (((those))) fuggers
They aren't rape babies, indian females were atracted by iberian alphas.
Y pinches viejas se ponen peor de cagantes.
KEK no esta castigando.
gracias usalo cuando quieras
indeed; worst part is that they dont work together the elites are killing eachother for power and in the process hurting the people
I don't agree at all, he's pretty much the Bernie Sanders of México, bet my ass you voted Peña for $50 pesos and a torta.
Much older, at least 24+, most anons I personally know browse Sup Forums, Sup Forums and similar shit tier boards.
Most mexicans don't really care about foreign politics.
Does it even matter?
There were no good candidates last election, it was about choosing the lesser evil.
Quadri seemed reasonably capable but he was in the worst party by far.
el pinche sol me la pela, si no aguantas el sol no eres mexicano, no por nada somos el país con menos incidencia de cáncer de piel
Not enough sacrifices in the temple senpai, tell the druglords/priests to kill the sacrifices more violently, you need some rain ASAP
Pff most mexicans doesn't even care about the country politics. They just repeat what they hear on the Tv, fuckin savages.
Siento que todos los mexicanos en este board estan esperando su momento de brillar
Who the fuck is this guy? Was he a good president?
Also, what's Nieto like? I dunno anything about him other than his wife is hot and he's a manlet
pic related
Queremos ser escuchados por nuestros hermanitos extranjeros pero no nos hacen caso, somos muy irrelevantes :(