Boss: user why are you always using the bathroom?

>boss: user why are you always using the bathroom?

I use to sneak in the females toilets and wait there till another female came in and starting peeing next to my cubicle then I'd start masturbating.

would you prefer I wank in the open?


>do you need a hand?

i always went to the bathroom to masturbate myself in my first job like 2 or 3 times a day. boring ass job. eventually find out there was a tiny cam inside it. no one told me anything about it but i voluntary left the job.

wha-a no you idiots I'm not masturbating I'm just shirking work

>cam in public toilet
Wtf isnt this illegal?

>masturbating at work
What the fuck is wrong with you people

American working environments scare me, tbqfh. How can you just take it like that? Don't you feel your dignity hurt when you are "slave driven" like that?

I wouldn't last a week before lashing out.


My old job had a poster on the wall of the bathroom that said "you're not being paid to shit" and they'd time our bathroom breaks because people would do anything to avoid that shitty work

unlike in pastaland, I'd get fired (probably even jailed) for groping the marketing intern who deliberately teases the entire office with her tight leather skirts

illegal to distribute, not illegal to have

How bad was the turnover?

>Italians are perverts that publicly molest women because Hollywood movies told me so

it is not illegal to put cams in any area of your private owning building or area
it is illegal to distribute contents of it if it shows individuals without their permission

"I need to chase the ole dragon three times a day boss."

It's illegal for employers here to even read employee emails. Filming them in the toilet would be a catastrophic legal case and PR nightmare.

>tfw have jerked off multiple times at work

>it is not illegal to put cams in any area of your private owning building or area
In Italy it is, at least in working places, and I'm sure that other countries are more advanced than us in matters of workers' rights protection

Stop patronizing me

Horrible, but that was good for the company since they didn't need to pay anyone more than the base rate

Ah, one of these cases.

>user, our IT department says that you spend a lot of time browsing this website called Sup Forums or something. what is it about? is it work related?

I seriously doubt it costs less resources to keep hiring and training idiots than to have efficient and stable employees, unless this is a high school job or something.

You can't masturbate in the office.

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