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i am greek
Germans let refugees walk around in public but can't talk about their own race on social media.
will the biggest happening of the century happen this week?
god emperor trump, are brown girls heresy?
You can't talk much shit with that flag, Ahmed.
Is Argentina white?
>brown girls heresy
A little, but at least their taboo tastes good.
I'd always trade the ability to drink in public for carrying guns in public.
Go to Nevada where you can do both.
guns are a right, beer is not
Trump said "No", so I'm in the clear here. Probably should have asked before I started dating one, but the God Emperor apparently approves.
Leave us alone. You have your own issues.
You can drink beer in public. You just have to pour it into a nondescript cup first.
If a cop does come up to you all you have to do is pour it on the ground when you see him coming. It's not like he's going to bust out a forensic test and prove the puddle on the ground is in fact alcoholic in nature.
I used to have a drinking problem. One time I was drinking a beer in public in a can and finished it. I dropped it on the ground. Seconds later a cop rolls up on me (Guess some fucknut told the police) and the cop started questioning me about drinking alcohol. I was all "I'm not drinking alcohol." and he was all mad and giving me the third degree. He asks me "Why is there an empty beer can on the ground next to you?" And I replied "I dunno. I see empty cans of beer on the side of the road all the time." He was so angry he couldn't stick me with any charges haha. Shit was hilarious. I could literally see in his eyes that he was angry as fuck. He threatened to arrest me if he had to come back out and see me again and left. Fuckin' loser pigs.
>You can kill your enemies
>But you can't commit suicide!
Best freedoms right here.
Germany pls remove kebab then you can talk
Pretty sure Germans can't drink in public, Sharia police will behead you
We've learned it is one or the other. We picked self defense over being so drunk you don't feel the rape.
You posted this same thread yesterday muhamad.
A happening would need to come with a death toll of 90,000,000 to unquestionably unseat all other happenings for the past 100 years and become the biggest happening.
Check the digits of this post to foretell if Kek wills it.
I would rather carry in public than drink in public right now, my fellow Hans-cuck.
>Be German
>Important 2 million shit-skin Muslims
>Get raped
>Get shot
>Get axed
>Get suicide bombed
No clue what you're talking about but I live in Las Vegas. You can drink alcohol everywhere. You can basically have open containers everywhere except your car.
So I guess if you were trying to troll then you failed.
>can defend themselves
>don't allow degeneracy
nothing wrong with this
will muslim be eradicated in europe???
Argentina is what you want it to be,b0ss
No. Not yet, my friend.
daily terrorist attack flag dont worry muzzies will get rid of that soon
>Drinking liver-killing liquid bread
You wot?
you can do pic related in the states
you just can't bring glass to the beach because we like to keep our country clean
Is Hillary gonna get indicted soon?
LV is the only city where police won't arrest you for drinking in public
Are you gonna make America great again?
Wtf are you on, Ahmed? I can drink beer, liquor, and whatever else I want in public. I don't get how you Europeans have such a difficult time wrapping your heads around "state rights". There's no federal law prohibiting drinking I'm public, and many states and cities are fine with it.
Don't countries in the EU have different laws, as well? How retarded would i sound if I posted some "lol Europeans can't buy serrated knives" just because brits can't?
Soon you krauts won't be able to drink beer period. Enjoy your sharia.
THere's nothing wrong with that. Guns make the society safer while alchohol does the opposite. one is expression of political freedom, the likes of which euros could never have and the other is degeneracy.
Fucking degenerate piece of trash. I bet the cop was more irked by your lack of respect for your community than the fact that you were drinking, you faggot.
Lets see which would stop a criminal, a beer bottle or a fucking gun.
New Orleans, and others you can drink in public also.... You can take beer to the beach anytime as far as I know.
No you can't get shitfaced and prowl a neighborhood, and you can onkly open carry a few places.
Instead of trolling bait and sounding fucking stupid, why don't you eurofags actually look into shit before you make these ignorant sweeping statements
Can americans really not drink beer in public?
wow really, will you change that when eleted?
>Cant Drive your own car when transporting bottles which have been opened or their seal broken in it
however American states are closer to each other law wise than the countries of the EU. But yes you completely right.
we have laws against public drunkeness. its a measure of decency. you remind me of the three deutchcucks from beerfest. thats what you sounded like in my head
Very lax law that's only enforced against children and hobos thanks to the magnificent stealth technlogy of a BROWN PAPER BAG.
>Be American
>Having a pint of beer at a pub for my 18th birthday
>Police come and arrest me for underage drinking
>Get sentenced to life in prison
Thank god I'm British.
I heard they cancelled Oktoberfest. More important things to do like kick down the door and arrest Facebook users. Have fun Wolfgang.
>Went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras months ago.
>Ordered all my drinks to-go and walked around streets sipping whisky and smoking Honduran cigars
>got into a conversation with a cop about obnoxious 'youths' breaking bottles in the alleys
>pointed to my plastic cup, told me "good man"
I honestly wouldn't want to live someplace where people were walking the streets drinking in the open 24/7. It's easy enough to get away with already. Don't need drunkards crowding up our parks and sidewalks because the cops can't make them leave.
>Getting mad at littering
What're you... a fuckin' grandma?
I can't defend this. Germany has a point. Prostitution should be legalized as well tbqh.
>Being forced to drink like a hobo, and still risk getting arrested
Kek. God bless the USSA
hardly a country and hardly making sense
>being on social media
You're literal trash m8. Who the fuck is supposed to pick up the shit you throw on the ground, you fucking homo?
You're literally nigger-tier.
i can drink in public. You should really learn about states rights, you little fucking muslim nigger.
Will the race traitors be the first to go on the day of the rope?
They didn't, stop taking every bait thread as fact and read more than the op.
You could have easily put the article into google translate and at least got the basic gist of it but no, that's too much work for you, you had to watch anime and jerk your willie at the same time. Understandable.
They are considering whether they should put ban of backpacks in place for the Oktoberfest.
Annual alcohol-related deaths: 88,000
Annual accidental gun deaths: 500
Mean! I am on vacation here :^)
>Who the fuck is supposed to pick up the shit you throw on the ground, you fucking homo?
Why should I care?
You think you're better than me? Like you don't produce tons of garbage each year?
Hello, Donald. Will I become wealthy within the next year?
Alright, hope you checked.
at least i can offend a muslim without going to
Not all states have the same law, you fucking genius. I can drink and shoot in public where I live.
Don't you Americans go on about freedom 24/7? Why would it be okay that you have to put your drink into a paper back? Is that freedom? No, it is not! Stand up!
>Why should I care?
What if I came in your house and took a shit on the floor? Would you care then?
>Having such a weak mind you develop a drinking problem
Pretty cuck, tb h
You're a moron. The point is littering, not producing garbage, yuo logically-inconsistent fuck.
>keep you aware just by having the responsibility of carrying one
>as soon as you put one in your hand a psychosomatic effect takes over making you less responsible, indeed as if you are already intoxicated
Stay peasant.
people that pen carry should be sterilized. There is nothing right or correct about crazy men wanting to compensate for their small dicks by having dangorous weapons in public
>Why would it be okay that you have to put your drink into a paper back?
The bill of rights condemns unlawful search and seizure. In the bag could be a bottle of coke. The cop can't do shit.
Should we Germans just all kill ourselves and give everything we have to the poor Somali neurosurgeons?
is /r/the_donald better than Sup Forums?
Should we Germans just all gas ourselves and give everything we have to the poor Somali neurosurgeons?
Donald ji, will i ever get laid?
What if I want to enjoy my homemade lemonade out of a chilled beer can? Couldn't a coke theoretically be in or drunk out of a beer can/bottle as well?
Where is the line here?
I drink beer in public all the time, shit the other day I went out to eat after the bar, and drank a beer while riding my motorcycle to In N Out.
Do it all the time, don't act stupid, don't get shot. Incredible.
You can if you aren't a retarded nigger
do you stand with us?
Nah, the paper bag trick doesn't work. Cops can get close enough to you to claim that you smell like alcohol and they can come up with enough reasons to have reasonable suspicion.
I'm not even sure pulling back a paper bag on a drink constitutes a "search" anyway. Their is a legal definition of a "search" and I believe that it has to be more intrusive than that. Can't be fucked to look it up though, I'm not a lawyer.
Fuckin' what you do is pour your beer into a nondescript cup. Like a fucking water bottle or red party cup. Then the cops can't prove shit, especially if you drink it all or pour the drink out on the ground should you see law enforcement approaching.
Can't openly carry guns in public and can't drink beer in public (((
>Be watching the tele
>A message pops up on the screen
>Tells me my tele licence is expired
>Get sentenced to life in a neighborhood under Sharia law
you won't be drinking anything soon enough inshallah
The second isn't a federal law. There are places where it's perfectly legal. New Orleans, for instance.
We can, as long as your not young and acting retarded worst case they just tell you to stop.
Is kek a false idol?
Never bring a beer to a gun fight
Same true for the first, can't practice it everywhere. 2nd Amendment is local law (kek).
will i get a gf?
Will more leaked emails REALLY put Hillary in prison??
Does she love me?
Thanks for checking, Don.
Will you be the next president, sir?
You can drink beer in public. You just have to put it in the brown bag. Only homeless and niggers do this.