I've been studying libertarianism and so far it seems like the best political system. Can anyone provide an argument on how it could fail?
I've been studying libertarianism and so far it seems like the best political system...
Hordes of low-IQ brown people.
Open borders. How could it succeed?
someone post a road so we can get this thread over with
Libertarianism requires educated populace. Basically ignorance and laziness is what causes it to fail. Frankly it's just an ideal.
If you aren't purple (right libertarianism), don't ever, ever talk to me or my board's posters ever again.
people have evolved to make stupid decisions, notably in relation to how they decide between the present and the future under uncertainty.
If you actually study libertarianism you'd learn it's literally a Jewish ideology invented by (((them)))) to enslave the goyim.
>failing to realize open borders and the strong economy libertarianism creates will encourage Europeans to immigrate to America
Bonus: the better economy and lack of liberal bullshit will increase the birth rate so Americans won't become a minority in their own country. It'd be the baby boom all over again.
Libertarianism is going to give us more roads than ever. Without the government there will be tons of private companies that could be hired to build roads. It's sad to see America rely on the government for everything.
I am
It is contradictory at times.
>>failing to realize open borders and the strong economy libertarianism creates will encourage Europeans to immigrate to America
>Bonus: the better economy and lack of liberal bullshit will increase the birth rate so Americans won't become a minority in their own country. It'd be the baby boom all over again.
>this is what libertarians actually believe
Face it, you would get hordes of brown people. Last time I checked, libertarianism still operates as a democracy, and last time I checked, brown people don't for less government. Libertarianism creates socialism.
Can you guys elaborate on your argument
Libertarianism requires an aggressively libertarian populace to survive.
It's so pro-individualism that people tend to respond slowly to threats as groupthink doesn't work so well on libertarians.
So, to echo much of what's already in the thread, yes, you need an educated populace, but one that's also radical and not afraid to get violent when necessary.
Modern libertarians have lived far too luxuriously to bother with being radicals, so instead of getting out into the fight, they tend to stay at home and post about Libertarianism on the internet instead.
Better economy means lower birthrates.
Look at native japanese, native germans, french, white americans etc.
High birth rates = impoverished society
Low birth rates = wealthy
Maybe that would change if the united states was 100% catholic but libertarians obviously want a secular state so that would never happen
>people should have the right to freely immigrate to any country they want.
>countries should have the right to stop whoever they want from immigrating into them.
>people should have the right to carry a firearm wherever they go.
>store owners should have the right to stop firearm carriers from entering their business.
Non-homogenous society, or at least a society where people don't share the same ideals and principles.
>Face it, you would get hordes of brown people.
And there's nothing wrong with that, I don't have a problem with immigrants from any country. Sup Forums acts like Hispanic people don't contribute to society and Blacks can't get better by removing the welfare state and implementing the voucher system.
>Last time I checked, libertarianism still operates as a democracy
It doesn't have to. There wouldn't be a need for democracy anyway if we made the government smaller.
>and last time I checked, brown people don't for less government. Libertarianism creates socialism.
Are you saying "brown people" will vote for bigger government and create a socialist society? We're not talking about people voting for a libertarian society; we're talking about a hypothetical situation where libertarianism is already the current political system.
If libertarianism were the current political system, people who want bigger government would be shit out of luck. (Also white people seem to love big government too, look at all the hipster liberals and communists).
>blacks can't get better by removing the welfare
Have you seen africa? There is 0 welfare in most countries.
They live a tribal life of raping and pillaging.
Think Chicago is bad now? Wait until all government assistance is removed.
People with an average IQ of below 90 just can't function in a modern capitalist society. Mexicans are at about 80 and niggers are at 60.
No guarantee of equality of opportunity undermines meritocracy ..
.^this is a good point
>people should have the right to freely immigrate to any country they want.
>countries should have the right to stop whoever they want from immigrating into them.
>people should have the right to carry a firearm wherever they go.
>store owners should have the right to stop firearm carriers from entering their business.
The solution is to go to another store. In a libertarian society, there should be tons of competing businesses that will let firearm carriers in
>There is 0 welfare in most countries.
>what is foreign aid
I don't see how that's contradictory.
>Have you seen africa? There is 0 welfare in most countries. They live a tribal life of raping and pillaging.
There's also no order, weak police, etc.
>Think Chicago is bad now? Wait until all government assistance is removed. People with an average IQ of below 90 just can't function in a modern capitalist society. Mexicans are at about 80 and niggers are at 60.
Then let's remove business regulations, unhelpful laws, and improve education. Once the country is in a better position, remove the welfare state and there won't be as much backlash
It entirely depends on the public view on a lot of things, and the determination by all parties to keep Libertarianism the prevailing ideology.
Take the US for example (And yes, I know it wasn't libertarian). From it's founding to roughly the late 1800s, it was an amazing country. Everyone fought for their rights, everyone respected everyone else. It was amazing and made one of the best countries on earth.
BUT, After WW1 and WW2, there was a long period of uneasy peace with the occasional proxy war between the soviet union and the US. During this, everyone became soft, stopped listening to the strongly worded warnings of their ancestors ("The Tree of Liberty from time to time must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants") and went directly against every single ideal that made the US into the great country it was.
After they did that, the US immediately went into a downward spiral which spiked military spending, eroded civil rights, amplified the government, and brainwashed multiple generations of children.
Nowadays? The US is tearing itself apart over a fucking border wall because it just needs to bring eeeveerryyoonneee in from Ottawa to Pyongyang and give them free shit. Combine this with the curse of niggers and the lefties, and you have a recipe for a country that's most likely not going to last another 200 years.
Libertarianism is victim to exactly the same phenomena. It's such a good system that if followed perfectly it inevitably spoils future generations and causes them to burn down everything. It can't be sustained, it inevitably shifts to some extreme left or extreme right ideology and destroys itself.
>After WW1 and WW2
This process started with the increased federalization during and following the Civil war. Setting the precedent that states cannot leave the Union means that they ultimately have no true means to protest or avoid federal regulations they deem as unjust or are a violation of their state's rights as their compliance has to be absolute lest they be taken by force. Centralization ruined our government and is the catalyst of virtually all of the problems of our current government, from the alphabet soup agencies to federal trade regulations, to federal firearms regulations and the influence of cronies.
>Libertarianism is victim to exactly the same phenomena. It's such a good system that if followed perfectly it inevitably spoils future generations and causes them to burn down everything. It can't be sustained, it inevitably shifts to some extreme left or extreme right ideology and destroys itself.
You blew my mind with that paragraph. Your whole post makes a lot of sense, but isn't it fair to say that no system is guaranteed to be sustainable? Future generations might get tired of the liberalism today and start a far right movement, then the generations after that will get tired of far right politics and start a communist movement, etc