Is wikilinks a politically neutral organization?
What's the purpose for releasing the Clinton e-mails so close to the DNC?
Is wikilinks a politically neutral organization?
What's the purpose for releasing the Clinton e-mails so close to the DNC?
to defend the truth.
They support the truth and exposing the people who try to control our thoughts and actions. It just so happens that no one is more guilty of this than the left and liberal (((media)))
You don't have to be pro-republican to be anti-corruption.
He's obviously trying to fuck with the Democratic Party as much as possible.
But this could have easily happened to the republicans if their info was taken
Even if they are neutral, not even they can deny the evil that is the Clinton legacy.
I get the feeling that wikileaks is pro-Johnson or even Bernie. Just like a lot of us. Trump isn't my first choice, but with what we have available, Shillary and her Shills can go fuck themselves.
because why wouldn't they
also, their last tweet was, in response to a question about more leaks, "we are watching the situation and will continue our series at the appropriate moment."
Agent of kek . Chaos is cathartic.
Yes but their sources don't have to be.
Release the Trump Emails if you want.
Assange said he released DNCleaks as soon as possible. It probably took him a couple of days to index and put in the database all the files someone sent him
To fuck with Hilldog and the democrats of course. It's glorious.
I guess what concerns me isn't so much their political affiliation but rather the fact that they are so willing to influence contemporary politics.
At what point do you stop being just a source and actually changing society? And more importantly, who said you could do it?
Don't get me wrong; I appreciate the leaks. I just wonder about how I'd feel if I were on the other side of the fence.
I doubt they really like anyone. If you're going to host leaks that can embarrass a broad range of powerful people, you've got to be cynical in many directions.
If you give people time to forget, they will. If released weeks/months in advance, people will not give a shit.. then they'll get fired up at the DNC. Entering the convention, people have to be skeptical.
That's how I interpret it at least.
Don't they have a completely 'no secrets' ideology?
It's obvious they don't read through anything first I don't think they can be considered bias simply because of that.
What "secrets" of the Trump campaign could there be left?
Wiki-Leaks can't hurt the republican campaign that the media hasn't done already.
I think they just want to uncover as many lies as possible as soon as possible.
Clintons fault for spreading lies right before the election.
well, his goal is to build a truly transparent society, free of internal corruption of elites, so he acts accordingly to his beliefs.
I wonder if he'll leak something on Trump. Probably not, if there ever was something, Clintons "friends" from the State Department already would have leaked that asap.
>It's obvious they don't read through anything first
I think some do to some extent. There was some controversy with past releases since some leaks can get people killed.
It's one reason Snowden gave his information to that journalist, so they could figure out what was ethical to release.
I get the feeling there's not many secrets in the Trump campaign.
I mean apart from collapsing the American economy in order to scoop up cheap real estate.
I'd love to see some Kremlinleaks or Iranleaks as well. Transparency is fine when everyone is doing it, not only the more democratic and free countries.
I don't think there's much to leak on Trump. He already admits he used shady common business tactics, like everyone else. Hes lived in the public eye for a while as a celebrity. The leak would need to reveal something pretty evil for people to take notice vs. stuff the media already says about him.
Businessman does business stuff isn't much of a headline. Career politician whose trying to become the President who did corrupt terrible things while already a government employee looks pretty awful.
>Breaking News: Russia is Corrupt as Fuck
>This Just In: Sandnigger Iranians are Barbaric AND Hypocritical
It's not nearly as fun as when it happens to haughty Western liberals.
>I get the feeling that wikileaks is pro-Johnson or even Bernie
Assange said he's a libertarian, so couldn't be more far from Bernie
Well that explains that then. The modern left is the antithesis of libertarianism. They're not even the party of personal freedom any more, 'freedom' has been cast aside for 'equality'.
>I just wonder about how I'd feel if I were on the other side of the fence.
If my side of the fence was proven to be completely corrupt AND inept I would be embarrassed and reevaluate why I am on that side. As it is, I am on the side that is right.
Best time to get people coming to their site to check it out. Capitalism works.
CIA operation is my hypothesis. Ergo highly political -- the CIA fucks around with governments constantly.
Why would it matter? it's not like hillary can re introduce herself another 100 times after the dnc, now or later the information is out and people can see the depth of corruption.
Julian is definitely neutral when it comes to this election
Julian Assange has a personal vendetta against Hillary Clinton. They have been enemies since the first big leaks
Someone who values transparency and fears fascism hates Hillary? Who'da thunk?