New England

New England is undoubtedly the best region in the United States.

>whitest part of America
>most secular part of America
>most highly educated people
>mountains, oceans, beaches
>4 seasons
>High standard of living

Why don't you live here?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a shithole

that environment breeds the worst liberals.

living in perfect all-white communities, they're so sheltered and naive. eventually they'll start importing somalis en-mass for muh diversity, like minnesota whites did.


I don't think it's possible to name a state worse than RI.

All I know is that RI has slutty girls. pic related.

worst economy. Great place for summer vacations
terrible politicians who are ruining the state
great place to live
very rural

I'm going bases on political preferences and voting patterns. Mass is beyond saving. I have never met such self hating and people so out of touch with reality than in Mass and RI.

Massachusetts has a based Republican governor though.

The problem with the GOP is they pander to christfag southerners who are obsessed with social issues.

I never met anyone who is self hating in MA or RI. Most people are more moderate than anything else.

Where are you from btw?

>claims other people are out of touch with reality
>judge an entire state solely because it votes liberal

Pick a positive category that Mass isn't in or near the top 5 states.

Baker agitates me sometimes but he's been good overall.

he's apparently going to make sure that illegals can't get drivers licences or IDs anymore
hopefully next stop is sanctuary cities

>compensating for not living in a quality state like California

>Where are you from btw?

>quality state like California

That's hilarious because everyone I know from Mass is a realist about race and I can't even touch race around my New Hampshire friends because they think race doesn't exist and have never spent time with black people.

> bunch of nimbys
> lack of federal park land
> shitty beaches
> snowmygod

>Why don't you live here?

I live in CT and it's a shithole because I got here too late to get a semi-auto rifle grandfathered in.

VT is pretty based though.

Connecticut is full of fags and only half of it belongs in New England

Why does New England have the highest rates of aborted pregnancies?


Maine, Vt and NH are ok. Summers are awesome. Winters are horrible and 7 months a year. Actually pretty balanced as far as liberals to rednecks, although the economy and cost of living is so bad in Vermont that its mostly just rich liberals moving here to Vermont

Mass, RI, CT are amongst the shittiest states in the USA

connecticut is a liberal hellhole

Save me



I live in RI
This place sucks politically, it's all democrat corruption.
Everyone here is miserable to the point where you can tell who isn't from here because they're happy (I live near the airport)

The view is nice tho

Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine have nothing of value.

Why do you think they're over 90% white? No jobs, no opportunities, and poor.

Shitskins flock to where the jobs are.

No region can be "the best" if it has Boston in it, they're actually what's holding the whole fuckin' country down


Pick one.


more like 7. Also too many nigs in Massachusetts.

>holding country down
>booming business economy
>GOAT sport teams

lel, NYCuck detected.

>I'm going bases on political preferences and voting patterns. Mass is beyond saving. I have never met such self hating and people so out of touch with reality than in Mass and RI.

This sounds like someone who has never been to Mass. Mass is democrat in the FDR type of way not the Bernie Sanders type of way. Outside of Ahmhearst, Cambridge and Metrowest Mass isn't very liberal at all they just vote that way because muh irish roots and muh secularism. I cant talk for western mass though because i've literally never been or heard of anyone going there and have lived in Mass my entire life. Rhode Island is pretty much the same as Mass but more working class

>New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine
>No jobs
Only reason they are empty is because no large cities and cold snowy winters.

Born an raised in MA 25 years. I miss everything but I would never go back. NC master life now

>shit beer compared to midwest and west

Massachusetts has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. Other than that, yeah.

Kek. They literally did import Somalis to Lewiston, Maine in the late 90s. Surprise, surprise, crime has gone up and Lewiston has been a shit(tier) hole ever since.

>Be from Northern Maine
>99% white
>Highly uneducated degenerates
>Beautiful Country
>6-8 Months of Winter
>~#48 in all 50 states in economy

Mostly White tho.

Don't forget our Pats

Ayyyy! BOSTON.

Americans, what can you tell me about this place?

Greatest man alive.

Is it true that Brady and Trump are BFFs?

Very white. Very liberal. Presently a massive MexiCali invasion underway. Haven't lived there in over 10yrs. Now live in NH. Take that for whatever it's worth.

Too bad it's full of libs who religiously vote dem. I do love it though, probably never leave
t. new Englanders

No violence. Just surrounded by retards and Arby's.

I fucking remember that - didn't some old dude die bcuz the ambulance couldn't get down 93?

Why does chili have a Texan flag?


Apparently they hang


I mean Southern Maine is swarmed with Somalis so....

But Northern Maine is just "Taters an Trucks" and "Muh Excessively Fat Lazy Degenerate Women"

Vaguely remember something about an ambulance. Not sure if they died though. I was stuck on 93 trying to get into Boston for hours. They were all arrested and released that day, ZERO BAIL.

The fuckers put their arms in 55 gallon drums and filled them with concrete. They all pre-emptively wore diapers as they weren't sure how long they'd be out there. They shat and pissed themselves. Fire fighters eventually had to cut them out with daimond saws and jaws of life.

Good beer, pretty scenic stuff to see. Other than that? Liberal hipster faggots.

Grew up in MA. Always thought ME was like log cabin cozy. Your description doesn't read very cozy.

I remember that story senpai, always wondered if their arms were burned cuz of the lime?
Prob not...

Southern NH here.

Live free or die!

There are very comfy places (in the north) especially near the lakes where the rich people come for summer.

Otherwise, just don't.


> statistics

get out with your jewery

Washington is Cuckland
Oregon is semi-cucked

That's all you need to know

I think some of them did end up with chem burns.

Fucking brilliant.

You fuckin' know it. People here use it like a catch phrase. I love it.

In which state is that pic? Massachussets?

Looks like Northern Maine

I'm quite happy in old England.

>Gave birth to America
>Far more secular
>Equally well educated
>Also has mountains, seas and beaches
>Also has 4 seasons
>Also has high standard of living in many places

Don't forget awful gun regulations you faggot.

Who here remembers winter 2014/15... more fucking snow in New England than fucking Alaska.

I lived in CT for many years and it was quiet and very nice. The people were nice and the woods and farms were great. Quintessential New England

>whitest part of America
Irish are not white
>most secular part of America
tips fedora
>most highly educated people
muh womens studies degree
>>High standard of living
Maine has a lower cost of living adjusted median income than Mississippi

>Refugees Welcome
>Muslim Mayor of London


Swarmed by Somalis in Sup Forumss view is 10,000 out of a population of a state of 1.33 million or about 0.5% of the population. Literally the only place you will see a Somalian in Maine is in Lewiston and Portland.

That could be anywhere in New England

Mainer Here, can confirm.

Looks like central MA, though it could also be NH. Not sure, alot of New England looks just like that.

Actually, the UK has an opt out of the EU's refugee quotas and is leaving soon anyway.
London is not the entire country.

Still waiting for the pepe and wojak version of this

Hello, fellow Rhody.

>7.5% Somali population in Portland
>13.9% in Lewiston

Too many.

Rhode Island is the least happy state, honestly over 90% of Rhode islanders are seriously depressed have no idea why state seems pretty nice when I visit

new england is literally cascadia but shittier

t. maryland

Shit like this makes me think of ME.

never come here because the lobstermen and yard workers are seriously uneducated fucks and the somalians will steal your money and jobs
the rest of new england is generally fine go there if you want

t. maine

Isn't that also where all the NYC Italian mafia live too.

Looks like southern Maine, but yea got the right idea.

this state hosts an ancient evil

This is the story of Southern Maine.
See For Northern. Just don't.

This tactic was tried in the pacific northwest to try to keep Commiefornians out. "Don't come here it sucks!" .....their plan failed.

MA is a stinking liberal hellhole. Get out while you still can.

>whitest part of America
Not with those Somalians

>most secular
>implying that's a good thing

>most highly educated

>highest standard of living

Perfect environment for sheltered libtards

You're still all manlets.

This. Huge opioid epidemic.

President who got elected for 2 TERMS has Muslim father and Hussein as a middle name, and one of the most corrupt and well known people in the world running for president
BLM started there and won't die there

How are you going to convince someone that where you live is actually worse than California?

Okay man. Sounds good.

This meme has to die, Massachusetts has a republican governor who has the highest approval rating in the country.

Valid point.

Oh I agree. London's mayor already segregates women at meetings and rallies.

>Muh Enrichment.
Gettem both out.

Boston user here. Only thing I like about this state is it's generally peaceful. Other than that, everything is basically shit. New Hampshire is best state.

As is the case with almost anywhere, it depends where you are in MA. Liberal hellhole is mainly in Boston. Western MA, not so much.

Every county in Massachusetts went for Obama
Even Commiefornia has non cucked parts

Point taken.

I'm just basing this off of people I've met and dealt with in real life.

Massachusetts is just really turned off by the religiosity of the republican party. We have a governor who is socially liberal but economically conservative and he is extremely popular.

>liberal hellhole is in boston
>ignoring western ma.
>five colleges, northampton, amherst
>implying thats not the liberal cradle of ineptitude and cuckoldry
>we had a fucking BLM rally in northampton with all white people

>religiosity of the republican party
They bring shame to their ancestors(just kidding I know all the WASPs left)

Most suburbs in MN are still over 90% white. The actual cities themselves are shitholes now though.