
the jewish gf edition

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the yorkshire gf


rorke's on the ropes

Cheap! Fast! Easy!


any public choice theory man in?

i fucking hope not i'll glass you if you dare so much as speak the name of that gutrot in my presence.

favorite gal, favorite tune

>mass inequality across the UK
>we don't have the money to fund services to help them!

>Royal bank of scotland and lloyd's about to go under!


just copped

not a rorke just fucking triggered by this false flag fucker in parliment who is purporsefully sabotaging the negotiation so we decide not to leave the eu (not that I mind that as an outcome desu, but its so incredibly dishonest to the british people)

rorke's on the ropes

Any JIDF man in

Have no idea what your on about but if its a fight you want I'll shatter your shins with a tire iron mate

Too flat to be a jewess

new gimmick idea:
following on the success of fedoraposting and brainletposting: pinocchioposting
for when someone is obviously telling a big fat porkie

will demonstrate shortly

clock's ticking porky rorkey

only france deserves to live

>trump says jerusalem is the capital of israel
>the whole united states catches fire
as allah wills

just want a jewess gf with massive tits is that too much to ask

>(not that I mind that as an outcome desu)

once kicked a football up so high it came down with snow on it

business idea: eat until i'm too big to fail

got to hate that "mass inequality," as you called it

isn't public choice theory essentially just that the government should provide less services itself, and instead fund services that people are using/want?

e.g. getting rid of state education and funding private schools

Israeli girls are quite beautiful

phimo lad here
pulled back first time, no smegma, is that normal?

>once kicked a football up so high it came down with snow on it

dont understand the logic

Have they said who tried to kill May / blow up drowning street yet lads?

Despise welfare staters.
Amenable to seizing the means of production.

less mass inequality more mass turbation

who cares mate
just be thankful

they're literally slavs

couple of pakis

honestly cant imagine giving a single solitary fuck about the middle east

ahh yes, the one thing this planet needs is another muslim state full of pakis with rocket launchers firing at anything that reminds them they are grug-tier

please do one


why wasnt abbott kicked out of labour for her historic racist comments? any other high profile public figure would have been exorcised but her leftist cronies her just ignored her. bit weird.

ha ha ! only two more days of work until i can resume my best efforts to get a heart attack via massive cocaine use


looks I like just performed the first successful pinocchio bait


Kinda. Half the ones posted here are slavs. Sup Forums with the vodkafever.

Did I miss Ethiopia? I just got back from exams.

going for a walk up Glastonbury Tor with the proto-gf (including a look around the quirky town itself) then im taking her to a cosy little back street pub that has magicians doing card tricks at your table.

Not surprising really

happy st nichlas day varg!

>Watsapp message sent but not delivered
That means she's not at home. Where would she be if she's not at home? Not a fan of this paranoia business at all.

how'd you do lad

mi5 have to pay of a couple of stooges every now and then so they get more funsing

there are way too many neurotypicals like you polluting my brit threads


reporting this you thieving bender

sort of
Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister are basically public choice theory propaganda (i.e. government has no interest in serving you or even serving ideology, it's all about personal interest of the people involved.) which is a shame since they're actually quite funny.

Also with moves towards marketising services or privatising them to avoid those incentives (i.e. the bizarre sort of thinking you had in the Blair government, where nurses and doctors couldn't be trusted at all but management were sound.) have come a series of increasingly bizarre manipulations of the system (ah yes let's reclassify crime as suspicious occurrences...) that make one long for the mere empty hospitals of Yes Minister. In a weird way public choice theory seems to breed it's own model of human: When left alone, Doctors, Nurses and other public servants would indeed sometimes cheat things for personal gain but for the most part acted with a sense of duty to the public interest. Once it was presumed that they were cheating bastards out for themselves and they were burdened with targets to make them good little boys and girls, they wound up becoming cheating bastards as a simple function of that being a complete necessity to meet all your targets and not get sanctioned...

I passed. Got all A's.

private schools != better

August Ames is dead lads

>which is a shame
correct me if i'm wrong but the tone of your posts suggests you're advocating for this so why is it a shame?

Reminder that this is the future of white people.

Comic relief.

>her last tweet

ok ok
*gives it back*


definitely knocked a few out to her in my time

been job searching all night

all jews

well it's always in the last place you look

No, that's a distinctly Mizrahi look. Morrocan or some shit. Also not that attractive tbf

I'm A Celebrity or Apoprentice?

why do americans like John Oliver

he can;t even deadpan and he's a fucking comedian

White men are so sensitive lmao


cheers *unreports you*

i dunno us brits certainly dont like him, we keep giving them our worst like james corden and him and they lap them up guess mericants have no taste

>cali legalizes neg-pozzing
>cali burns to the ground

act of god lads

why does suicide always claim the best of us?


I think they look quite sultry.
I'll take one Mizrahi jewish gf please.

americans love to be told what to think

had quite a few wanks to august ames ngl

isnt it about African lions in Africa? so surely they should use mostly African type people? Or are you of the opinion that the colour of the actor doesn't matter, after all they are acting?

>non-jewish """comedians"""

i overheard a group of pakis calling the cali wildfires acts of karma/god, you a fucking paki lad?

Have a hard time believing six million died.

what is it with black peoples obsession with Beyonce, They think of her like shes Cleopatra or something

fuck off you racist, we want white people to play black peope

Someone post that image of the Israeli female office workers standing in a line. Looks quite horrendous.


RIP august Ames
Gonna crank one out to you in remembrance

damn first shyla stylez and now this
at this rate there wont be any left haha

John Stewart was hilarious

miss the daily show. everything out there now is shite

>im a cat person

Very very good film. Very unique, powerful and disturbing.

they used (((white))) actors for the characters you're supposed to laugh at while the black actors are playing actual important characters

she got bl*cked?

>Live action remake of the Lion King

How does that work?

looks gay will not be watching

u shilled this alreayd the other day

get a life saddos!!!!

Isn't he kinda responsible for this? He is a porn creator...

political correctness gone mad i say