Should children be spanked?

Should children be spanked?

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Nothing teaches behavior better than pain. Any animal, humans included, learn from pain better than anything else.

Kid fucks up? Slap the piss out of them. Standing them in the corner is only boredom, pain will remind them to not fuck up again.

Anyone who says otherwise is a degenerate cuck.

somone say cp thread?

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Boys? yes

Girls? no

Only in a rational and predictable system of corporeal punishment

When parents get mad and hit, its not helping the child.

yes, with their panties down.


you cant fix things by hitting them


only niglets should be beaten. Everybody else gets a pass.

There's an appropriate age for it, as a child grows older and begins to be capable of reasoning, you should phase it out.

But for young kids, hell yes they should be spanked.

Basically any form of discipline these days will land you an abuse or neglect charge, its best to just not have children.

Absolutely -- there has to be structure and context the corporal punishment though.

The reason physical punishment on kids had a bad rap is because parents are very inconsistent and usually use their own stress and anger from work/marriage and channel it onto the children.

Is that you Maddox?


IF by spanked you mean closed fist to the top of the head then yea, hell yea, for sure.

>Should children be spanked?
No they should be raped and cummed in for allah

Nice argument

Look at the most college kids today and realize that was the result of not being spanked as a kid. :|

>its best to just not have children.

take your defeatist nu male attitude back to eddit
its ppl like you that are ruining the white race

Back in my day, we used to shoot the fuckers in the foot if they acted out.

If they could address the wound and care for it properly, then they'd live to see the sun come up. If not, then the burial will be a warning to the rest of the children.

Reminder that violence actually does solve many problems.

People who don't want to have children are generally unwanted so, in all likelihood he's doing society a favor.


60 years of studies show that no, spanking is actively detrimental to mental health during development. By the time they are mostly developed, it's even more so, without actually fixing a problem.

The reasoning for this stems mostly in how children think -- spanking them teaches them not to do something "because I might get spanked" which just turns into "Why shouldn't I do something? I'm JUST gonna get spanked" or "Why shouldn't I do something? It's not like they can spank me, I'm an adult."

Spanking and abusive parenting are believed to be the root of problems with crime.

Except when negros try to do it, right?

I'd rather have unwanted white children than wanted niggers

>not training kids early

First generation euro here in US and I was spanked and beat by both parents. But it's made me a functioning adult (with the exception of lurking here)

Agreed, taking away privileges is a much more productive punishment than beating the piss out of your child.

>t. beaten child

As long as you can avoid it, I think you should.
My kids get slapped about once a month, when they do some shit that is clearly out of line and clearly intended.

On the short term, slapping or spanking does work. Kids will stop behaving like shit after you hit them. On the long term, it does force them to behave at least a little if you do it moderatly and that they understand why they get hit.

All my cuck friends find it so hard and tiring to raise their kids, mostly because when the kids start behaving like shit, they will discuss for two hours with them. Most of them cannot take their kids anywhere, because they are afraid that their kids will behave like shit. I take my kids everywhere and they never bother people.

Is that Nancy Reagan?

My parents spanked and slapped me a lot as a child and I think that's why I'm a reserved and polite person. My younger brother wasn't disciplined at all as a child and he's very rude, lazy, and entitled in comparison.

> spanking
> beating the piss out of your child
Those are not the same thing user.

Violation of the NAP, which is never justified

>60 years of studies show that no, spanking is actively detrimental to mental health during development


If you have to resort to spanking your child, you're doing something wrong.

I'm all for spanking other adults, though.

I'm against adults hitting children. I think that is a pretty reasonable position to hold.

I would support spanking if I could spank/slap other adults. Some guy in public coughs and doesn't cover his mouth? Bam, I slap him in the face. Some guy tries cutting in line? I grab him by his collar and push him away.

I would support bigger people using violence on smaller people if it was consistently applied, rather than being aimed at children, people who are vulnerable and reliant on adults for their well-being.

If I could "spank" aka hit other adults I would absolutely goddamned, motherfucking support it then. Most of you faggots on here would walk around with two black eyes all the time.

"Should acts of violence be inflicted on children?"


Sad that OP isn't asking ironically.


>spanking is actively detrimental to mental health during development.
>mental health
Who is speaking ? Same """"scientists""""" who made faggotory and transvestism normal state of mental health? It is better not to be normal with such "norms", you know.

>Who is speaking ? Same """"scientists""""" who made faggotory and transvestism normal state of mental health? It is better not to be normal with such "norms", you know.


The god emperor wasn't spanked and hasn't spanked his children.

Come here Susie time to give you a spanking fetish for the rest of your life.

> beating children who are still mentally developing is a good thing XD

Literally contributed to my anxiety, i got rekt as a kid. i had adhd undiagnosed for years. i really couldn't help my behavior. It still triggers me to this day.

Really isn't a good thing dude.

No, but I think children should shoot their parents when they do.

Seriously thats barbaric shit that belongs in the 19th century and earlier.

These days kids are more aware, they form opinions much faster.

Your kids are NOT yours, they are only to be guided not manhandled.

Hard to put a time on it but id say this changed about 1990 or so.

...about the time when computers came out ironically.

Double This

There are only two reasons I would have kids:
>tax purposes
>so I can beat them for their faults.

>I'm telling the truth on the internet

>60 years
>beats thousands of years of societal development in which kids were hit regularly.

Only after 16.


my mother turns into the devil herself, but only words, tone, face of the devil and body acting, no actual hitting, lil sis cries as if she was being murdered.

literally why would i lie?

i'd cry for hours wondering what i was doing wrong?

is my statement REALLY that unbelievable?!?! rofl.

Beating children still developing is NEVER a good thing.

Oh fyi black parents beat their children more than any other race i'm psure. What does this tell you?

Gotta learn that the real world hurts.
What would you prefer? Overprotected warmhouse grown children who cant fight for themswlves?
Non-spanking is socially progressive, progressivism breeds cucks.

Yes. With lefties not punishing their children, it created a generation of shit people that doesn't believe in being punished for the wrong that they do.

That's why you have millennials right now.

That's why society is punishing the children of leftists, at society's expense.
>bullets wasted to stop irredeemable leftists
>lives wasted trying to punish leftshits
>cost of prisons to punish morally and ethically impaired leftists

No, more so making the child understand what he was doing wrong, then timeouts, taking things away, ect ect. so many non violent things you can do to maintain discipline.

They beat my sister too, now she hates my dad and shit, idk. maybe my dad was too violent growing up...

Also the notion that non-spanking breeds cucks? Well look at the black community, they spank their kids more than anyone else. look at the result.

Look up nia green, then look at the facebook comments.

you should be spanked right now

yes, that is usually the father's job.... Take a wild guess why this is an issue with single mothers.

>can't fight for themselves

Since when does whipping your kid with a belt and spanking his bare ass teach self-defense?

> physically destroying your still developing child is the only way to discipline them

you guys don't understand. baka unghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

After 16 its too late.
When your son is 16 hes supposed to kick your old ass and make you proud of him.

>i'd cry for hours wondering what i was doing wrong?

It seems you were beaten, and mostly for no reasons. I slap my son once, and only when he does something really shitty. Then I explain him again quietly what he did wrong, and why he shouldn't do it.

That's not to say we SHOULDN'T punish kids, it's only that spanking is actively detrimental to their well being.
It's behind a paywall, unfortunately enough.

An analysis of decades of studies on spanking and how children develop.

Spank them, then explain why you did it.

Just talking with a child never works because it learns there is no consequences for its actions.

When it grows older and if the shit continues you kick it out of the house.

Having done a lot of autopsies of small children, there are some life and death things like going into the street or playing with fire, you'd better believe I'm spanking to get the point across. Irresponsible otherwise, imo.

I am a firm believer in making sure the punishment fits the crime. Not spanking for small stuff. To retain its value as a conveyance of importance, I only spank over the life and death stuff. The rest can get worked out through patience and consistency.

>then timeouts, taking things away, ect ect. so many non violent things you can do to maintain discipline.
My dad particularly didnt like me apending time at coputer so the timeouts were indefinite, like months.
And i was never socisl so i was apending that time staring at the wall.
If anything I believe that experience was the worst for my development.

I guess he wanted me to to put or something.
But i wasnt a good out person, i was feeling dumb and like what am i doing here when outside.
So it didnt fly.
Made me read entire library though.

But what the fuck, im 22 now and i have no fucking dreams or even wishes.
I come back from work shitpost and sleep, i feel like i gave up back then.

t. Stefan Molyneux

i'd get literally beat the fuck out of, i wouldn't get just belted, he'd take the belt and one hand and just keep slashing the fuck out of me until it hurt to cry.

My dad broke down my door and beat the shit out of me, ect ect ect.

feels actually really badman

my mom was worse growing up until i was like 13, then my dad just beat the fuck out of me.

now i post edgy anime characters on a Cantonese shitposting board

Just talking with them is not a punishment, though.

Taking away their things, losing their privileges, enforcing that idea without reward for good, but with punishment like that for bad, in addition to explaining why they shouldn't do whatever they were doing.

But I'm sure it would be fine with my 16 year old daughter. It would greatly improve her behavior and teach her responsibility.

I wonder if it's ok to comtinue putting her over my lap and spanking her bare behind after she turns 18.

This desu

> Gershoff, Elizabeth T.; Grogan-Kaylor, Andrew
What did they specialize in? Kike studies?

This thread is about spanking not beating your child into a cuck.

I prefer emotional abuse

no, you pervert

At 16 shes supposed to be telling you to fuck off and mind your own business.


Why are you niggas replying to a guy spamming Sasuke pics, like really?

Then we are not talking about the same thing, of course beating your kids is bad. Feels bad for you user.


it's the same concept though. physical harm does NOTHING.

Your better off, taking things away, making them understand, timeouts, ect ect ect. so many different things you could do besides hitting them rofl.

and LIKE i said, look at the black community. beat their kids more than ANYONE else. look at the result.

Also the donald didn't get hit, and also didnt hit his kids

muslim tier thread


>losing their privileges

Nice to get some love from Croatia. Always wanted to go there. Can I come visit? I'll tell autopsy stories.....

Talking to them does nothing when they don't listen.

Taking things away only works if they value those things above everything else otherwise they will just learn they can live without that thing in particular.

You are using you extreme childhood abuse as an excuse to ban something as innocent as spanking.

I don't think so. Very young children need to be punished because it's the only way they will learn right from wrong, but I think spanking is the wrong approach. Spanking instills fear, and fear is like a cancer. At that young age, it could really crush them. They won't be able to suppress the fear, and it will spread through their lives, possibly ruining their entire lives.

In retrospect replying to him was a mistake.

Im just a dumb fish.

Whoah now, i never said it should be banned, i just think it should be a last measure type thing.

Ok if your kid gives you alot of lip/curses at you/ acting retarded in a public place. A slap is a-ok in my book as long as you correct the behavior with words as well.

I'm mainly advocating that there are better ways to do things, what people choose to do with their kids is their own business Croatia-bro, i just don't think spanking should be glorified.

Summoning FF.

Ues, but not like that. Disciplining should be the responsibility of the father. And it shouldn't be done over her skirt like that, it should be on her bare bottom



Sorry, don't really agree. If you're spanking for everything or spanking just because you are a dick parent, than I would agree. But properly blending a spanking with love, patience and education leads to understanding. Understanding that mom/dad may actually know best. Understanding that there are some things not to be done for reasons the child may not yet understand. A healthy pattern of this can actually grow the trust bond between child and parent.

You should meet my toddler. He can explain to you exactly why you don't run into the street. Any fear he has is a healthy fear of a fast moving car, not a fear of me or a spanking.

Bottom line, as a parent, your top priority ought to be always looking to capitalize on the teaching moments. Get off your stupid phone and invest in your kid, I say.

I find myself truly looking forward to my relationship with my son when he is a teenager and young adult. Everything I do now is planning for his future and him as a dad, too.

No you fucking pervert, you simply pop them on the leg or arm or something. You don't have to go full hulk mode and smack the fuck out of your child, but you don't specifically target their ASS unless you specifically want to give them a fetish for the shit

And don't give me the "bruise meme". I f you can't control yourself when popping a child then maybe you need to place yourself in a mental insitution

Not only spanking but also:
Nipple clamps
Humiliation punishments
Carrying very heavy buckets of water for several hours

it's the only way to discipline children. they'll never get out of line ever again and if they show any sign of mental distress simply double down the punishment until their eyes get a nice glaze over

Show me studies that support your statement.