Does it feel like animation is slowly losing to live-action shows? Nickelodeon, Disney, even Adult Swim...

Does it feel like animation is slowly losing to live-action shows? Nickelodeon, Disney, even Adult Swim. They all seem to be prioritizing their live-action shows now more than ever to the point where they barely have an animation line-up or they just don't give a shit about them: sabotaging their schedules, putting them on hiatus, moving them on different networks mid-season.

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I forgot how,much I wanted to fuck Roger Rabbit until now.

r u a grill

I didn't know Nickelodeon had any live-action shows left. What are they?

No. But I want to cunlm inside him as he moans p-p-p-p-please.

When the animation schools are turning out students who can only create garbage, it's no wonder that priority on animated shows is dwindling.

Meanwhile CN is snatching up all those unemployed artists so they can produce "quality" animation like the PPG reboot.

The Thundermans
Henry Dange
Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, & Dawn
Bella and The Bulldogs
Talia in the Kitchen
Game Shakers
WITS Academy

I've seen student shorts blow the fucking water out of some professional productions, yet, it seems to be the "shitty funny but ha-ha with potential!" shorts that get some people noticed. Like Alex Hirsch's and JG Quintel's thesis shorts. Vs. something like Seth Boyden who made "An Object at Rest" and won a Student Academy Award for it and got picked up by Blue Sky as a story artist. So basically he'll be wasting his talent on shitty pop culture talking animal films rather than making a cool TV series for CN or Nickelodeon.


to be fair he technically got the better job, at least in terms of payment.

I wonder what a toon's anus hole feels like.

Having your own show typically trumphs a slightly higher paycheck. It's a big reason why Daniel Chong left fucking Pixar of all places to go make We Bare Bears when CN showed interest in his little comic.

While still on the subject just how much do they even pay those guys at Disney working in ToonBoom compared to tye old Disney movies and the Roger Rabbit movie?

Also what's the most expensive animation style?

There isn't a lack of talent. Great-looking projects like those take time, and in the world of business time takes money. It's more profitable to have a cheaply animated show or better yet, a live-action show where props, costumes and sets can be reused repeatedly once they've been made. It's the same reason CGI is so appealing.

TLDR: 30 minutes of good animation costs far more than 30 minutes of live action. The economy is shit and nobody wants to take that risk.

it would leave your dick either covered in ink or papercuts

Don't businesses think long-term though? A good cartoon is more likely to be profitable in the long run than a decent sitcom. I mean, Powerpuff Girls was over a decade ago and it's STILL profitable enough for CN to warrant a reboot.

It seems to me that the networks are in a constant state of flux, and this is just a 'low' state.

>CN is holding strong with several popular cartoons, and a few new ones on the way.

>Disney is tripping up as a lot of good stuff is either over or on its way out, and a few shows are just looking at other shows and trying to recreate the formula to succeed(Pickle and Peanut).

>Nick is floundering because it seems to be copying other networks' programming because it made them a decade ago.

Also were are still in a period where a lot of people are still not aware cartoons can be more than just a half hour long toy commercial.

>Don't businesses think long-term though?
NO! If they did, the economy wouldn't be so shitty!

That's not even all of them, they recently came out with a rip off of Ned's Declassified


>ripping off your own show

Jesus fucking Christ Nick


>even has a black nerd

>CN is holding strong with several popular cartoons, and a few new ones on the way.

They currently have the best line-up but they literally don't know what to do with it. Teen Titans Go! marathons all of last summer. Steven Universe CONSTANTLY on hiatus. At one point, they didn't even have Adventure Time re-runs, their fucking flagship show, and AT is at its all time low with ratings. It got less than one mil with some of its latest episodes.

Then there's the whole Clarence scandal where they didn't do shit about Skyler until the girl's friend went to social media and they were forced to fire him to save face (It had been going on since he stepped foot in the studio), making the PPG reboot on a string budget and schedule with an inexperienced crew because they were looking for their next hit (Despite SU literally being in their roster waiting for merch to be made), the wholre ordeal with CN claiming Uncle Grandpa had been renewed for five seasons when really, all the episodes were done and made and they recently laid off the crew, CN suddenly deciding Steven's season 2 was done and what we're getting now is season 3+.

There's just so much mismanagement going on there, it's a wonder the shows being made are so good.

Like I said, we're in a low state. CN has managed to come out of it being the least screwed up for now, but that may be subject to change.

It's probably going to get worse before it gets better though.

It's the goddamn same show

I have no idea how it can get better. One of the biggest reasons all these networks are suffering is because stream services are making it hard to attract kid demographics anymore. CN has tried to compete with their own self-stream service, but as a result, almost every single one of their new episodes get leaked months before they air. Including their Adult Swim shows.

Streaming services aren't going anywhere, so either they're going to go the route of Blockbuster or they'll have to accept that their average viewership will forever be 1.5 mil (A huge dip considering a few years ago, their average was double that).


People thought that in tje mid-2000's CN, and then the backlash lead to post-Adventure Time cartoons taking over.

It comes and goes, user.

No, Nick! You can't fucking do that!

I'm referring to animation in general. Quality is steadily going up, but many in the industry, at least the part that deals with distributing it, is floundering.

With streaming being a thing, the big name players are struggling to find a niche that works for them. Either they'll adapt, or fall to the side as new names fill the gap.

>It's probably going to get worse before it gets better though.

That's what happened in 2009-2010.

It seems to still be happening.

Movie quality is going up, but shows are still getting worked over so their don't really achieve full potential.

And with the big names moving on to other projects, the new blood adds a wild card to the whole mix.

But they're not paper.

8ch net/ani/

>telling people to go to a dead website

>Don't businesses think long-term though?

Good lord no. Most of the people at the top of these companies will be gone in a few years and move on to some other company, replaced by a new crop of suits who came from a different company. Why do the people care about the profits of a company in ten years when they won't be a part of it? Maximize profits now, when it will be a benefit to you and your career.

>There will never be a full budgeted movie where absolutely every part of the character is animated like a liquid.

Its a cycle. Years ago live action shows were the shit and were slowly replaced by cartoons. Now cartoons are being replaced by live actions. Soon there will be a resurgence of cartoons again.

I wonder if the drop in animation quality has anything to do with it...

I sure do hope things are going to change in 2020

2007-2016 has been nothing but shit not just for animation, but for music, books, video games, movies, tv shows, life style, economy, politics, social lifes, the earth, the cancer. I honestly felt like doing a nice seppuku in 2012.

Sounds like you got old.

The optimistic side of me says that at least Boyden can gain significant work experience before he decides to somehow jump ship when the time comes.

>All of this and also Nepotism

Animation is expensive and live action is cheaper. With cartoons they used to have toy and merch sales to help balance the cost of the animation, but kids today don't buy toys and merch like they used to based off cartoons so it is less profitable to make animated shows.

Plus with live action shows the networks can still sell a lot of merch based off their child stars and also sign them to music contracts. It's why every child star pretty much released an album and has a clothing line. Basically live action shows have a higher potential earnings and also cost less.