Name one thing this man has done wrong. I don't think you fucking can.
Name one thing this man has done wrong. I don't think you fucking can
muslim tier thread
Hired niggers to "fight" fire
Didn't legalized weed
Sucks dicks
watched his wife fuck a black man
his cabinet
the very definition of a career politican. He only cares about his instagram likes, popularity and future job prospects. He has no concern of the people whatsoever. Not that anyone else have any concern of fucking canadians though.
Australia, Israel, Mexico, the Palestinian Authority, Russia, Taiwan, and the United States offered international assistance in battling the fire, though the offers were turned down by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Trudeau said that while the offers were appreciated, they were unnecessary as firefighters from other Canadian provinces were gaining control of the situation.[46][47] South Africa sent 301 firefighters at the request of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre at the end of May.[48] The firefighters were trained during the month of April at a boot camp, in order how to learn to use special hoses instead of the leather padded wooden sticks known as "firebeaters" they typically use in their home country due to a lack of water.[49] Less than a week after being deployed the South Africans went on strike over a wage dispute and were demobilized.
Still no nudes.
he is do dreamy
Dumping 3 billion into foreign aid during his first month of office.
All of that is bullshit.
He didn't do anything wrong.
Sup Forums BTFO
Refused help from Mexico, USA, and Russia while your country burned.
Hired South American fire fighters, that needed training and transportation, while your country burned.
Failed to negotiate a real wage, causing all of this to be a failed investment, while your country burned.
Didn't he also hit someone during one of your fancy parliament meetings because it was past his nap time?
Isn't he supporting ISIS, by doing nothing, while your country burns?
Doesn't he spend more time making social media posts, than actually doing his job?
I insist that it is wrong of him to deny us nudes.
She had it coming.
>Didn't he also hit someone during one of your fancy parliament meetings because it was past his nap time?
He might be shit but that was an accident. Which the party that were being faggots blew out of proportion because they're even bigger faggots than Trudeau's party.
Celebrating Ramadan?
Is this legit? Or is it just advanced banter known only from australoan cunts.
I don't think that only 5 guys could satisfying, I picture him aggressively backing onto each of them and scaring them off.
Nice cherry picking to avoid the whole argument.
He's not fit to manage a food truck, much less a country.
He actually is the perfect leader for canada, more interested in optics and buzzwords than substance. Canada is the worlds gay cousin.
How the fuck am I cherry picking? You're literally blowing shit out proportion like those fucking NDP SJW shitlords now. Trudeau's garbage but the people's elbow was utterly an accident, go watch the video and see for yourself how the NDP party were being a bunch of fucking cunts in parliament that day and deserved it. Fuck off fag.
Fighting fire with niggers.
>"Because it's 2015"
Explain to me how this isn't a problem. He didn't even answer the question.
Let in a bunch of moslems from the middle east under the guise of being refugees fleeing the war. Completely ignores the fact their are Christians and other non-moslems being killed/demonized by moslems from all walks of life in the middle east.
He had no business commenting on Donald Trump
>waah take me seriously
>the wildfire
A fuckup. An indefensible fuckup.
>supporting ISIS
Kind of. He's allocated aid money to terror cradle nations. However, the idea is to bribe them to stay away from Canada. And it works. Bad for stars-n-bars, good for leaves.
>social media
Socializing with his voter base IS part of the job.
>weed lmao
pushing women around the house of commons?
A perfect example of trying to (and failing at) making Communism work.
Giving 15 000 $ of my tax dollars to any employers who hires them .
Fuck off faggot
He hasn't done anything right. He's just "there"
>the only banter anyone has against your country is making fun of its flag
>all while their countries are falling apart due to Islamic terrorism, illegal immigrants, or both
>tfw comfy as FUCK
being an sjw
Woo, did I hit a nerve.
I think Sup Forums is a little too adult for you. You might want to go back to your safe space where everyone agrees with you.
Your posts are shit.
You elected a SUBSTITUTE drama teacher, which is shit.
Your argument was dispelled by one post.
Now go take a nap, before you try to hit a woman and they hit back. Your nap is obviously past due, if your going to fit like a child when proven wrong on multiple fronts.
Don't mind me, m8. Just showing how (most) Canadians can't into logic, making them blind to the reality of their joke leader.
>You elected a SUBSTITUTE drama teacher, which is shit.
I didn't even vote for him. Not on me. I actually voted for NDP non-ironically because I hated every party running in the election and wanted to throw away my vote. But please keep talking when you don't know shit about what actually happened. It's in full recording but you refuse to go see it to understand what happened while shitposting. You're literally no better than Mulcair's "MUHHOWDAREYOU?" was in that situation.
You idiot , in cucknada you dont vote for the best party you vote for least shittiest of the parties. Now enjoy your fucking refugees you leaf faggot.