The amerimutt knows no shame

The amerimutt knows no shame

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>le 0.1% face

Its true all our athletes are roided up

Ironic that russians make this racist comic when they aren't even white.

>on the podium

Fucking when?
Also what event other than running and basketball has only black dudes representing America. In Russia isn't good in either of those.

The point is that America bred super strong slave stock for 400 years and now complains anout normal humans taking drugs to compete

Kek, russians literally treat "calling others butthurt" as a legitimate argument in a political discussion validating all their actions.

Athletic Genetics + hard work vs abusing roids. You're reaching user.

No, I'm on your side I'm just telling you what they are talking about. Russian dopers can go fuck themselves



True though



>get caught cheating
>blame americans

>behind in gold medals

Stay asshurt Ivan

better version

amerimutt propaganda
we are actually number 1

when the Amerimutts win more gold medals than any other country has won medals in total

when will the yuros ever learn?

>the European union
>Comparable to standalone, real countries.

Someone do a Sup Forums, Sup Forums version.


Something bad happening to Euros and them blaming Americans seems almost the same as tickling somebody's nose and them sneezing at this point.

Soon it will be, and it will be so great it will make you red of jealousy, yankee

america is made up my smaller states
russia is made up by smaller republics

only difference is that those states/republics all share the common culture of the union, as opposed to the EU, where member countries still have their own cultural identities.


By the time you catch up, you'll be speaking Chinese and paying for your baguettes in yuan.

Russia and the United States are both single countries.
The European union is not a single country.

Olympics is basically a genes contest


the eu isn't poor by any measures though, we don't need to "catch up"


If the EU was a country it wouldn't have that many medals because it would only be able to have one team for any event not teams for every member country whose medals you could add together like that.

>Americans focus on swimming events because there are 21 chances at a gold medal in a single Olympics

Now try and be so impressive for other events.

Most of those European flags aren't white, snow nigger.

>inb4 track isn't a real sport

>this willing to give up national identity so he can win the olympic medal count
typical spineless frenchman

That is wrong though

China nominal GDP is 11t
there PPP is ~23t

how could a person get this butthurt? for just a country's mere existence?


I'm surprised there aren't any tigers in the image.

isn't U.S has been far superior in any sports to the chinks & russians?

>political cartoon isn't actually representative of reality
woah! my mind's blown!

dumb frog

Lmao this trigger the Amerimutts