Eating pizza with a fork and knife should be illegal

Do you live in a zoo?

Because that usually there we see living beings handling foods with their hands.

Out of all possible countries I expected better from you, France

We do that as well.

You expected us to eat like animals ?

In America it is rude when dining to use utensils. It is considered flattery to the chef/host to put both hands behind your back and eat with your face like a beast.

It's literally made to be eaten with your hands
Why do you think the crust is there? Youre disrespecting American engineering

Are you baiting or do you really ignore that pizza is from Italy, and that they always used a knife and fork to eat it, like the rest of the world except your country?

Sorry m8 but I just use my mouth

>American engineering
What did he mean by this?

Pizza was made in Italy but perfected here

I sometimes eat pizza with a fork and knife, if the pizza is too greasy and soft.

follow your leader

Trump literally eats steak well done with ketchup
Why the fuck would I imitate acts of such femininity? He can do as he wants though, it is a free country

>Pizza was made in Italy but perfected here
Holy fuck, i know you are baiting but there are americans that unironically believe this. this made me rage

Don't listen to these people, they'd eat pussy with a fork and knife if they could


American pizza here as considered as the pizza for the poor. The kind of pizza you buy frozen or order at a disgusting pizza chain.

When we go to a restaurant to eat pizza it's always an Italian restaurant.

Lmao what? What kind of education do you get in that 3rd world shithole? Italians had plenty of land to perfect their food (made to be eaten with your hands btw) because of the amount of ingredients

I'm on mobile so I can't see your flag name, I'm guessing either Palestine or Sudan?
Godspeed my brown friend, you understand

Pizza is SHOCKINGLY good here, for real

Jordan, the country that unironically perfected the lasagna

This. Italian pizza is trash.

that's a cake not a pizza
good cake though

that shit is disgusting

quiche lorraine is also superior

Does it not resemble kebab enough for you? Lmao

How is it made?

Chicago style is gross as fuck, the tomato sauce is sweet and the crust is soft and full of corn flour. God I hate the Midwest

egg, cheese, 'bacon' (lardons), creme fraiche, milk and puff pastry

You got something against kebab?

I think it's a style you have to be in the mood for
Kind of like fetish porn or desert hiking

pizza thread, anyone from NJ here?

>acts of communism
>eating pizza with a fork and knife

are you trying to solidify the stupid american stereotype?

That's the first time I've seen an American pay attention to how food looks

I make a dough out of flour, salt, butter and water, stir a mixture bacon, leek, cream, eggs, hard cheese and some herbs, fill a pie pan with the dough and the dough with the mixture, and then it goes into oven. Easy but takes a while

Shut the fuck you crypto communist
I bet your soyboy ass voted for Hillary #lockherup

> Eating pizza with a fork and knife
I do that shit too
(I also eat chips with chopsticks)

Implying communism would ever work with your fatass constantly asking for seconds

But I agree. Hillary should be locked up.

>hurr stop acting like a sterotypical stupid American
>haha nah man hillary is bad I agree
Fuck off, you can't redeem yourself
Go paint your nails and hang out with your meth addicted antifa friends
Get a Canadian passport while you're at it

I eat in in quarters, without utensils. I do cut it with scissors though, which I here you burgers don't, for some reason.

Fuck off, pleb. You have not lived until you've tried mexican pizza

What toppings do you have down there?

>chips with chopsticks
i fork use for chips, fuck getting greasy fingers.

Nothing is more upsetting than how people eat pizza and how it relates to Hillary Clinton.

>it is easier
>doesn't soil your hands

Why are some people so against a simply better method to eat a pizza? I never see someone complain about someone eating pizza with hands, only other way around.

Weed, coke, heroin...

Shut the fuck up spic
Italian pizza is meme pizza and you know it
It's an even bigger meme than Chicago pizza

My dad eats it with fork and knife starting from the crust to the center making it smaller and smaller but keeping it round.

Disgusting when there is no more crust.

Honestly the crust is the best part of the pizza.

Wouldn't be surprised if that was actually a thing

My dad is a strange person.

I think its fine because theres crust. With fried chicken its understandable. The oil is bothersome.

Eat just one slice of pizza and not the whole thing like you fuckheads do means you're a pussy

?? Dude what
Could you perhaps film yourself talking with your hands as you rewrite this post to make it more clear


We cut it into points and then eat it with our hands at home. But in an Italian restaurant I eat it with a fork and knife. In the end it doesn't really matter as long as it ends up in my mouth.

Because workers can finally afford knives and forks not just for stabbing each other.

Is meme size pizza a thing elsewhere? It was a thing here for a while

>be american
>grab pizza with hands after shart
>drop pizza because of greasy hands
>"three seconde rule!"
>eats pizza with floor dirt

I'd rather 3 seconds then whatever the time it takes for a monkey to grow large enough to be eaten lmfao

As far as I know, nobody in Russia makes pizza this huge on a daily basis.

>eating like a fucking animal
ah yes, leaders of le free world.

please notice me America-senpai

Yeah you guys did some weird stuff with it..I think this is yours

> a country that's over 50% African trying to make Italian food

What a nightmare of a situation

Yeah, things get a little crazy every once in a while

But at least we're trying

I don't even care about the chicken, but what the FUCK is that quantity of uncarmilized onion doing there? We're the chef's drunk?

Jesus christ

raw onions are awesome

Yes, but that doesn't mean you should eat an onion like a fucking apple. In reference to the exorbitant quantity.

Real talk, do American buy individual pizza slices like they sometimes do in TV-shows like Seinfeld?

Hands or not, that just seems so fucking strange to me.

Yeah. Wgen you make a pizza at home or something, have you ever just eaten one or two slices as a heavy snack then leave it on the cutting board for a couple hours?

Same thing.

No. Not even when I make it myself. I just make enough for it to fill me up without going overboard. But I was thinking more of "professionally" made Pizza.

People in Sweden dont do that?

Yes, i do this quite frequently for lunch. Tons of places have single slices

??? everywhere I've been in Euroland you could find single pizza slices to go, even Stockholm

I was just trying to explain to you the idea of eating a single slice as a snack,

Yes it's done with professionally made pizza but almost exclusively in non-chain stores with high foot traffic.

I've never seen it at least. Pizzerias don't even pre-cut slices for you.

Do they just like, leave them out like in McDonalds?

Where? I could see maybe something like Pizza Hut doing it, but never ever have I seen a Pizzeria or restaurant do it, and never ever have I seen anyone eating individual slices.

Makes sense I suppose. I've just never seen Pizza as a snack or lunch food so it's kinda strange too me.

>even Stockholm

usually self served from something like this...sometimes they will heat them up for you

They leave them behind a glass cabinet like in a deli or bakery in my experience.

I remember pretty well getting at a shop some Pizza slices near a park somewhere downtown

Yeah legit pizza places usually do have them behind the counter like said, often gas stations or convenience stores will have them self serve

Fist time in my life I have seen this kind of serving in an American caffee.

Both weird and neat at the same time.

While on the subject, what is it that makes everyone meme about New York Pizza so much? Is there something special with them or is it mostly just the thin dough part?
In Sweden in my experience most Pizza looks similar to the NY ones(thin as fuck and pretty sloppy), and most frozen pizzas look like

>that doesn't mean you should eat an onion like a fucking apple
Ukrainians actually did that. Ask sthem if it real or a meme, I'm not sure.

Idk why people meme about NY pizza. My idea (quick thought) is its meme'd because it truely is NEW YORK PIZZA *claps* and it's pretty obviously different from anything else. As well as, it's cheap, it's hot, it's definitely tastey enough, and the quality is consistent.

It's pretty decent cheap food.

I've heard that Scadis have done it too. I tried it once just as a meme when I was alone in the kitchen and once it reached the back of my throat I coughed it up. I mean like, whatever do you want if you wanna eat your own pubes I won't stop you to your average person it's pretty unpalatable ergo ... I don't know where I'm going with this lol

Whatever, interesting that Ukrainians might do it too though.

Well, we should not forget that they have sweet onion that doesn't sting like white or yellow and it doesn't smell.

>I've heard that Scadis have done it too.
News to me that's for sure.

we do that in denmark, yes

>when you run out of cardboxes to build your mcmansion

we do that
is it wrong?