SJWs state that "most, not all" italians are nonwhite

>SJWs state that "most, not all" italians are nonwhite


>italians of colour

LMAO what de fugg

>SJWs state that "most, not all" italians are nonwhite

They said most Italians are white, not all, but most, you spastic.

Gets me everytime

>Some dindu being in charge of telling who is a whitey or not
The same people believe Zimmerman isn't Hispanic.

...have you actually read the picture you posted, OP?

Italy is white. I know this because (((they))) are constantly trying to flood Italy with their quota of shitskins
they only do this to white countries, so if (((they))) are trying to flood and integrate shitskins into Italy, Italy is white
that said, fuck Italy

So, the left literally thinks that race = skin color? If I get a tan, do I become a "PoC"? Guess I'll stop at the tanning salon before my next job interview so I can get some affirmative hiring benefits.

Lots of them think that
I thought that ~10 years ago or so, there didn't used to be any shitskins in rural canada and that's what they always said on TV, as well as what my parents and teachers told me
Once I started actually seeing them though, I could tell something was wrong


pick one

>italians of color.

Seems dindus were actually right, Roman empire was run by KANGZ n SHieeeet

>North Italy
>South Italy
Not white

Not one single wop is white.
Not one.


wrong, i live in south italy and most people here are white
, maybe there are not so much blond people but we are light skinned


*jungle drums play in the backround*

You have to be the dumbest autist on earth to think that Zimmerman isn't a Hispanic jew, he's a fucking brown guy



Have you seen that video of niggers destroying Italy? Made my blood boil. Also, who could forget that cuck commercial?

The white race is beautiful and unique. We must all stick together.

>mfw there will be germans of color in a few years

OP btfo

reading classes taken:

That's what I mean. Although Hispanics come in different shades.

>Go out in the sun
>Get nigger dark and become a privileged class by the SJW's
>Stay out of the sun
>Become white privileged class in the rest of society

Being Italian truly is the best of both worlds.

Italians are like alpha jews

>italians of colour

What's the next stage? POC of colour?

At a cost of being dumber

ETERNAL ANGLO trying to smuggle slavs in, baka

Oh my fucking God, this is beautiful.

I'm half-italian, so if I start spouting right-wing shit to people I know and they call me out for being white?

>"actually i'm half-italian which means i'm not completely white"

Fucking idiots, this is perfect.

A lot dumber



"don't call them colored people, call them people of color, there is so much difference"


You sure do have shit reading comprehension.

It clearly says most, but not all, Italians are white.


You are fucking retard.

I bet you think Spain is in south America you stupid leaf cocksucker.

The beaners are brown cause they are Indians, not because they are hispnaic you stupid stupid idiot dumbfuck cocksucker idiot leaf faggot nerd nigger fuck you.

You know Hispanic means Spaniard descent? You know Spaniards are Europeans, right? But no you're a fucking retard.



Gary "baba booey" Dell'abate, full blooded Italian stallion, does he look white to you? BABA BOOEY BABA BOOEY HOWARD STERN'S PENIS

I read a Chinese novel called Fortress Besieged, published in 1947. The author wrote that Italians, Greeks, and the Portuguese are non-white, and that they share many features with Arabs and Africans.
If a dead Chinese guy can see it, I don't see why Sup Forums can't.

Kek. I do the same thing. Family is from Sicily so whenever someone tries to give me shit for being white, I can come back with "I'm actually Mediterranean". It works on white SJWs and usually Hispanics. Niggers just smack their lips even more and start mumbling to cover up not having anything to say.

They don't realize how many italians actually immigrated to the US and are white.

Pretty funny desu

>Not White

Hispanic means descendants of Spanish colonizers, more specifically those in the western hemisphere. Coming from the name of the island where Spain first tried to settle Hispaniola. Hispanic is not a synonym for Spainish.

You could still be a pure spaniard and you'd be considered hispanic in american

Hispanics are brown cus the muzzies raped them hard before the crusades. They are Arab washed.

>sjw's having a conversation lifted straight out of Sup Forums but with the exact opposite subtext

wew lad


This shitty questions could only arise from gayniggers from the dhithole known as the JEWNITED ESTADOS OF MURIKKKA

Really, the only ones who had these paranoias were the Nazionalist Zionists under Adolph Jacob Hitler*

Italians are white, with some blut from the mediterranean sea neighbours as Albania, Tunis, Greece.

USA is a Mischung of every shitty criminal from Vietnam to Samoa.

*SEE: Adolph Jacob Hitler. French Police document in 1924.

I'm Italian in the southeast us and nobody thinks I'm white. I asked somebody why they think that and they said that they thought Italians were just Christian Arabs. I play this to my advantage though and don't have to put up with local sjw shit.

Italians are white, I am white, I am Italian, fite me

literal fucking lies.

Sure thing Einstein

>Italians are white

okay ahmed, you can have your laughs.
but you know I'm right.

I've been to Italy over 14 times on different occasions. They all look like shitskins (even in the far north). Italians are not white.

>Inb4 you link some white person living in Italy, even though they are an extreme minority

tfw when you think people in these countries look that way

Go home Ahmend

>in charge of antropolgy

ahhhh, america

Your country is islamic to the core. How does that feel, Abdul?

>40 shades of WE WUZ ROMAN