>Atheists think this... just happened


Other urls found in this thread:


>a guy did this

>religionfags believe the same thing... except with a magic man at the beginning

>Just some guy

C'mon man

>You can deduce this happened by looking around you
>Literally denying logic


>magical wizard in the sky did this

Politics didn't do that



>Christfags think this happened

>Atheists think that DNA learned how to pack, unpack, replicate and express itself through a long series of highly fortunate mistakes

what created god then checkmate theists

We are made of atoms
99.9999999999999999 % of the volume of an atom is nothing
The rest of the volume are elemental particles of different charges or no charge at all

The only reason why you can "touch" other matter is because the charge of the electrons in your hand pushes against the charge of the electrons of the object you touch.

You consist of mostly nothing.

>Theists think God just happened
Check mate

Not quite m8. It clearly didn't happen by itself, but in the absence of any real proof of how or why it happened, we have to keep an open mind and avoid jumping to conclusions. It could be god, I'm open to that idea, I'm just not going to accept it at face-value without proof.

>Religionfags think a all powerfull magic man would take the time to figure this out instead of making it work by magic

God has no creator, the concept of time is a gift by God and without time there is no beginning or after.


you're mom wasn't complainin' about my nothing in her lastnight

>he doesn't believe god is powerful enogh to create a whole universe with a single explosion

>Quantum fluctuations are nothing

>highly fortunate mistakes
And many times more unfortunate ones. What you're forgetting is that it's a self-correcting process where the unsuitable adaptations simply die out before they can replicate themselves. It only looks so implausibly convenient because you're only seeing the tiny minority that were actually viable. There's an inherent sampling bias in this shit.

>Magical Sky fairy just did this.
>Fairy has no origin.

wow that's pretty convenient for your argument.

Seriously not believing in a god, call it what you want, must be a fucking torture.

>lol m8 time didn't exist before the Big Bang
>not the same thing

>Quantum fluctuations

If A+ and A- only happen together and always cancel each other out than you can simplify it as nothing.

Glass houses, Britbong. It's not any more or less ridiculous than an invisible magic super being.

You'll have to excuse him. He obviously meant magical super entity.

Time is a man made concept, just like God.

May I see your degree in pop-science user?

>Time is a man made concept, just like God.

This is a man-made sentence

there are literally pictures of it

I thought religious people though Earth is 4000 years old and flat. When I walk my dog I talk to Jehovah's Witnesses who pester people in a nearby park. I pretend to be curious about what they have to say and they're a riot. The other day I asked them how comes we can find dinosaurs bones if God didn't make them. They just told me God is testing people's faith. The mental gymnastics man, I have such a hard time not to laugh sometimes.

Big bang theory is not 100% bulletproof.
From what I have heard, quantum mechanics makes practically impossible to have a bang and complete contraction(big bang no.2). Chances are bigger that it is a "Big Bounce"(continous contraction and expansion)..

>1-1 is something!!!


>he fell for the spoon-fed science jew

Some weird JV you talk too. The one's here aren't well read, but they don't say Dino's are here for our test. Just that they died during the flood, because Noah was a dinophobe or something.

>he fell for the 2000 year-old zombie jew

>that 2000 year-old zombie jew wasn't God incarnate

Well yeah, it certainly did happen. The evidence of its occurrence is available if you have powerful enough tools to "observe" it. There are also some compelling hypotheses about how it could have happened, but we can't really tell what went on beyond the existence of reality itself.

We can tell it's not the Abrahamic God because people who practice the Abrahamic religious generally apply a specific set of characteristics and limitations to their God and how he created the universe. Science examined reality to determine how it came about and didn't find those characteristics. The world and the universe around it were vastly older, creatures were not magically poofed into existence in their present form, they evolved over long periods of time, the planet is roughly spherical as apposed to a rock pillar or table with a flat top covered in a crystal dome with water both bellow and above it, etc, etc.

Now I'm not the kind of Atheist that would say "No God ever could exist" but I would say that "All the Gods people have ever tried to sell me don't fit with the rest of reality".

I think the problem is that we think that because the universe exists as it does, that somehow makes it special or is proof that because it works, it's proof that it was intelligently designed. However, we have no idea if this is even the first iteration of the universe. This could just be one iteration in a seemingly endless cycle of big ban, universe, big crunch, rinse and repeat. And while the universe does work, there are some fucked-up things about it, that, if you are honest with yourself, should at least cause some skepticism that the universe was intelligently created.

JWs in my family
Can not confirm what you said,
all JWs i have talked with believe dinosaurs existed, also time is not described in bible (it says six days, which is not meant literally). Maybe JWs in sweden is more educated, idk.

Oh no they don't believe in semitic religions. Quick post fedora meme for damage control.

"evidence" is a liberal code word "degeneracy".

What is this "reality" you speak of?

Many in my family are JW's. They say Dinos died during flood, but the earth is 6,000 years due to a day for God is like a 1,000 years. God rested on the seventh day.

>an all-powerful deity had to incarnate himself, walk around preaching for 33 years, and allow himself to be crucified to reveal his will

*to reveal His love

>can't comprehend the magnitude of something so it must be made by someone


>Just that they died during the flood
Hence the picture. I heard that version too, except not from these ones. These are always the same 2 ladies who have nothing better to do seemingly.

I love how the first Swede who replied to me suggested the exact opposite, i.e. that the ones here are smarter.

One way or another no, they're not well eductated. They're fucking JWs.

Some major duderetto hashed this out, man.

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BELT Sandwiches

Most religious people of the educated world have accepted the big bang theory as truth. Only the most hardcore people continues their delusion that the earth is only a few thousand years old.
So instead of "god created the world in seven days", most christians have adopted the theory of "god created the big bang and guided it on its way".

So no matter how good of an explonation physicists manage to create for the big bang, the religious will continue to be at a complete loss of compelling arguments explaining how and why god created it.
They will continue their rantings about metaphysics and morals, while producing nothing of scientific value. Yet the claim that god kickstarted it all will remain strong.

Abrahamics pretend that a magic man did this and that they know what the magic man wants of them

>the quality or state of being real
>a real event, entity, or state of affairs
>something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily

>arguing about something your mind has absolutely zero ability to grasp, let alone come close to grasping

Are you sure they are JWs?
From what I have heard and them i talked with, JWs believe dinos may have died way longer ago, and that it might be possible with those 100mill years or something.. 1 day is basically 1 period, a period which can be 1 hour or 1 000 000 000 years. Never heard about anything else from JWs under 50yrs. Maybe some old people believe in 1 000 years periods.

'educated" is a liberal code word for "brain-washed by jews"

So let's take a story from the bible just as an example of either you accept silliness or you resort to "its just allegory" bullshit.
If the flood covered the highest of mountains, we can assume yes that it covered everest. So there's Noah and his boatload of animals chilling at ~30k feet. Close to airline cruising altitude. Not only is the air there horribly thin, but the temperature is absolutely bone chilling. How did cold blooded animals survive. He'll how did anything survive with the lack of O2. Also how did they not freeze to death anyway.
Next problem in the bible. Talking animals, really?
Also splitting a sea. Yeah ok

It's possible JW's have change their lore.

And to you that's equivalent to "the physical universe"

If God exists why aren't catboys real? Checkmate.

That's a pretty damn good painting though

Easy to accept since BBT is nothing more than a slightly modified Genesis.

>it's another blasphemy episode
>it's another self-imposed ride to eternal damnation episode

>I thought religious people though Earth is 4000 years old and flat.

No. Those are Americans.

It is hilarious really. Atheists love to make fun of us for believing in a singularity, when they actually believe that everything just appeared and there is no point behind any of it.

Are you disputing that the universe is real m8? What's your angle here, are you saying that there's some metaphysical dimension beyond observable reality? Can you provide any kind of proof that it exists?


>atheists on Sup Forums

>are you saying that there's some metaphysical dimension beyond observable reality?
are you denying this?

a Creator that lives in another dimension much higher than we can even comprehend in which time does not exist, yes. Time is an illusion.

The funny thing is they think that before, at =0, a timeless non-material energy caused the creation of the universe.

They just refuse to call Him God.

No surprises here

Do you take logical proofs?

Pantheism is literally the only logical form of spirituality.

The universe "just happened" because the existance/nonexistance dynamic is contained within reality itself.

It's a perceptual hallucination, like lights in a row blinking one at a time appear to move.

Can you stop trolling with this pls. Its no longer funny or creative. Thx.

Also its not politics related and should be banned but considering mods dont do any cleaning now I guess that is why this thread exists right?

what does "cause" mean outside of a timeline?

Funny how when ancient scripture said God created the earth in 6 days, where 1 day actually ment 2.3 billion years.
Just multiply by 6 and you get 13.8 billion. Exactly how old current theories date the universe at.

Even if they are not well educated, we can hope they convert as many mudslimes as possible.. Better with JWs than terrorists..

And you think it happened so you can spend 80 years feeling guilty for getting boners before dying and going to a paradise created by the same guy who spent your whole life telling you sex is evil.

what caused the system of reality that allows for higher dimensions (or really just the concept of dimensions themselves)?

People like you are the reasons why western civilization is crumbling

>lol like wtf is intellectual humility
>Richard Dawkins called God a spaghetti monster lol
>lol like I'm so much smarter than religious people like you wouldn't even know

Meanwhile you can't get a date because your a beta fag and Mehmet cucks your women. Fuck you user. Fuck you and everything you represent.

What caused the universe?


What caused god?

Gods god

And what caused gods god?

The god of gods god

You're just pushing the answer away, not answering it

>yfw we live just between moments after explosion and before explosion disperse.

>Sup Forums is one person.
Until it can be verified to exist I have no choice but to doubt it. Can you provide that verification?
I'm still not exactly sure what you're trying to prove mate, how about you expand a little bit more on your position so I understand what you're getting at.


Really activates your synapses.

I'm sure you have some pretty solid evidence of that.

You people do the same mental gymnastics as neopagans trying to explain magic energies and shit and how crystals cure cancer. Feels over reals.

While it's true that the chances of it happening were a billion to one, there was an infinite amount of time for it to happen. Roll a billion sided die an infinite amount of times and eventually you'll roll the one in a billion number.

If you don't like it, leave

I can't even bump my thread since I'm the OP

>Only learning about religion from memes and nutjobs

Critical Theory everyone.

Yes because it was the modern day where Everest was the tallest mountain and not that the flood happened millions of years ago when the first fossil record of homo Sapien sapiens exist

Reality condensed to a single concept is god. As simple as that.

housepainterfag here

painted 221 windows a few years ago for jehovafags, which are all old and bored people. had alot of retard conversation with them since they all tried to convert me into their retarded cult, the one thing that struck me the most was at their local "diner", you could buy a slice of bread with butter and cheese for about 0.5$

Bitch walks in and orders one without butter and proceeds to make a scene since she didnt get a discount for the butter she did not as for, she even refused to settle for 2x bread no cheese, coffee, or which ever deal they tried to close with her, eventually they just had to give her a discount.

My favorite thing to do when they patrol the neightboorhood, ringing door bells, which is fairly easy to spot from a distance, is to strip down naked before i open the door, after which i will invite them in which they rarely accept, proceed to tell the lady that she is hot and ask for her phone number, and they will surely leave you alone for a while

We are literally Sims. God is very real. Trust in Jesus before it's too late!

Holy fuck never make a screen cut again unless you're willing to do it in decent quality. That looks awful.

>when they actually believe that everything just appeared
That's pretty much all we can determine.

>and there is no point behind any of it.
There might be, there might not be, who knows?

If we're going to be honest with ourselves, mankind doesn't know jack shit about the purpose of the universe. We can invent a bunch of neat philosophical ideas, but it's all speculation and projection of our life experiences onto something bigger than any of us can understand.

>a timeless non-material energy
You can call that God, but that still doesn't mean that energy was intelligent, or intentionally created the universe, or takes any interest in it, or cares about people, or wants to make a pact with people.

idk how I could prove that to you just like I cant prove to you there may be other life in this infinite universe