How do we fix Sup Forums?
How do we fix Sup Forums?
Ban all American and Australian posters.
I am quite frankly tired of those two countries always shitposting. The baiting, the rage, the incoherent hatred.... it all has to stop.
Ban the U.S. and Australia from Sup Forums. We need to make this board a better place.
Wait till the election is over
lmao the leaf had my brain working with this comment.
In what way it is broken?
you're not better leaf
remove the flags and keep the id's
increase the post cooldown to 1 minute
hire new mods that follow the sticky (for free)
that's all i could think off
>a fucking leaf
Since you are posting on an "american-made" site, they will never be banned from here. And also aussie posts are way more enjoyable to read than leafcucks ones. All in all the leafs should be range banned from this entire site imo.
Gas the shills, flag war now.
This place is modded by 12 year olds
by getting rid of the Jew hatred!
>pic related is Sup Forums
Have you not seen the horrible antisemtic posts and memes??
Ban Russians
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Find another site that has a political discussion board with no trolls.
good luck with that OP.
Sup Forums can not be fixed
born that way
maybe more starecat?
Sage all Hillary threads.
on Sup Forums everyone is perfect the way you are, I love you goys