What did she mean by this?
Ana Kasparian
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See, there are attractive female liberals.
This clip gives me too much respect for Alex, it's hard to handle it.
On Alex's show he's always goofy and says shit like "Yeah, I'm a big guy! They won't fuck with me! They might hurt me but I'll smash half of their heads into the pavement! I'm not scared!"
And here is someone equal in size as Alex, getting in his face, balled fists, yelling, and Alex just smiles, and you know he's thinking "I dare you to strike me, and It will be the last thing you do before you're on life support"
Alex trolling TYT was a highlight of the entire RNC for me.
Such a nice surprise.
Where's the liberal media comdemning her for body shaming an overweight person?
Alex Jones really got under his skin by pointing out that he is now a AJ+ Saudi shill. You could tell that really pushed Cenk over the edge.
Great catch. Literally embodies Cenk "liberal impotent rage" Uygur vs Alex Jones standoff.
How can this fat fuck get any more ballin' than this?
She could earn a Prince's fortune if she got off TYT and became a professional dominatrix. I want her to spit in my face and call me a fucking loser.
Why is that Alex guy going on about Saudi Arabia?
Her vagina probably feels wonderful.
>wow, fatshaming
I love seeing liberals become hypocrites
She's hot. She's got the face for a much better show. Cenk got very lucky with her. But I find it weird because The Young Turks was a political movement partly responsible for the Armenian Genocide, and she's Armenian.
It's like a Jew working for The Hitler Youth.
Alex is now Sup Forumsbased god
nose job
Devin fucking DESTROYED THEM
Is it wrong that I want to hatefuck her?
TYT are partners with AJ+ and I think other al jazeera media and they're funded by the ruling family of Qatar.
elaborate. I see this cancer spammed all over my Facebook
It's just the Islamist SJW propaganda which can be easily be debunked by a 10 second look on wiki
>get nose job
>still have huge nose
How does this work?
She's a traitor to the Armenian people. Simple as that.
Not at all she might even be into it
>calling fat a fatso
isnt this reason for incarceration in KEK-USA?
isnt that girl going to pay for hurtine little fatsos feelings?
someone could photo shop (well, video shop) her body grinding over a grinning alex jones with her on the top position-- Her sexual grimacing face would make it look great, and grinning alex jones underneath her would be so funny, meanwhile she's basically making sex faces and screaming like a sexual pleasure anyway, it's a custom made moment.
Or someone tell me the program to do it, I can photoshop, but I can't video anything.
Yeah she even handed in her nose.
Thats like a preshow for WWE.
A fat bitch with a clipboard who complains about the wage gap to the guys who spent 16 hours unloading and building the set and tech right before she breaks for the day to go to dinner at an expensive restaurant on productions budget while they're still another 8 hours from going home after strike and load out.
I wish pre shows were this entertaining.
i first thought alex jones was just fat but he is basically bear mode would not mess with him
I would have loved to see Alex snort some super male vitality and karate chop Cenks big head off.
>Alex Jones is bear mode
Oh yeah. I've seen a few different older guys in my life who have Alex Jones build. Basically it's what happens when a man is a body builder when they're young and then they give up the body building when they're older. They go from having the V waist/shoulder ratio look to having a barrel chest.
have you taken your Super Male Vitality today?
Pretty much every production assistant ever. With a plump little butt like that, she's probably banging her boss too.
Going to submit that picture to Infowars.
Would be hilarious if they use that on the product or the advertisements.
>What did she mean by this
Video related
Post more of her.
I need to fap.
How can anyone who laid under that greasy lump Ugyur call anyone else fat?
PS Ana is a well known coke whore in NYC social circles.
Ana "Gas those fat fucks now" Kasparian
I got the biggest kek in weeks from this
Satisfaction Guaranteed
She fucked him?
God. The things I'd do to Ana, mm
For a while I thought she would bail the instant a major network offered her a job.
But I saw this video and realized she is retarded.
She probably actually thinks Cenk is smart and a genius.
I have not watched a single TYT video after this incident. It's like I have erectile dysfunction with regards to TYT now.
I've lost all respect for them after this.
I feel bad. I feel like a woman that just watched her boyfriend get his ass kicked and now can't fathom the thought of having sex with him ever again.
Anyone else have this/notice this?
Yup. Work in the industry. PAs are annoying as fuck. Not terribly intelligent. Overly self important. Social climbers. Whores. But rather cheap.
Never date a woman who does PA. She will fuck anyone to get ahead or just a little attention, and will never value you as a person as much as a resource.
i never watched it before or after
but that fucking anchor is a woman++
>Ana is a well known coke whore in NYC social circles.
Noice. Man she already sounds silly when she's yapping but she must be absolutely retarded on coke.
I like to think she fucked her way up, banging the brown buffalo when she was just an intern.