5 minute warning
/tmo/ - Take Me Out
ahh yes the 5 minute warning
the warning you issue when the thing happens in 15 minutes
Kev would clean up on this show
1 minute warning
it's already on you CUNT
what a shit thread, i'm out
kev is too good for these staceys
I'd let her blow my tin whistle, if you know what I mean
fucking hell his voice
>20 lights off
kristina is literally perfect
ban this filthy advert
Not halal enough for you rasheed?
Exactly. They would all want a piece but he wouldn't give them a piece.
State of this girls clown makeup
>she doesn't like lads
where the fuck is everyone
You guys watching Eurovision tonight?
kek he's fucking shaking
yes lad
You think that Honk honk honk laugh girl sounds like that in bed?
>rebecca turned off
>the ratings are going down get her to do the seal laugh again
Today is Eliie's day
Girls must be thirsty as fuck, that desered a blackout
is there anyone more desperate than that old hag?
It's scripted.
Why would you let them sell you a fake reality?
Do you like taking it in the ass?
Are you a cuck?
75% of them do it for the free holiday I reckon. Especially when you consider how many completely dump their man after the date.
He's so fucking nervous
emily is cute desu lads
she doesn't give a fuck about him, she wants off the show
>picked seal girl
They get to be on that other show where you can watch them all get drunk and fuck each other.
this guy is /tosmart/ for this skank
hate this ginge
ywn drink her ginger juice
>scottish chad
>single for a year
>a fucking broker
who is he kidding
>he has a hobby
>5 lights off
planespotting hobby better received than most
>rebecca off AGAIN
would you do:
>show off your talent
>get friend to tell embarrassing story about you
I don't have any talents and I don't have any friends
guess I win again ;)
>not finding out the LAFL
tbf they don't really need to know
God how fucking pathetic do you have to be not to want to know who the love at first light is. It's a fucking game show love.
it would be nice if it was them though
BGT or Eurovision?
based black couple
mfw they play Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand.
yurovision obviously
what an absolute TWAT
Reminder that the throat tattoo is based on his nan's wallpaper
based chink
herro ^_^
no rikey no righty!! ; )
lol, no one is attracted to gook men
What the fuck is wrong with these slags, what is wrong with fucking skating or martial arts
Alri Wei Shen
obviously it's because he's chinese and they don't want to seem racist
of course he does martial arts
god melissa is a fucking dog
noooooo Han
Normie the show
how the fuck as that little yellow cunt managed to cop that qt
she looks like my gf lad
: )
normies OUT
>he thought AMWF was just a Sup Forums meme
Whenever an ethnic minority comes on, none of the girls turn their lights off because they don't want to appear racist. In the second round they all turn their lights off.
are we /bgt/ now or /eurovision/ ?
I'm watching it as it is garaunteed to trigger my Sup Forums feels and I kinda like feeling morally outraged. ;-)
fuck, how long has this series been on? i used to love these threads