Am i the only one who enjoyed Prometheus?
Am i the only one who enjoyed Prometheus?
I enjoy it with the audio turned off.
No I really liked it
I never understood the 'scientists acting dumb' as a criticism.
I liked it. I don`t get how i confused so many people, the story was obviously a prequel to Alien.
I enjoyed the movie but hated like 3/4 of the characters
it triggered spergs
Noomi Rapace is a cute, a cute!
Prometheus > Alien > Aliens > Alien 3 > Alien: Resurrection
it did serious damage to Alien and completely destroyed its mystery. fuck this movie, and fuck you for liking it.
I preferred it over the Alien movies felt deeper and more complex wana know more about the engineers who they are? Why they made us? Why they wanted to kill us? Ect also liked the new different aliens like the snake thing and the giant octopuss rather than the xenomorph rehash.
I just watched last night to get a refresher. It still holds up. I love this movie. Though the acting can be terrible at points, the story and visual mastery makes up for it in spades. I dont get why everyone hates the plot or is confused by it. Its pretty straightforward.
it is unintentionally funny
entire audience laughed at Shawn's abortion scene at my kinoplex
Unfortunately, no.
*cesarean section
Dumb redditors that can't into philosophy and sybolism. They just dude bug hunt BANG BANG hurr hurr hurr. Dumb fuck redditors spoil everything as usual
Mission made out of hand-picked professionals that Weyland is betting his own immortality on.
>geologist in charge of mapping gets lost
>xenobiologist tries to pet the first lifeform he finds that looks like a poised snake
>on an alien world, in an alien structure full of god knows what they immediately take off their helmets
>after two of them get stranded in a spooky alien structure the captain orders a ship-wide nap time with NOONE left in charge of communications if something goes wrong with those two
>completely nonsensical detail about analyzing that engineers severed head
>instead of using basic diplomacy wake up an alien lifeform that presumably created you while flanked with armed guards and then demand that he makes you immediately immortal
I know the genre demands that everyone acts like a tard so they can get killed off, but it really didn't have to play out that way.
There's nothing in that movie that strays from "disturb mummy in ancient cursed crypt and get fucked up" template and that's really pathetic considering the whole ordeal could've been far more interesting.
how pleb do you have to be to laugh at the best and most disturbing scene in the movie?
it must be from insecurity
No, it's a good but flawed movie. I'd take it over capeshit any day.
Typical /tv.
>Jaws the Revenge finally got it right.
I always loved how the engineers are physically polar opposites to the xenomorphs. Xenos are black and pointy and skeletal while engineers are white, round and bulky. I hated how people said they looked stupid, when they we're supposed to act as an antithesis to what Alien was about.
Alien > Alien 3 > Alien: Covenant > Aliens > Prometheus > Alien: Resurrection
Why the fuck was AR so awful? What were they thinking?
AR was fine
>prime-time Winona Rider
To me, watching Prometheus was like watching a porno, having a good fap, then seeing your daughter suddenly appear among the action doing triple anal.
I mean that in a bad way, Sup Forums! I mean it in a bad way.
No, I did like it.
Without music? but the soundtrack it's beautiful.
people only hate it cause "muh dumb scientists" and cause lindeloff doing shit that never gets explained.
Aside from that the movie was master crafted.
I liked it a lot.
The characters act like a bunch of amateurs and the as the film unravels the story becomes more convoluted and leaves important questions unanswered but frankly the philosophical questions the film asks are pretty deep for a hollywood blockbuster, and the concept of humanity being created by aliens hasn't really been explored by film
also the special effects are ridiculously good especially the cesarean scene.
And then the best thing about Premtheus, Rapace, gets job off screen and we're supposed to give a shit about these fucking nobody's and David playing about with his bio toys. Ridley promised us Space Jockeys, not fucking Ash light, Androids.
i was just thinking about this movie again today
Why did weylans daughter just randomly fuck that nigger? Literally had no reason or need to be in the movie and it made no sense
Kinda ruined it for me
you really think scott would have gotten 130 mil for some ambitious 2deep4u sci fi shit without some propaganda to please the (((studios)))?
The doctor girl was hot, also Charlize got blacked, so there is that too.
You dumb nigger, what do you see around you, Women fucking immigrants and niggers, doing so like it's fashionable, right? So you think a hundred years from now that stops? If She was a tranny fish dog human hybrid yeah, but it's a white woman.
>scientist notices something SWIMMING IN HIS EYE after wandering around an alien structure without his helmet on and tells no one
>character cuts A FUCKING ALIEN out of her stomach? "Lmao you're fine just put that in the fridge and come help us make first contact with an incomprehensibly advanced alien race"
Not to mention the infamous running scene, which was quite literally comical the first time I saw it.
>You dumb nigger, what do you see around you, Women fucking immigrants and niggers, doing so like it's fashionable, right?
no, im not european
Racemixing is still very much frowned upon where i live as it should be
Don't know if it should be, you dumb nigger. Faggotry should be frowned upon, bestiality should be frowned upon, but if a nigger wants to pop a cum skin, it's fine, you get cute mulatto girl babies who wants to be Bleached. And that's where I hope to come in one day.
For me, it goes:
A3 (extended) > A > P > Covenant > Aliens >>>> Resurrection
I like the gloomy, fucked up side of the franchise.
to each his own i guess
Loved the visuals, the rest was meh.
She is NOT human. One of her parents is a fucking fish.
As a standalone stupid slasher flick like Jason X in Space it's a 5/10 okay dumb teen murder movie. As an aliens prequel it's as bad as Phantom Menace.
You wouldn't? Sure she's an Ayy If I ever saw one, but you wouldn't? Dude. DUDE. I would berry until Arther.
The trailer made me expect a whole different movie. Practically none of the cuts were in the final version. No plot either. It had potential but it turned out one of the biggest disappointments ever. You could fucking call it a fraud, even
No, there are other retards who thought it was good, I even know a few of them.
They're the same people that thought alien covenant was good and were the same ones looking forward to ghosbusters and disaster movie.
she looks asian
Of course you mean The shit awakens but I'll forgive you that blurb. Because the Shit Awakens is so bad it surpasses the debacle that was the prequels.
Let's find out more about her so I could have myself a better fap. I would but I need to see more than her Ayy face.
discount tom hardy is the worst part of the film
No I mean the prequel because this is a prequel. And like the prequel it rapes the existing lore and franchise history.
Prometheus could have been amazing as a standalone movie with better acters and a less retarded script.
I saw it in 3d, was worth it just for the eye candy
This he was the LOL SCIENCE of the ship, like some dumb frat dude out of place.
The Prequels never raped anything. Nothing you saw in the Prequels adversely fucked with the Established mythology. Go Tell Mike to go and eat his gramps ass, tell him, fat bastard sent you.
Debate me if you wish.
>he enjoyed prometheus
what about that one scene where the lady high on adrenaline made a mistake and ran away from the falling donut longways?
t. normie
If you complaint about him is he was to douchy then you'd have to blame Weyland. Weyland wanted them along. Weyland could give a shit about pleasing your scientific aesthetics.
Hey, you fucking moronic simpleton, fat bastard here, Where were you when September 11 went down, I was home overcoming a night of drinking and jerking off to shit I found on limewire, and then I turn on the news and I see shit. I watched the towers fell. Now, how many fucking people ran diagonally. Go ahead, I'll wait for your response.
Because from their vantage point it looked like the building was falling on top of them, like leaning over onto them so they bolted. How many of them ran diagonally?
And how did that lessen the mythos of the force? Need I remind you in the many versions up to Star Wars Lucas still wasn't sure what he wanted the force to be or how it was supposed to work. He knew it was a force of some kind that was intertwined with all living things but as to how it was intertwined with life, he hadn't decided up until he finished the script in 1975. And with so much going on he just went with what he had achieved and decided to flesh it out later. His solution was little antennae in all living things that bridges the spiritual with the Physical. Simple solution. So go tell Mike to find his gramps and plow into his gramps butt, thanks.
>best and most disturbing scene in the movie
I think the real killer was that it was slated as 'Ridley Scott's Alien Prequel' for years in pre-production. By the time the title was revealed everyone had decided they were getting Xenomorphs and that was that.
They should have called it 'untitled sci-fi project', kept all alien references out of the marketing and let the hype build around Scott's return to the genre. I think people would have been less salty if they were allowed to realise they were in an alien prequel mid-movie. The same way nobody knew Split was Unbreakable 2 until they watched it.
damn, brittany venti looks like THAT?