The moment this lady realized there were more no's than there were yes's

The moment this lady realized there were more no's than there were yes's.


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Wasn't watching the stream.
What happened?

the nays have it

>retard posts specific thing from day long event
>doesn't provide a link to the source
Cmon nigger

give me the sauce

The source is that it's on live fucking television.

Shit sorry am high, will start writing.

So this chick goes up on stage to say that the DNC has reviewed their case and told the delegates they get to decide. However, it was a shout out vote so the whole crowd just jump in and said Hillary is clean. Of course, she gave a second vote and not a lot of people said no. There were a few though.

Later on, she continues on to say the officials they have selected to represent were fully good and accepted by the DNC committee. Everyone said yes. However, he vocalized her obligations to make a no vote, and their vote was as loud as the the yes vote. You should watch it.

>Watching pleb TV instead of superior YouTube
It's like you're trying as hard as you possibly can to be pathetic

At what moment in it then retard? Link us some of us are at work and cannot watch the entire thing.

>paying for the electric jew and yelling at others for not having it

Most people don't even have access to burger TV and they're pretty unlikely to bother trying if they don't even know what they're looking for or if it's even vaguely interesting to them.

Also, don't forget to take a shot every time the word "diverse" is said.

>You should watch it
Then show us where we can watch it holy shit. I'm not gonna rewatch the whole thing just to find this specific moment.

Your thread is as much of a mess as the dnc right now.

At 1hr 137m, she gives the delegates the first vote, and subsequentially the no vote. No biggie.

At 1hr 40m 20s, you get the second vote where most people say no
At 1hr 49m, she lists the representatives.


somewhere around -44:30

honestly kind of overblown. The I's had it imo.

at 1hr 52m, it happens again

What are they voting on senpai

your due diligence on this thread has been severely lacking t b h

What are they voting for?

whether or not OP is a faggot


Stop being lazy asses and watch it. Or watch it later. She's releasing a statement verifying the credentials of the representatives they bring up on stage. Tells the delegates to shout out their votes. The crowd shouted with the delegates. The no's were almost as loud as they yes's. I won't be specific, I'm high and honestly don't give a fuck about your lazy ass. Shit.

kek'd n chek'd

It reminds me of the libertarian freakshow.

>high and watching tv all day

Yes, we're the lazy one's. Your thread is shit. Get fucked NEET.

Tough call, nice trips though.

>don't be lazy
t. the pothead who can't be bothered with making his own thread understandable by providing a link or proper explanations.

its fucking nothing

Worst thread I've seen in a long time

> falling for jewtube

I have never seen such an awkward procession of speakers.

Couldn't they fuck with the microphones like the republicans reportedly did (not sure if it was true)

Mute the no's?


Kek this is a mess

>democrats literally decide everything by who can scream the loudest

omfg you can hear the fat as she inhales