How does one redpill a mating orifice?

How does one redpill a mating orifice?

Poo in it.

She looks like a Russian girl I work with, who has a big crush on me. The problem is, she is rather quiet... and I don't want a crazy Russian girl on my hands.

Its hard, lad, but they all come blue pilled by default. You must be strong, learn what a shit-test is and learn to shut them down. They learn to follow your insight as a strong man, eventually they love to listen and believe what you say.
Good luck.

Maybe start by respecting her.

Women don't often have strong political convictions, if they do then you probably don't want them. The average women either thinks she leans left or doesn't follow politics at all. It's really easy to redpill just talk about the news in a seminonracist manor and send them articles about shit and slowly they'll warm up to gassing the kikes.

sounds like too much effort user

>mating orifice
Probably find it easier to redpill a girl if you're not treating her like shit.

Hope she gets Blacked by Tyrone.



>quiet (see "submissive" and "polite")
>must be crazy
the feminist brainwashing is real

not that any of us are safe from being indoctrinated into feminist ideals

respect makes pussies wet

everyone knows this

>calling a vagina a mating orifice is treating women like shit

you're right
it's called the penis sleve

I never knew /pol was full of such gentlemen

Also this, I slowly redpilled a quarter black girl into hating niggers with a passion. She openly complained to me about all the blacks moving into her neighborhood, said that the ghetto was coming to town.

>the feminist brainwashing is real
Not sure what you mean.

She is a nice girl, quite smart, but just a bit naive... and with "quiet", I mean when she talks she just talks rather quiet. I am sure she would be submissive and polite and a good wife. But I don't want a redhead, green eyed, white Russian wife right now.

>calling a vagina a mating orifice
OP was quite clearly referring to women as a mating orifice, not their vagina. Unless you think OP is hoping to get her genitals to say "deus vult"? It'd be one hell of a ventriloquist act.

Not being derogatory towards them is a start. Women and men have their differences, but they still command the same level of autonomy that you do.

You can't. If her father didn't raise her right, she will reject the red pill.

you take a redpill and insert it

Kill yourself.

>her genitals to say "deus vult"
This needs to be in an evil dead remake

make her read "Assemblywomen" by Aristophanes

"The play concerns a group of women, the leader of which is Praxagora. She has decided that the women must convince the men to give them control of Athens, because they could rule it better than the men have been. The women, in the guise of men, sneak into the assembly and vote the measure, convincing some of the men to vote for it because it is the only thing they have not tried.

The women then institute a communist-like government in which the state feeds, houses, and generally takes care of every Athenian. They enforce an idea of equality by allowing each man to sleep with any woman, provided that he first sleeps with every woman in Athens who is uglier than the woman he wants.

Private property is abolished and all money and property are to go into a common fund. All expenses and purchases by each individual are to come out of the common fund. Any individual with personal property is considered to have stolen from the community.

In one scene, two men are talking. One of them is going along with the new government, giving his property to the women, and obeying their orders. The other does not wish to give up his property, but he is more than willing to take advantage of the free food.

The following scene has a pair of young lovers unable to make their tryst as a succession of older and more hideous women attempt to and eventually succeed in dragging the man off to make love to them first, as laid down by the new laws.

The final scene or epilogue has Praxagora's husband, Blepyrus, on his way to the communal feast, and inviting the audience to join him."

he called women vaginas/cunts/mating orifices
but I just wanted to say penis sleeve
so it doesnt really matter


What if she didn't even had a father?

Keep women away from politics.

Then she's probably fucked

just the fact that you associate quiet women with being crazy seems to be a result of feminism

implying that "normal" woman are loud and "strong" (see "obnoxious")

whereas if a women is quiet and feminine she must be crazy


>Kill yourself.
Why? Would you seriously get involved with a Russian girl who grew up in Moldova (her parents moved there in 1991) and is now visting her parents who live close to Novosibirsk?

P.S. can't find a pic of her, she looks very much like pic related

Russian women are known for being one of the last remnants of women uncorrupted by feminism.

If she didn't grow up in the city most likely she is perfect wife material
I don't see what problem you just hate Russians

Good parenting. If her parents didn't raise her right, she's a lost cause.

Simple as that.

what problem you have unless you just hate Russians*

With a suppository, obviously.

A red one.

Literally just be a man and fuck her. She'll fall in line.

>tips fedora



also kys, faget

Nobody likes being condescended to, you aren't going to redpill anyone by treating them like that, regardless of how strong your argument is.

Women are stupid as fuck man
If you can't manipulate them to your will your just lazy or dumb