Trump would kill families of ISIS

I'm a Trump supporter, and even I have a hard time defending this.

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the less mudshits the better

What Trump is saying is that the families of the ISIS jihadists usually know about their plans thus torturing them would make sense to gather intel.

Example: Omar Matens family was aware of his plans to shoot up that gay bar.

wonder if that makes his family a target?

100,.000,000 civilians died last century in war.

What's that story? A strike against a Roman citizen was like a strike on the Emperor himself?

We need to go back to that. Isolationists that don't take shit from anyone.

Good. We need to also start using bullets dipped in pig blood too.

>Example: Omar Matens family was aware of his plans to shoot up that gay bar.

Is that true? If so they need some severe punishment.

collective punishment? make the fifth amendment useless?

We already do it. We call it collateral damage now though.

That's how you win wars. This hearts and minds bullshit doesn't work in the real world

>FDR firebombed japanese and german cities
>we burnt down one of our states

fuck you pussy, war is hell

You're not a Trump supporter, you're a Hillary shill making a slide thread.


if someone uses the fifth amendment , torture their family

fuck the magna carta . gwb all over again

his wife drove him to the pulse several times knowing full well he planned to shoot it up and never once told police before hand.

you think his jihadist parents didn't know too?

Defend it by pointing out the fact that Bin Laden's son is now leading al Qaeda. Duh.

the constitutions is from 1800 or so. It is time to change it and use a modern constitution. The founding fathers would have wanted us to kill ISIS families.

Look, war is hell, as Trump knows from his years of military service.

Er, I mean, Trump knows war is hell because of his years of public service on the intelligence committees.

Er, I mean, because he watches RT

he wouldn't have wanted you over there in the first place


There have to be consequences for these imbeciles, he's right

maybe not kill but waterboard with pig piss

can you imagine what will happen if one of trump's kids is killed or kidnapped?

and all for control of somebody else's oil

US has already done that ever since you have been in Middle East. Obama just calls it collateral damage, Trump is just saying it like it really is. There will always be civilian casualties in war.

Also your country dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japanese, mostly civilians, so why feel bad when few ragheads die in desert?

Does that include people in the US whose kids run off to join ISIS?

you guys are willing to be human shields for texico and bp right?

>1 post by this ID

it's a very persuasive mafia tactic

Consider it retribution. Remember when Obama sent a drone to kill an American citizen in a sovereign nation without any adjudication?


people that burn people alive in cages and behead them
lets take the moral high road guys

I used to think this was pretty extreme but now I'm defending it. fuck it let's kill the families, let's fucking turn it all into glass

so im supposed to feel compassion for familys that already created at least one isis member and keep producing children that then voluntarily or forcefuly get taken away to isis. familys who do nothing to combat isis and whos leanings are unclear.

they are passively supporting this shit and id rather see their houses get bombed than see our people get cut to pieces.

Why exactly is this bad? Islamic families are tight knit so the family of a terrorist would know exactly what was going on. Entire communities defend and hide jihadist in europe.

Nah look at the Barbary wars.

The US basically just landed Marines and showed how big our dicks are and then the Arabs were impressed so the pirates didn't take us as slaves anymore.

Arabs only recognize strength.

I was a cruisemissile, but now I'm voting for trump

trup might want you to die for the saudis, they made lots isis members

The Constitution is for citizens, not mooslimes

fuck yeah he will! bless him

Kill theirs or they'll kill yours.

Might as well roast them before they avenge their terrorist family members

Half the shit Trump wants to do is unconstitutional.

I don't
>Daddy becomes psycho jihadist
>daddy killed deservedly
>All children are now jihadists
and on, and on, and on. Child abuse is normal in inslam, put them out of their misery. Break the cycle.

the constitution does not apply to foreigners

Then you are a fucking traitor and should kill yourself

You don't have to defend it you retard. You don't have to agree with EVERTHING your candidate says. It's ok to think otherwise. I hate that fucking "I gotta agree cuz he does so lemme just chalk up for my mental gymnastics"

When you play at a high level you better accept the price and the consequences.

Here's how you deal with terrorism:

When there are reports of terrorist cells operating in an urban environment, you completely surround the city with infantry and tanks and stop anyone from moving in or out. Then you bomb the shit out of it. Anyone trying to escape is shot dead. Repeat for every city in the country. Salt the earth.

If you make them understand that there is no rule but American rule, then the terrorism will stop.

Trump hates Saudi Arabia. He hinted in the debates about how the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia and not from Iraq/Afghanistan.

Obama already does this, Clinton would continue it, the only difference is Trump would be public about it.


Presumably their family members are also Muslims so I see nothing wrong with it.

>"go after" = killing

dude we need to purge like 2/3 of the planet. Wtf is your problem with that?

Sage and report shill threads.

Actually it never says anything about collective punishment

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

Futhermore it could be argued that these cases are above normal circumstances and could be classified under the "public danger" clause

Killing the family of terrorist is a great idea. If they don't care about their own lives you have to go to what they do care about.

It is unlikely they care enough about their wives and daughters. You have to kill their sons and fathers. But it would work.

The thing is there are things that should be done and never talked about. When asked about it, it should be dismissed with a shrug and a change of subject.

Yeah that'll be a change from all the previous terrorist attacks that only target military assets right?

He said "go after"


kill their families?


I'd push the button that'd turn the Middle East into glass. It's not like all of humanity would be wiped out. Just a shitty part of it. We'd still grow.

Collective punishment doesn't make sense. If his relative becomes a terrorist does that make Trumo a legitimate target? You can see the absurdity of his position.

Not only is it great, its proven useful

Ask the russians how well this worked against the chechen Jihadis. Executed the whole lot after eliminating the intended target most of the time, but nobody cared.

>Trump would kill family's of Isis

Sounds reasonable, Isis wouldn't think twice about killing me and my family. why the fuck should I give a shit about theirs. Fuck them

Not really
Fuck them

If they're on US soil, it does

Someone read their Machiavelli.

Cucks will attack this.

Ever heard about old news? Well here's a fine example.

Now fuck off, back to the DNC with you.

good thing guantanamo is in cuba

punish the families, what exactly the punishment is is possibly going to vary but death is probable for most adults . Look at what happened to the collaborators of the lincoln assassination.

Then again i cant expect basic logic to come from a leaf. You'd probably apologize to someone who purposely shot you

Trump specifically said this with one thing in mind, the vast majority of suicide bombers are poor people that get "chosen" to be martyred with the promise their families will be well taken care of. If you introduce even the possibility their families will be targeted, only the hard-liners would suicide. It would become a self-correcting problem.

at first i am a trump support but then see this and now am #hillfiremissile

how do you think we won WWII?

We'd still be fighting it if we tried the soft hate nonsense they try today

Think about it this way: Would you be okay with torturing a few arab families if it meant 9/11 would've been stopped? Torturing a few people to save 3000 thousand deaths

not a crime

3 thousand lives*


the magna carta: you don't punish someone for someone elses crime

800 years of western christian civilization, down the toilet for texico profits

wtf i hate trump now

> Caring about shitskins

and you guys can't even smoke weed.
are you sure about this?

Obama already kills family members of terrorists. There are literally zero things said by trump that aren't already systematic government policies.

>Kill adults
>Orphans grow up with islam
>become next wave of terrorists

no mercy in war. they are just as dangerous and just as determined to kill us as their parents.

Damn! We need to work on those low numbers.
Someone said crusade and i starting to think it's good idea. Like europe is being raped all over again. We need a hero to save us and pic related

>Magna Carta
>A fucking leaf doesnt know geography

Fat load of horse shit that is. you dont even know our legal system but now you pretend to know british law? Hillarious

That isnt even in the magna carta either, and if it was, went out the window with the rise of the peasant revolts and had the final nail in the coffin during the prothestant reformation.

Whole families were basically wiped out for taking ultra catholic stances in Elizabethan England. Including the family of Shakespeare's wife from the mother's side. Her mother was from a branch family and married into the Hathaways, meanwhile the main family was all but eradicated when a second cousin announced his intention to kill the queen; and that's just one example

shit is flying out of your mouth

This and using them as shields

>I'm a Trump supporter, and even I have a hard time defending this.
Just imagine ISIS just killed your sister and you have flamethrower in your hands standing in front of family of the killer.

You look like a Low Energy user, maybe it's about time to fix it.

Just wait up until terrorists kill someone who you know, don't you think that's the best thing to do?

your constitution is based on it

>fewer people killed by war than by communism

Really makes you Intellectually interrogate.

Loosely based on it, not copied verbatum, and without the fake laws you made up which is more than I can say about your own territory

It's needed to be honest. And it's sad. Now, a little story.

>You are Mohammed Ali, your father was killed by an American several years ago. Now your brothers are dead as well from those same Americans. You use to think the war was bad as mother didn't like the war agasint the west. But you know better. Women are weaker. So you wait, you get your brothers gun and his other weapons before you wait. A week later a convoy of American soilders come down the main road. You see them coming into sight. They have three vehicles a big truck probably filled with soilders and two armored trucks with large guns. You hide in the ally and as soon as the first truck passes you open fire on he unarmored one killing the driver and shooting into the canvas. A Burst of fire hits you and you fall to the ground. In the last moments of life you begin to pray to Allah just to see that blood isn't what leaks from the truck. But a clear liquid. In the distance you hear shouts about the water. Then it goes dark.

And that user is why you can't just kill one. You unfortunately have to kill them all.

pretty much a given (even 200 years ago) that you don't punish someone for someone elses crime

Didn't anyone talk about when the USSR did this and had the terrorist shitting their pants?


Tell that to Mary Surrat

lets not have any laws because criminals will just break them anyway

Do you even know who she is leaf?

fuck thats a bad edit.