Other urls found in this thread:
thats highly doubtful
>the reason people didn't like Prometheus was the lack of zeno's
That's not true. Most people loved the mythos Ridley, The first version of your script before Lindolf fucked it up was great. You gave us no Engineers and Retards, but the RETARDS IN PROMETHEUS were world class GENIUSES compared to the fucking idiots in Covenant.
Oh shut up already. Go jizz on your baby Groot.
Enjoyed this more that GoTG2 tbqh
It was marginally better than Prometheus.
The crew was actually likeable and made logical decisions this time around. The first half was excellent
how the fuck are people already seeing this movie? there's still 5 days until release
There's a secret early movie release for virgins, it's the only way the government can keep them in check
Same question
It came out in England yesterday
>people actually paid to watch this nostalgia cash grab
Review Screw shit on this movie it was so kino
David did nothing wrong!!
also film sucked
this is you live in a third world country episode
i watched it in kodi
It's called PRE SCREENINGS. I saw it a couple of days ago in the u.s.
You clearly slept through the film
What stream nigga? - Mine aint loading that shit
David and the baby alien having a hands up in the air moment looked really bad but overall it was 5/10 for me
Chances are you got labeled as unworthy by the kinopolice. Only those with a clean kino record got the invitations sent.
>went to kinoplex by yourself regardless of the singles policy
>bought crab legs without extra butter
>didn't pass penis inspection
>didn't take a shower in the cinema showers before the movie started
If one of those things apply to you, you are almost surely labeled as unworthy.
What was the original script for Prometheus like? What major differences with the final product were there?
am i an idiot for not knowing what that is?
IN many countries it came out on the 11th
It was out in UK on thursday, I saw it yesterday. I rated Prometheus 1/10 because it was the single worst cinema experience of my life. Using that as a guideline, Covenant is maybe a 3/10
It was boring at times, crew did stupid shit, dialogue seemed forced and strange at times (i'm a man of god these scientists don't trust me, help me finger the holes walter, etc), cgi looked very bad in some places but good in others. It felt very similar to Prometheus with attempts to fix what people didn't like, but failing
why does Ridley Scott hate America?
Why was Noomi Rapace in the credits?
It really was. The characters were even dumber and the plot ten times as predictable. The CG was absolutely abominable at times as well.
That being said I liked Prometheus, and wasn't happy about how they resolved that in this movie (David kills Shaw and the Engineers on the planet they land on).
wait you just made me realise something.
Doesn't David say something along the lines of "blow on a calf's nose and he'll be with you for life"?
Maybe that's why he's so fixated on blowing Walter's flute.
>Maybe that's why he's so fixated on blowing Walter's flute.
But Walter played David's flute, there was no blowing involved. Just a bit of kissing
he blew for Walter first. then Walter blew back while David fingered him.
I agree, turning David into a mad scientist villain makes the ending of Prometheus seem completely innefectual. Elizabeth Shaw could've played more of a role than being a Xeno surrogate.
Why were these movies made in the first place?
The horror element stemmed from the unknown. Why make three movies giving a halfassed explanation to somthing no one asked?
Is this a jew cashgrab?
Actually it is te truth.
At least prometheus had character development.
Here it's just stupid people being chased by cgi xenos.
The first version of prometheus was trash, lindeloff gave it shape but Riddley wasnt attentive of it and we had fucking retarded scientists.
This whole deal was supposed to be about the space jokeys? Not your shitty xenomorph wankery. You ailly pleb.
Oh btw if you didnt like the retarded people in prometheus then get ready for a feast of retarded people.
Ridley Scott over the years has come to resent the real creatiove mastermind behind Alien (pic related), and is now set to erase his legacy, and just in general retcon all Alien related things that don't come from Scott himself.
lurk more faggot
Ridley really has gone full Lucas, down to a tee.
the Ridley/Lucas prequel connection is overwhelming at this point.
Streaming service, on amazon stick I think
Daily reminder that Alien 3 remake was in the works but scraped in favor of this POS.
>The crew was actually likeable and made logical decisions this time around
bringing the team who went on the planet back when there were averred contamination cases by an alien pathogen was not a logical decision
It was the lack of engineers
>pre-Prometheus era
space exploration oddysey where humanity meets a mysterious, extremely aggressive, dangerous and powerful alien species
>post-Prometheus era
LE ENGINEERS engineered humanity using black goo - they are 4 million years old, MASTER RACE (white) of spacefaring, big, aggressive guys stupid enough to get rekt by a fucking robot, dropping a black goo on them and creating aliens just to link the movie to old movies for lulz
I thought the genociding the Engineers scene was really horrific. Seeing people who are effectively our 'gods' being massacred like that was horrible.
For a super advanced godspecies they sure as hell weren't very impressive.
the only thing that was horrific about that was the 2005 era CGI
it was so random, it barely had an impact imo
if we knew why david decided to do it when he had no reason to do so in prometheus
they look like ancient greek civilization and not an advanced spacefaring species
them being this fucking unprepared is unbelievable
>military ship enters the orbit
>it has fucking nukes
He's fucking senile, I fucking bet. The Martian was an absolute abortion as was this. That scene with the first proto-alien in this movie fucking hell I had the Benny Hill music going on in my head during it.
And he just fucking kills off Shaw like it's fucking nothing even though we spent an entire movie watching her desperately stay alive and be by the most compelling character in this current series of movies. Fucking Danny McBride of all fucking people fucking hell I mean Jesus fucking Christ you let him live but not Noomi get fucked Ridley.
>come stick your face in this alien egg that just opened, it's quite safe I assure you
>he does it
don't mind.
It's out on first world countries
I'm fully convinced that scene was supposed to be retarded and that this was a stealth comedy. The characters are so beyond retarded it's ridiculous
>Gets butthurt you killed an alien that just decapitated one of your crew
>Shows you his secret lab trying to engineer more of these bioweapons for no purpose other than genocide
>Leads you down to his secret lair full of eggs all the while talking about the missing fucking ingredient to his genocidal aliens
>Tells him to walk up to the eggs and stick his face in and he actually fucking does it
I swear that guy wanted to die. The whole movie was so beyond retarded.
to be fair David only SEEMS malevolent at that point. he couldnt've known David was actually trying to kill him.
all for good.
At least Lucas gave us better memes
I think you're holding them to a standard that's too human. They're clearly an ancient race that don't expect to be challenged, they assumed they were invulnerable.
Ummm... american here. I live in USA and it isn't out.
>David tells him to stick his face in the egg
>he does it
>the madman
>first world country
>Major complaint of Prometheus is that the characters are retarded to the point of taking you out of the movie
>like the only reason the plot is rolling along is because the characters are just so suicidally fucking stupid
>sequel takes all this into consideration and makes them even dumber
and yet you're going to watch it and continue to shit up Sup Forums with threads about it. Ignore this garbage if you don't want to see more of it
Yes. Pick both.
I live in Brazil and it came out two days ago
It's true.
Think of the few things Prometheus did well. This managed to fail at that.
>Fucking Danny McBride of all fucking people fucking hell I mean Jesus fucking Christ you let him live but not Noomi get fucked Ridley.
This right here
Brazil is a ghetto.
To be fair the captain was in radio contact with his crew the entire time and decided to not once mention anything about the dead woman
Or the alien
Or the droids bizarre behaviour
Or going down into the creepy basement
still get to see my kino before you
>Walk in on his death lab full of biological experiments on the creatures that had been up until this point wiping out his entire crew
>Hurr he only SEEMS malevolent
That character is proof all Christfags have brain damage
Like said. Imagine your friend had just been murdered by an alien, her head floating in the water right infront of you. You then kill the alien and the strange android (who you just met in the middle of the galaxy 5 minutes ago) loses his temper and shouts at you. He showed anger at the alien dying, but zero emotion for the human.
Would you then follow the android to his secret lab where he grows the aliens? Would you then follow him into the dark cellar when he says "would you like to see my successes"? Would you then stick your head into the egg after all that? Holy shit it was stupid.
The dialogue was even making it obvious. David said something like "all this time I've been trying to perfect it, waiting...." then the captain replies with "waiting for what". I fully expected David to say "YOU". I'm betting he did at one point but they cut it out because it was so fucking predictable
Why does your country always overrun every English-speaking forum? Don't you have your own imageboard to post on?
he had a gun and seemed pretty safe with David up until David betrays him.
and creepy basements are fun my uncle used to let me play around in his before nap time.
>seemed pretty safe with David
He was pointing that gun at David 30 seconds earlier, he clearly already did not trust him. That's before following him to the lab then the spooky basement
Are you okay, user?
but David was going to tell him "the truth" or whatever. maybe he thought the egg had an iPad in it with a video explaning everything.
he saw david with the neomorph and the corpse of one of his subordinates
that should have been enough reason to not trust david
What if the Prometheus trilogy ended with David getting abducted by Predators and forced to give up all his research and specimens and create more for their hunt worlds?
I dunno, I'm just thinking of something that might make this mess of a series at least a little worthwhile in the end.
You land on a planet.
There is lots of vegetation.
There is lots of water.
Air is breathable.
But you notice there are no animals whatsoever.
Do you:
a. Go outside of the ship on an adventure like a retard?
b. Fortify ship, plug all entrances, equip 3 layers of armor, outfit yourself with enough weapons to start WW3, put all ship sensors on overdrive, release as many drones as you can to survey the planet while you are comfy and armed to the teeth in a temporary fort till you figure out what the fuck is going on with no animal presence in such a lush world?
I'd personally go for b.
but the xenomorph pretty clearly killed the girl. David trying to communicate with it still wouldn't make him a threat to the Captain.
The fact that James Cameron and Sigourney Weaver where onboard plus the revised story in wich Newt and Hicks lived is enough for me. But nooooooooooo Ridley had to have his albino Jesus and black goo meme.
And why the fuck did she park the ship 10km away from the location of the signal? It reminded me of the opening of rogue one where they land on the farm and walk for 10 minutes to the house for absolutely no reason
I'd gear up like a marine and then go exploring.
So the leaks were true? The ending with David impersonating Walter etc?
God, that sounded terrible.
I was wondering the same thing, then I checked my local cinema and saw they had a pre-release screening yesterday and today.
It's obvious from the moment they cut away from the fight they both have.
but dude
>bitching about something you never saw
God this board turned cancer
So Ridley did give the moaners something more in line with the other Alien movies?
Now those window lickers are sedated he can come out to say Covenant isn't canon and give the world a true sequel to Prometheus.
Everybody wins