I like this
Master of None
It's a goddamned masterpiece. The characters feel so fucking real. well shot too and the soundtrack was dope too.
Top tier TV for me.
I really hate rewatching stuff but this is an exception
Watch more television.
the italian scenery in season 2 is fucking kino
I thought the first season was great, pretty down to earth and it looked like Dev could be a regular guy trying to make a living.
This season got snob as fuck. He loses his iPhone, and then instantly gets another iPhone right at the next episode? Even when he says that he didn't have international data cause "it was too expensive"?
I don't know, I'm not really digging his development. HOWEVER, I thought that "Thanksgiving" and specially "New York I Love You" were 10/10, mainly because they didn't focused on Dev.
Started second season two days ago and now at ep 7. I too really like it. The thing with the italian chick is too meme but everything else is great. The show finds some new ways to be funny like the deaf pussy licking argument.
Plus all that bicycle thieves homage was dope( literally the only old ass movie I've seen)
lol if you think that about the italian chick, end of the season is gonna suck for you
just finished watching it... wow. right in the feels
>regular guy trying to make a living.
>season one
>living in a nice New York apartment, likely paying upwards of $3000 dollars a month
>no day job, gruelling or otherwise
>literally never mentions money because it isn't really an object
>literally sits around with his friends all day having existential crises
>at the end 'uproots' and moves to Italy on a fucking whim
Don't be retarded, user.
I bet you thought Drinking Buddies was about the plight of blue collar workers.
He never says he's poor tho. He gets gigs here and there.
the side actors on this show are so terrible. it's distracting.
every scene with his parents are fucking awful.
mmmhh dat thiccc
I'm ok with his parents. His cousin and his Chinese friend are unwatchable though.
Get it cause he's Indian lol
>characters feel so fucking real
How horrifying. I hope my reality never mixes with your reality.
In the first episode they literally say that he got his money from a really popular ad run for a yogurt brand or something like that to calm autists like you.
It's another "I don't do shit all day, but I'm both inexplicably rich and down to earth" show. The characters feel so fucking real indeed
I don't care about his monetary earnings because that's not what the show is about. This isn't Atlanta. But to imply he's a 'regular guy' is beyond retarded. He complains about rarely working and still living relatively luxuriously.
I was friends with a guy who was just like that (one parent was a lawyer, other was a nurse). He did jack shit every day, kept talking how he would eventually "write a novel", got married with some crazy chick, had a kid, got heavy into weed for a lot of years, eventually stopped and became a pastor of a church (he was one of those obnoxiously religious types who thought he was better than everyone).
There was a point where his dad had to call him to yell at him for not properly taking care of all his money in the stock market, because he'd often be too lazy to talk to his people.
People like that exist.
One of the best things to come out of Netflix but I'd be lying if it didn't bother me that most white characters are portrayed in a bad light. Like I get that there's a bad history with race in Hollywood and giving white people some shit is only fair but when will it end?
how did he just go to italy and live there for months like it was nothing
Not that hard to do especially with TV show money coming in.
>I really hate rewatching stuff
Sup Forums in a nutshell
Season 2 out yet?
came out yesterday
I saw the first two episodes, it was fucking stupid. "waahh I'm such a spoiled brat, my parents had it harder". that's literally episode 2. like who fucking cares, how is this anything noteworthy at all?
The show is good but it's too nice to the women and too hard on the men. As an example, the Francesca character was one step from the manic pixie dream girl and her boyfriend / fiance was only ever shown as being distant and obnoxious. Did you notice how he is only shown at eye level with her or above her? A subtle way to show that he has power over her or is overbearing? It's clear that whole relationship is shown from Dev's perspective but it' heading to a 500 days of summer season 3 (if there is one).
Season 2 is really well shot. Writing was better in season 1.
I'm sure self-hating beta nu-males love it.
But just Netflix or somewhere where I can download/watch for free?
S01 was top tire, this Season was pretty meh
thanks, my pretty pebble