So help me here Sup Forums

So help me here Sup Forums

In the comic films of marvel and dc, notice the efforts they go through to make sure that the male superheroes look as good as possible. Notice the actors they choose are as handsome or at least as authentic as the way they are shown in the comics, they get their costumes down pretty well, and lastly look at the insane workouts they go through to get their superhero physical looks.

Now contrast that with the women. Barely half the time the women even resemble who they are supposed to be, most are not even hot by any standard, the ones shown in the comics being curvy and busty and with revealing costumes are usually portrayed by actresses who have the body of a fridge, or chubby or malnourished. Pic related for example is the type of person we needed for wonder woman, yet we have never gotten an actress evwn close to being that authentic as we have gotten with our male actors.

Why is this?

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Yet feminism does not bring in money

Beer ads still show scantily clad women because those are what are appealing and help bring in more money

The "ideal" male is easy to come by. As long as actor is tall enough. They made chubby loser Chris Pratt work out until he's passable enough to be Star Lord and now he's an action hero.

The female ideal as drawn in comics is usually stupid and ridiculous. Its easy enough to make girls fit, but you can't make them grow breasts and ass. And girls that do just have that end up being vapid models that don't have any talent because they don't have to try.

So casting directors spring for actresses that look pretty and can actually semi act because they don't have the tits necessary to just take pictures and make money off losers on the internet.

Never underestimate the jealously of women.

Maybe it's easier to find a good actor in shape (good diet and lots of workout) than to find a good actress with the body of a goddess ?

In the case of comic book movies, they all look the same too. Chris Pine made fun of this and himself in his SNL monologue the other day

Do the math, which loses you more money?
a.) Men not watching superhero movies because the tits aren't big enough
b.) Women not watching superhero movies because the tits are too big
Teacher's pro-tip: Men actually like superhero movies

>The female ideal as drawn in comics is usually stupid and ridiculous. Its easy enough to make girls fit, but you can't make them grow breasts and ass. And girls that do just have that end up being vapid models that don't have any talent because they don't have to try.
>So casting directors spring for actresses that look pretty and can actually semi act because they don't have the tits necessary to just take pictures and make money off losers on the internet.

1. There are PLENTY of hot women out there, everytime I am at a place with a variety and good amount of people, say an airport or county fair, you always see a good amount of 10/10 hotties

2. Acting? First off, we are talking comic book movies here. Plus just teach the lady to act just enough for her quips and juat good enough to do that role, you dont need to teach her shakespeare for every possible role she may get in the future


>Margot Robbie
>not gay

Maybe you're a homosexual, OP.

user, she has no T nor A


Holy shit man, comparing this to the Israeli "model" we got instead for wonder woman is so fucking depressing

There are plenty of hot women. Just not hot and talented women. Because they don't have to be. They can make bank without doing all that acting bullshit. The occasional talentless idiot who gets by on her looks tends to repel people.

I mean, look at Megan Fox. Granted she's not comic book curvy, but she's that empty headed hot girl. Nobody wants that.

But as said, just coach her enough to do what she needs to do for that movie and thats all you need

why isn't this whore doing porn already

For the plainest most conservative down dressed female role in Marvel.

Its really not though.

And that's great if you're going for a male audience. But the powers that be have been trying to entice a larger audience. Women have been clamoring for a Black Widow movie because the character is interesting and ScarJo is actually an actress.

For the background comic relief baggy dressed assistant.

They are intentionally fucking with you.

Trust me, the "feminism experiment" is pretty much over. We're simply witnessing productions done in the past couple years spin out. The downside to that is betas and feminists can safely pretend people actually care about their whining for a bit longer.

>because the character is interesting and ScarJo is actually an actress.
Further proof that women are just awful. Giving up that rib was a mistake.

>movement that is over 100 years old.

How delusional can you get?

>Thinks she's a fatty with saggy tits.
>Saw her nudes.
>Am preparing to commit sudoku for ever doubting another jewess goddess.

Why am I such a goyim anons?

>Women have been clamoring for a Black Widow movie because the character is interesting and ScarJo is actually an actress.

And yet black widow looks like this...

... And they should gotten someone like tessa fowler who actually has that body and looks

It's because the DC director Hack Snyder is a closet homo. Marvel has decent looking girls with nice bodies.
Marvel > DC as usual.

Capeshit comics are for virgin manchildren whereas capeshit flicks are for children/families.If you're an adult watching it then you're a periphery demographic

>Marvel has decent looking girls with nice bodies.

Gr8 b8 m8

>Capeshit comics are for virgin manchildren whereas capeshit flicks are for children/families.If you're an adult watching it then you're a periphery demographic

Are you fucking retarded? You might be right about the comics but every damn demographic watches the movies, no way they make their money otherwise


Shes got a healthy body but no T or A

>tessa fowler
>suggests a porn 'actress' for an actual film
>doesn't blink
>this is normal
>this is autism

Are you Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver?

>Implying scarlett johanson and jennifer lawrence are better actresses than tessa would be

I think they would be, considering they are actresses, and even the worst actresses are better than cum receptacle nigger fodder like porn stars.

My observation with female lead action films even outside of cape movies is that the movies women actually like are shit and the things a larger audience enjoys doesn't seem to be most womens idea of entertainment or maybe a female character they find relatable (there is also the possibility that maybe they just bitch no matter what). But a few examples (granted, they're not capeshit), The Long Kiss Goodnight, The Underworld movies, Salt, Hanna, all to ranging degrees at least pretty good movies for the most part if not great. It's the rare occasion I hear any sort of positive critique or word of mouth advertisement or using any of these movies as examples as

>strong women in lead roles or carrying a movie or why don't we have more roles like...

But then I see shit loads of focus on Divergent or the Twilight movies and how finally lead female, finally women taking charge etc. And they seem to at least OK but it's only from primarily female viewership outlets that I hear how good this was. And when I go to see it myself it to me appears to be a female lead that latches onto a stronger male love interest that kind of guides her through these hardships for most of the movie and the only real point of the female protagonist is to defiantly stand up/ mouth off to the lead antagonist before rallying some kind of army that does the fighting for her. No shit, like every twilight movie and two of the Divergent movies at least that's what happens.

I guess my summation is even if they did a Black Widow movie to any standard I would consider a good action/spy movie, I still don't think women (as a community) would like it.

user is right.

I mean Conan is one of the greatest fantasy hero movies of all time. Part of that comes from Arnold being otherworldly in his physique.

I think in general we need to bring back the really busty actresses. It's a niche market that is currently not utilised at all.

One gets backlash and protests, the other doesn't. Not fucking rocket science.

okay calm down, she's a teenager with big tits who make playful pinup vids with other women. She doesn't get a nigger cock up her ass exaclty, settle user.

well it would and it wouldn't. If you got Kat Dennings, Kim Director, or Titcow mom herself Christina Hendricks and put her in a corset with her tits spilling over a lot of women would feel "empowered". Either way, evernthough they're not denise milani amount of tits, it's at elast not flatchested negroid skulled kike Gal Gadot

Why shouldn't a slut that does porn be considered for a mainstream acting role? If she's willing to take a load on the face, she can subject herself to the humiliation of being in a capeshit movie

If someone can act ought to be the real qualification. The rest of the deciding factors should just be casting to age/gender/body type. Fucking Hollywood politics.

Look at him, so magnificent, so unreal. He looks like a sculpture.

He looks like some sort of high definition, highly detailed action figure... stunning specimen

If comic book movies are such stupid trash that you think a porn actress would be good for it, why do you even care? What does it matter? Just don't watch the shit

This is also huge. I've seen this happen dozens and dozens of times, where a guy will go, "Woah, that dude looks ripped!" when he sees some roided up Hollywood trained male star, but every time a non-obese woman appears in American media with a cup size higher than D, women will mutter, "Those have to be fake". I think this is probably a bigger factor for movie studios than whatever flavor-of-the-decade social movement happens to be going on.

Exactly, they don't want to alieante the hambeast audience, they prefer to put somewhat cute but more homely girls so that they can self insert more easily .

I want Denise Milani to mother me.

It needs to be asked again, can scarjo and jlaw act better than a model like tessa fowler if she was given bootcamp acting lessons for a movie?

But why would studios care about jealous hambeast opinoons when they are nada on the radar of ticket buyers?


Snuggle time, user!

act better: yes
be better for the part: Never

I mean Ryan Gosling isn't a great actor, but he is perfect for the part of Driver because HE IS THAT TYPE OF DUDE.

Mmm, what's in the cup, user?

Its funny how nobody realizes that drawing women is hard and that the artists give them exaggerated feminine features to make their lives easier not because they are supposed to have huge breasts.

Also they don't always fail at this. Say what you will about January Jones she was probably the most authentic body save for ScarJo in any comic book movie.

>Christina Hendricks
>Kat Dennings
>Hayley Atwell
>Alexandra Daddario
>Dakota Blue Richards
>Salma Hayek
>Sophia Vergara
>Milana Vayntrub
>Pre-Op Ariel Winter

>Kate Winslet
>Gemma Arterton

What other women in Hollywood should be classed as titcows?

I think OP is just gay and is trying to rationalize why he's more attracted to the male actors than the female actors.

An alarming percentage of Americans are jealous hambeasts, my man. Especially when you get to a demographic like the kinds of women who might actually go and see a comic book movie.

Generally I don't like big tits, especially on cute girls, but it sometimes works on certain types of 'motherly' women.


Here's a list of acting awards for JLaw.

And here's ScarJo.

Some of those are bullshit. Teen Choice awards are obvious nonsense. But JLaw won an Oscar. You can't pretend some model or porn star off the street is going to be good for a role just because she has tits. Like how the fuck is this conversation going on on a television and film board?

>Its funny how nobody realizes that drawing women is hard and that the artists give them exaggerated feminine features to make their lives easier not because they are supposed to have huge breasts.

>Drawing no breasts is more work than giving them big titties

Bull fucking shit

You are forgetting the best of the breasts, diora baird

>Wanting hotter women in a movie makes you gay

So they got awards for their comic book movies?......

Ah, didnt think so

Because Feminism somehow became a parody of Christian anti-sex puritanism, and became part of the sexual repression party.

How this retardation happened i don't know.
I'm guessing fat acceptance bitches have something to do with it.

leftism has turned into a pseudo-morality, based in anger and resentment rather than in love and goodness.

Yeah you're right they just stood still with their tits presses together the entire movie. You know porn exists right? You can just stay home and touch yourself while everyone else goes to the theaters and watches movies

So then explain to me why they would hire women like sofia vergara who cant act worth shit in comparison to someone like kate blanchet... Oh right because big tits bring in straight male money

Yeah she slayed in Machete Kills

>literally who


> large breasted women dont exist
Right ok.

You're looking at a venn diagram. Talent in one circle. Tits in the other. There's an overlap, but they necessarily want to be in capeshit


do you want good actresses, or do you just want pornstars user?

How about someone who looks like the comic babe who can be taught to act enough the part? Is that asking too much?

Her nudes are from when she was 16. Those tits are like spaniel's ears now.

Exagerating a bit there?

No. I am making an educated guess about the tits though.

>Her nudes are from when she was 16
Great, now the guy you replied to is on a list.

Search "Hand Expression" on youtube.

Maybe he'll learn his lesson about jews.

Group to talk about films, and shit

>implying the current crop of faggots would be looked upon with anything above absolute disgust by feminists of old

How delusional can you get?

>Her nudes are from when she was 16
Bullshit, provide source

You are talking about the old age of comics

The golden age of comics>

This is the new age of comics
This Skeleton era started right here>

and here>

Now we are in an era when women in comics have no more curves

Wonder Woman comics

Captain Marvel comics

This is one of the reasons Marvel don't sell more comics like before

Other funny stuff>>>>

Scarlet Witch Will Never Wear Her Comic Book Costume in a Marvel

But maybe there's some hopes, maybe the only franchise to save women with curvy and hot suits is Deadpool

Good actors are usually handsome lean men who can bulk up a bit.

Hot thicc women are never good actors
The best women actors are stringbeans

>leftism has
Why do you retards insist on lumping all leftists in together? The far left hates this PC identity politics garbage just as much as the right wing does.



what a bunch of porn obsessed losers jesus christ
Wonder Women isn't real who cares what she looks like. Come back to reality dude. Sorry your porn actress that can't speak english or even fake like she's enjoying sex didn't get cast

This is the type of body for capeshit

Hi tumblr

Jealous there, you fat fucking whale bitch who refuses to hit the gym and actually do something about your horrific figure?


Come off it. The point of the thread is that autists want curvy porn stars rather than skinny twig ones. Your response is retarded

>Waaaaaaahhhhhh how dare you say that the actress should actually look like the character they are playing!!!

lol kid quit getting mad at movies for children, the studios are adapting cartoon books that sell xray vision goggles to gullible kids. None of the superheroines are real they can look like whatever they want. I'm worried you might actually have autism

>The far left hates this PC identity politics garbage just as much as the right wing does.

I can tell you have never been to r/communism

Yeah because stories like marvels civil war storyline are totally written for 5 year olds...

It always amuses me when people say a girl who looks the part doesn't have the acting chops, yet fucking Gal Gadot was cast as Wonder Woman. Also women spend their entire lives acting in one way or another, it's not difficult to teach them to act for film.

every kid who has ever owned a plastic action figure has banged them together and acted out who would win. It's a child's fantasy made for children and getting mad at them when even kids don't makes you worse than a child, it makes you autistic

>Also women spend their entire lives acting in one way or another, it's not difficult to teach them to act for film.
who hurt you user? what has happened in your life to make you feel this way?