when will the next attack happen in Germany ?
Guessing Game
Ha, apparently right now.
Attack in Frankfurt next Wednesday.
In two days.
آخر أربعة أرقام تحدد الوقت! الله أكبر!
4 days
Aloha snackbar
8 days
Fuck your dubs... I'm going there on wednesday.
what did he mean by this?
2 days from now
next friday I say and probably again bavaria
Bavaria, as always
God is dealing out some well overdue punishment
Lets hope we get 2-3 happanings a week from now on in germany. This will redpill the country in 3-4 month.
Here is a joke;
Tanned German walks in to a bar.
Barman asks him what he'll have.
Tanned German says ALLAHU AKBAR
Everyone has a blast
That's the joke.
Funny isn't it?
don't know when the next pegida rally is, but i guess the radical left will hunt them down because
>muh not all """""""refugees"""""
nah but 2017 we will have 30% AfD
stay safe tulpe
>The last four digits identify the time! Allah is the greatest!
fucking kek
Funny isn't it.