Ylyl thread

>/ylyl/ thread

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Are those symbols real? I think i just got autism from looking at that.





SJW Roast









But i dont do drugs


This isnt a fucking YRYL user...



it's funny how pathetic it is



>XK9 looking ass
oh fuck
this is a ylyl not cringe




>>Sup Forums


why do you idiot canfucks keep psoting this dude? noone cares, its not funny even ironically. h's a literal nobody, like your cunt of faggots. not even joke material.


Fuck you, it's funny.




Yo, you gotta problem with Sikhs?

Fuck you, white boy. Go back to Europe!

>weed smoker

just so you know, when americans joke people laugh at you, not at the joke. another lame as fuck cunt. but at least you are joke material.





