What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Too long.
Nothing. Perfect capefilm.
>inb4 SQUID
you called?
Entertaining adaption but misses the point of the comics entirely. Watchmen cant be adapted fully anyway because its comic medium is inseparable from its poignancy and commentary.
>hey zack, why don't you sit down so it's not obvious you're shorter than your wife
Medium purists are the worst.
How exactly is this story perfect for the comic format, but unadaptable elsewhere?
Literally nothing.
Literally nothing. Snyder improved on the source material.
What a gorgeous, talented couple.
numale shariablue cucks OUT
Excuse me? I'm not a MCUck.
because moore was commenting on the superhero worship of the comic industry and the ridiculous storylines that it produces, the ending of the comic was suppose to be a send-up to these storylines and the brightness of his color palette is reminiscent of this hero worship but beset against the bleakness of the characters and plot, etc...
watchmen is a comic deconstruction through and through, adapting it to a different medium loses that
it was enjoyable, certainly one of the best capeshit films ever and accessible to people who had never heard of alan moore. it was well cast, well acted and well filmed, not to mention had the best title sequence of all superhero films. the cut that includes the shipwreck bit is worth the watch for you comicfags
The edit that follows the source material the closest is the worst edit available.
In other words, stop being a bitch because somebody isn't willing to spend $100,000,000+ just so they can do a paint-by-numbers version of someone's idea.
Really obnoxious sound track, lots of long boring pointless and confusing connecting scenes.
>the ending of the comic was suppose to be a send-up to these storylines
>the brightness of his color palette is reminiscent of this hero worship but beset against the bleakness of the characters and plot
These things aren't at lost in translation to film, though.
they made Manhattan the villain to simplify the story for normies
>tfw white women love his big blue CGI dick
>The edit that follows the source material the closest is the worst edit available.
I dunno man, I thought Watchmen Midnight was pretty good.
It was some good cape.
It would work better if it was released today and was modified more to send up modern capeshit flicks.
it is lost in the film, instead of a convoluted and ridiculous story about hundreds of writers and shit (comic book writers, lel) corroborating the story of the squid monster you have doc Manhattan be the villain which is typical capeshit
and Snyder's color palette was warm, cinematic colors, not stark ones like the comic
He wasn't made the villain at all.
>misses the point
Rorscach and Nite Owl weren't fast enough to stop Ozy.
the shitty plot with the girl and owl
MCUcks are for simple-minded middle America wage slaves, who like shit like Larry the Cable Guy.
DC is for actually intelligent people, generally from actually important cities who are relevant to how rich this country is.
removed the fake alien plotline
It doesn't conform to the usual style of editing and pacing like other cashgrab movies, so plebs leaving the film confused and angry for it not pandering to the trend and having the audacity to try to break the mold of stagnant, bleak movie scene.
Fake alien plotline was dumb.
At some point, when they see no other evidence of an alien threat, questions will be raised.
With Dr Manhattan, they 100% know he exists, and he was shown on television to have an outburst (and not be as necessarily as calm as they previously thought; capable of being human with human mistakes). They'll be able to always accept him as a potential threat.
yeah the alien plotline doesn't work for Snyder's film but it works for Moore's Watchmen
but the movie isn't even hard to follow. how the fuck could someone leave confused and angry after watching it?
With Doctor Manhattan they know it was an american who did it so everyone turns on America. It's fucking retarded.
Except he (supposedly) attacked America as well.
Better ending, but giving the characters actual superhuman abilities was a turn-off.
I mean he was the fall guy. Ozy made it look like Manhattan attacked NY instead of the alien threat from the comic
Even Moore hates it
Garbage-tier "adaptation". Turned all the characters into one-dimensional badass action heroes that can beat up 500 bad guys at once. flick runs for over six hours and nothing happens except more people get punched.
it's ALMOST AS IF the director didn't/can't read the comic and just wants to make generic "we are enemies now i will puncha you" capeshit, trying (and failing) desperately to rip off Nolan's The Dark Kino trilogy.
>Even Moore hates it
Does he like anything? He prays to snakes and doesn't shave (probably bathes in irregular intervals, too). Saying that he doesn't like it doesn't really say much.
>Saying that he doesn't like it doesn't really say much
Are you trying to make me think that I should prefer Hack Schneider´s vision over the master Moore´s work? KEK
Alan Moore could direct a movie and he'd hate it. The man hates everything.
nothing I watched it again last year.
intro is one of the best ever.
snyder does the world building incredibly well.
doc manhattan super weapon made 10 times more sense than space squid
performances were great
my only gripe
>not enough bastis or prime comedian mowing down hippies
snyder is the new michael bay
people shit all over everything he does but lemme tell ya
>the rock, con air, bad boys 1&2 and 13 hours were all good
I initially disliked Superman vs Batman but after giving it a few more chances I love it. I hate the whole doomsday bullshit but it makes sense. I just didnt like that part of the movie. then again what else are you gonna do to superman?
There's an adaptation of a Doctor Who comic he wrote that he likes. I think that's it.
reminder that Terry Gilliam said that Watchmen was unfilmable. Snyder proved him wrong. It's the best film in recent years, and I'm glad that Gilliam wussed out. I can only imagine the celluloid shitstain he would have created.
He hates everything including comics.
Even though he's a complete lunatic I can't fault him for being pissed off at the film industry, they've butchered his work multiple times and even got into legal trouble for alleged plagiarism during the league of extraordinary gentlemen movie
>Alan Moore could direct a movie and he'd hate it. The man hates everything.
If he hates everything he wouldn´t be writing comics
>He hates everything including comics.
Then why did he wrote many?
>I have disowned all of the work that I don’t own [e.g., V for Vendetta, Watchmen]. I will always love comics. That said, I probably only have about 250 pages of comics left in me to write. With regard to the superhero characters, my opinion is that they were what I was given to play with when I was starting out in the industry. That’s it. It wasn’t as if I had ever expressed any particular desire to do them.
He loves the medium, he just doesn't give a shit about capeshit in particular.