What are yous doing over there?
What are yous doing over there?
it's too late for us, save yourselves
i would
tfw no goblin wife
Hatchetface looking bitch
I'd let her go up on me
I fancy her tbqhf
still hotter than that sarkeezian chick
Looks like ol' freddy has fallen on some hard times
>second video
>disabled person loses control of her body
>by definition anything she does is non-consensual
>play the fact that some guy abused and ejaculated on her off as a joke
Should have been killed at birth.
didn't know Maisie was doing maltesers ads
>people think Im attractive
Narcissistic little shit
She is a complete bitch, I've watched interviews
She says her hands was roaming. If anything the advert doesn't establish that she had consent to touch him in the first place.
Able-bodied, presumably white person
Cripple having a spaz attack
I know who I'd side with
Fucking hell, is there anything that black men won't have sex with?
>Master gave Dobby chocolates
Why is Rick there?
I forgot to save the original, just this version
Basically Malteasers did these adverts for the Paraolympics and they realised they were exempt from everything; including obscenity, because they used disabled people. So they've kept them going for the last 5 years.
Brit here, This was a massive step too far and most people I have spoke to about it found it disturbing.
Most people you spoke to are ableist shitlords
>tfw would be too intimidated to talk to her
idk maybe if she was a brunette and wasnt so pretty
>"people think I'm attractive, I have blonde hair and blue eyes"
Sup Forumss waifu is truly master race
>five years
They were all done for the 2016 Paralympics; nobody cared enough back in 2012 to bother with them.
Not even normies want to think of a spazoid jerking some desperate bastard off.
Truly the aryan huwite girl every Sup Forumsack wants.
black women
>haha disabled people
Why are we pretending they have boyfriends?
Being disabled doesn't prevent people from living rich, full lives
Personality matters at least as much as functional limbs
>this is an 8/10 in the UK
she's not as bad as a disabled girl
>tfw even saying THAT is considered hate speech
>Especially normies don't want to think of a spazoid jerking some desperate bastard off.
>10/10 in Britcuckistan.
>at least as much
hahaha being disabled DOES prevent people from living rich, full lives. That's why it's called a disability/handicap.
>personality matters
It does matter, among people with functional limbs
>Personality matters at least as much as functional limbs
I sympathise with her. She's gotta live out the one life she has as a deformed monstrosity. A life of rejection, pity and outright hostility.
What I cannot fucking stand is that some marketing cunt thought it would be cute and progressive to write her in and say she got with the best man.
This instantly conjures up images of this little tard-trike bound butthole wheeling up to the studly young bearded best man, at the reception and moments later rolling away with a knowing wink and a lick of the lips as if we're supposed to be fucking sit there, during fucking tea time, forced to contemplate the allusion that at some point a regular sized bloke and this little afterbirth-in-a-wig will be fucking going at in all filthy and sweaty with his normal sized tadger fucking smashing up against the back of her neck or wherever the fuck her truncated vagina ends and then we're all supposed to look at each other and say 'wow isn't that so progressive don't we live in such a wonderful age aren't we all so fucking fantastic'.
I wish that little 'goblin' all the best but the sewer-stall runoff that fucking worked up this ad needs taking out into the town square to be beaten by the rotted dicks of every syphilitic beggar available, gang-raped by a gang of impressively large dogs and then forced to watch her own shitty advert for eternity.
The only saving grace of this advert was the disgruntled chort that came out of every single one of my family members as we were subjected to this abomination on, what was otherwise, a pretty capital weekday evening.
Also maltesers can fucking do one. They look like they fell off a chimps diseased dingus
I really don't intend to be mean. But unless I was equally disabled I would never in a billion years "date" this troll
Sex would be so awkward. It's be like fucking a doll
>I sympathise with her.
You sympathise with going to a friend's wedding, maiming the bride, shagging the best man and then telling the story of how you maimed the bride but with you as the hero to friends?
You (and she) are terrible people
>I really don't intend to be mean
>calls her a troll
At least be honest, m8.
>brittle bone disease
If you tried to put your cock in her, you'd be convicted of manslaughter
women were a mistake
>after birth in a wig
>a fucking extra from The Labyrinth in a wheelchair has more of a chance than the average dude of getting laid as long as it's female
This is a 10/10 in bongmerica
Its fine acting like these people consider her a friend
But acting like ANYONE i aroused by her is shocking
I was giggling enjoying this thread, this post made me sad user.
>be deformed female mutant with bitchy personality
>still relatively easy to pull 5/10 guys
The sexual revolution was a mistake, boomers are truly the most destructive generation of humans to have ever existed.
The real monstrosity of these ads was the acting of the "awkward" friend in the handjob one.
>not impaling her on your cock and running around the neighborhood using her corpse on your erect penis as a grim ventriloquist dummy to entertain children
I really suggest you try it.
Oh was it 2016? Maybe i'm thinking of that advert about the stupid hopping bunny thing.
All the virtue signalling backslapping retards said it was
>brave, powerful, so amazing
Everyone else thought it was fucking weird and it harmed the brand as people associated the chocolate with malformed slurring mongs.
My housemate claimed the midget woman with a torso the size of a football made her feel physically sick
I doubt anyone but trendy lefties from London liked the advert.
>Dude disabled people aren't inferior to us normal people!
>We're all equals!
>Look we even put some in an ad being spoken to like they're real people, with real friends and everything!
>I swear I don't think they're inferior! Let me make it more obvious by showing just how normal they are!
>They even have sex! That's still normal, right?
As a disabled person this gets me so angry. Liberals don't consider me their equal. They believed in their heart more firmly than anyone else in the world that I'm their natural inferior. There is no group of people more patronizing and condescending than liberals, because they are insecure about themselves. They gush over everyone they think is weak, inferior, disgusting, deviant, broken, etc because they feel that way about themselves. They act like they're elevating you, which means they really see you as beneath them. It's absolutely infuriating. I fucking hate liberals, especially the ones who work in media, with the blackest passion. Fuck them all to Hell.
The only people who actually treat the disabled as equals are other disabled people or Christian clergy, none of which would ever be allowed behind a TV camera.
Is the second girl disabled or just Scottish?
The Guardian and Metro were the only papers lauding it iirc
>Why this POWERFUL advert is a great thing
Meanwhile middle England gags on their sausage and mash as peroxide midget Quasimodo appears on screen
What's your disability lad?
>implying the demon wouldn't cuck the wizards
Got a micropenis
Dyslexia and ADHD.
>>>being this insecure and threatened by lifes diversity
black parents
Deafness. In uni everyone acted like I was retarded except when other liberals were around then they were so sympathetic and understanding.
Is it true your other senses become super powered when one of them is disabled.
Can you smell things from far away?
i know youre that irish guy from /eire/ and /brit/ on Sup Forums who keeps posting this shit
keep it it up im always crying when i see these threads because theyre so funny
>This goblin is basically a whore, a person who will be whatever you want them to be for some cash. Call it 'actor' or whatever, but it's the same in principle. I'd hire her so I could throw her around my place for a couple of days, like a retarded, wonky-eyed beanbag. I can just imagine her feeble crab claw limbs flailing like a bird's broken leg in the wind as I spin her around by her legs - poetic.
>"Being a gimp doesn't keep me from living a full life just like everyone else! Those are just myths!"
Which is it?
I bet it's pretty sweet
I think disabled people should get welfare benefits but only if they're prevented from breeding.
>Watching this girl as she struggles to try and just cook herself some breakfast no matter how many times she fucks up but keeps her cool.
I'd make that girl breakfast any day
>Being disabled doesn't prevent people from living rich, full lives
It literally does. That's the whole point. Otherwise what the fuck are they always whining about?
>tard-trike bound butthole
What makes these maltesers ads even more awful is that they're using some of the ugliest spastics I've ever seen and expecting us to believe these ridiculous (and nauseating) sex stories.
If they'd used some qt tard-fus like in it might have been bearable.
Waddle back to Syria, desert tard
all advertising is cancer
Underrated post.
El oh el pretty good
Anyone remember that BBC 3 documentary about the Downs guy who went on a fuck quest?
The second ad is like something Sam Hyde or Tim Heideker would come with, jfc.
The most horrifying aspect of these ads to me was always the fucking dreadful conversations the average corporate normie supposedly has, looking at their expressions is totally dehumanising, they just look horrible mang, the bugman cometh
hook me up senpai
I'd blindfold her, lock her in big oven and turn up the temperature gradually, her only chance of survival being if she screams at her limbs to grow and stop being retard limbs.
Then after an hour of her screaming non-stop all sorts of dumb shit, I'd reveal it was just a couple of heat lamps in the room to simulate the furnace, and then kek as I kick her out my window like a football.
>stop being retard limbs
Put me in the screencap.
>Tfw no cyber-goblin qt gf to roll over your balls
I jej'd
that whole situation explained in the second advert is literally rape.