>Hollywood in charge of competing with japanese storytelling
Hollywood in charge of competing with japanese storytelling
>jews on madagascar
>good story telling
Isayama you god damn hack, her death was so unsatisfying and anticlimactic. Flashback deaths should be fucking illegal. I miss her.
>good storytelling
What's funny is how weebs think anime is good story telling when the garbage you posted relies on exposition to move the plot by an inch.
I was hyped when I saw the show trailers, then I watched the first episode
Shit is unwatchable
I honestly hate/don't get japanese shit. It's so fucking stupid. Even their classics(like everyone kept recommending Akira to me) are bad. It's always extremely over the top and the humor is awkward and cringeworthy
Dead in a flashback
Not anime, but Metalder is a pretty kino show for Jap shit
The answer is weebs.
>I honestly hate/don't get japanese shit. It's so fucking stupid.
>on a website for anime and Jap culture
Really makes you think
I'm convinced you have to have literal autism to like weebshit. The writing is terrible and the characters are like bizarre caricatures of actual humans.
That's some shit taste desu senpai
He's not wrong.
>AoT considered good
You really think there are enough autistic people to support the entire anime industry?
Are we using a figurative meaning of "right and wrong" here?
>supporting anime
both mediums have gone to shit
>stopped reading about 3 years ago
>Ymir is the creator of all organic life or some bullshit
>also Armin is a titan
This is some next level hackery.
But user don't you realize the brilliance of writing like *event happens* "OH NO EVEN IS HAPPENING MUSHASUSHITOYOTA-KUN-SAMA-SENPAI STOP IT WITH CHING CHONG SPIRIT BEAM!"
Seriously though, why do the nips think characters need to say something is happening in a fucking visual medium? Are they actually all autistic?
>he thinks anime isn't allowed on all boards
Sasuga reddit
No speedreader-kun, Ymir is just a poor girl who used the name of another woman called Ymir who did that shit
What are you even arguing at this point? That the western anime industry is a charity?
Whatever you have is worse than autism.
>Sup Forums - Television & Film
This is not an anime board now stop masturbating to cartoons, gain height, take a shower, hit the weights, seek sunlight, and have sex.
>This is not an anime board
>Starts dropping /asp/ memes
okay, big daddy.
die anime this is a rick and morty board
Its an anime website actually desu senpai
name a more kino scene in television and film in the last 10 years, YOU CANT
(1) youtube.com
(2) youtube.com
attack on titan is literally generic shounen trash. the manga had potential when it first started because It more or less was starship troopers/muv luv in a medieval setting, but then the writer ran out of ideas and just pulled the retarded shapeshifter shit.
I hate reddit but I also hate anime. Is there a website like Sup Forums but that is anti-anime?
SnK dropped the ball so hard. I can't imagine how people still like it. You all got tricked into watching a garbage shonen.
Imagine watching the walking dead season 1 and a few episodes in you find out Rick can turn himself into a zombie with superpowers. What a joke.
How come it's only become common spam here since baneposting and star wars 7 opened the doors to you outsiders from other boards?
Where were you in 2013 or 2012 or 2011 or 2010 or 2009 or 2008?
There were threads maybe once in a blue moon, but not you cancerous meme tourist spam them every day
>anime only losers
probably the only decent scene, everything else is shitty weeb dialogue with forced flashbacks and awkward humor, it's not worth it
>How come it's only become common spam here since baneposting and star wars 7 opened the doors to you outsiders from other boards?
It isn't, you're new.
fuckin saved
episode today was /kino/
beautiful fight scene
Why did they have to save Armin instead of based Erwin?
based manlet
>anime does something decent once in a blue moon
Snk just triggers me to no end because of the physics defying shit that shoots out wires
>he think the manga is better because more of the shitty story exists
sorry, jews on madagascar is not a good story. It was better when nothing was explained. Telltale sign of a shit writer.
Kenny is Levi's Uncle and Levi is Mikasa's second cousin right?
>3 fucking hours
Based swaglord, redwood, and sange keeping Sup Forums in the gutter because the old users bullied them
which anime is this?
Attack on Titan
Anime is trash, but it's also got cute girls.
AoT is trash but 99% of anime is better than western trash desu no contest
>jew letter tripfag
oy vey don't take mein shekels away from hollywood!
I read the manga up to the retarded exposition on the mainland continent and the reveal on Eren's Attack Titan power. It's just as shit as the anime you fucking retard. .
I was hoping that fucking faggot was going to die, but then I realized how he isn't going to ever die because he's the one narrating the story.
never took Armin for a hothead
>99% of anime is better than western trash
That disgusting cartoon alien is not cute
I'm referring to her death in the manga you twat. She's still alive in the anime.
Did Monkey Trouble kill her in a flash back or something? Was this after ?
I love that anime fags hate AoT because there's not enough underaged girls for those losers to jack their virgin meat to
and normies don't likes it because they think it's just basic jap shit
meanwhile it's total kino
>Attack on Titan's storytelling
>meanwhile it's total kino
AoT is trash you faggot, and i'm not even some moeshit waifufaggot like 99.5% of Sup Forums.
Aren't they supposed to be germans?
Some anime is genuinely entertaining, but the actual answer is that most of it is trash due to existing in an industry that has been stealing the same story structures, characters and tropes from each other for the past ~50 years
Superior Anime
>there's not enough underaged girls for those losers to jack their virgin meat to
This is so unbelievably wrong that I'm at a loss for words. Do you not know how much porn is on Pixiv and dumblr for this show?
>meanwhile it's total kino
>i-its bad
OK, go watch some more One Punch Man, a mediocre SNL sketch that for some reason has gone on longer than 5 minutes
It is bad you retard. Go ahead and explain how it isn't shit.
>halfway through the season
>political arc hasn't even started
showfags on defcon level 1 suicide watch
Any series, regardless of the medium (Western comic/tv show Japanese anime/manga) that can ONLY tell its story through idiotic flashbacks and exposition is shit. This is not an argument. The characters are shit, the art is shit, the plot is shit, the politics is shit. The only decent aspect to this series is the music from Season 1.
>explain why you like something that's incredibly popular
are you 8?
>2 minutes of animation
>5 minutes of the edgy girl thinking "Eren..."
>5 minutes of still shots of previous episodes
>5 minutes of the fat blonde faggot shouting EREN!
Is it that fucking slow? Also is it not 25 episodes like S1?
Anime is actually produced by people who are little more than sweatshop workers, so they employ a lot of cost effective measures like holding on a plain image of a character standing still and talking for as long as possible. This is also the reason that they have a 90 second intro with a catchy song and visually stimulating graphics, it cuts down on the amount of stuff they need to animate per episode. The obvious dialogue also ensures that the kids watching know exactly what's happening at all times
>It's popular so it's good
12 whole episodes after four years of cocktease
Anime is shit 99% of the time. Manga is tolerable because at least you don't have to put up with still frames of mouthflaps making up 90% of the "Animation".
>characters punches another character
>5 minutes of weak character explaining it "he punched the character! *flashback of the punch* with his fist *still close-up of his fists* W-why did he punched him? *flashback of the punch*
>fan of this shit
Are you?
>Liking shitgeki
You must be 5, then.
Awful melodrama and stilted narrative because muh manga gotta last longer or we gotta stretch this shit into 2 cours
kikes kiking kikes
>ching chang
>fushu mushu
Are we talking about China or Japan here?
Manga is just as shit as anime you delusional faggot. People only say this crap because they want to feel "elite".
you tried
I thought this FOTM meme cartoon died years ago.
How is this fair? I could make the same thread on Sup Forums but reversed and it would be deleted for shitposting almost right away
Same with any other board too
Why are they trying to keep Sup Forums on Sup Forums levels?
It did, S2 is selling like shit.
Episode 6 was so fucking weird.
Welp that's kind of a spoiler for me as I'm seeing a few episodes every day with my gf, we are currently at 07, ovbiously Eren turned into a titan somehow but i'm getting the hint that the damn characters will acknowledge this in a fuckload more episodes.
As it is, it's pretty retarded, unless they give a pretty fucking good explanation as to why the colosal titan didn't appeared directly inside the walls, why the armored one didn't charge from side to fucking side as he appeared unstoppable in the first episodes but then it disappear offscreen or something.
>***,142位/***,164位 (**1,726 pt) [*,*14予約] 2017/06/28 Eromanga-sensei BD
>***,154位/***,174位 (**1,373 pt) [*,**2予約] 2017/06/28 Natsume Yuujinchou Roku BD
>***,184位/***,184位 ◎ (**1,341 pt) [*,**7予約] 2017/06/21 Shingeki no Kyojin S2 BD
>***,184位/***,299位 (**1,457 pt) [*,**1予約] 2017/05/24 Cinderella Girls Gekijou Amazon BD
>***,256位/***,226位 ◎ (***,400 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/09/27 Tsuki ga Kirei BD
>***,292位/***,303位 (***,790 pt) [*,**1予約] 2017/06/21 Starmyu S2
>***,404位/***,354位 (**1,050 pt) [*,**2予約] 2017/06/28 Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai BD
>***,462位/***,449位 (**1,219 pt) [*,**2予約] 2017/07/26 Saekano S2 BD
>***,557位/***,831位 (***,536 pt) [*,**2予約] 2017/06/21 Re:CREATORS BD
>***,908位/***,741位 ◎ (**2,110 pt) [*,*37予約] 2017/07/19 Frame Arms Girl BD
>**1,028位/***,845位 ◎ (***,284 pt) [*,**1予約] 2017/07/28 Uchouten Kazoku S2 BD
>**1,539位/**2,132位 (***,275 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/06/28 Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka? BD
>**1,673位/**1,495位 ◎ (***,*34 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/08/02 Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho BD
>**1,679位/**1,518位 (***,290 pt) [*,**7予約] 2017/07/19 Sakura Quest BD
>**1,788位/**1,597位 (***,244 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/06/21 Clockwork Planet BD
>**2,171位/**1,784位 ◎ (***,125 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/07/28 Alice to Zouroku BD
Its original sales were over 50k. It probably won't even break 10k when it comes out.
Sup Forums shitters do the typical 4chin thing and exploit some selective information to predict doom
Akira is pretty overrated. You should have started with Grave of the Fireflies or Paprika.
>selective information
Tell me more about how Amazon Stalker is selective information.
You have to go back