>I want a United States of Europe by 2025
What did he mean by this?
I want a United States of Europe by 2025
he meant that he's a German
a warning?
>I want to finish highschool by the end of 2030
What's the meaning of these words?
"I want to become chancellor of g*rmany"
Any affection for his own country and people is taboo, therefore he is a "european" nationalist.
a delusional man from a country that wishes it didn't exist
G*rmans just don't know when to stop.
he wants to be a capo
Based THE SHULTZ will BTFO facist and brits
Europe will unite!
R/Europe Bulgarian we missed you!
Take me in!
Not so fast Martin !
>tfw reading his budget
I really hope he mans up
Post belly
Fuck this Soros d&c shill
>I really hope he mans up
In what sense ? He has shown that he's not afraid to call out people to their faces.
Want people to vote against the EU? This is how you get people vote against the EU. When will they learn?
Read his budget you twit
The emperor has not clothes
topkek, underrated
that mounted guard looks top tier
I don't know why. But I really want to punch his face.
>greentexts things that weren't said nor implied
I read his program you twat, I personnaly think he needs to cut public spending even more (54% of the workforce are civil servants) but its still bretty good. I still dont know what you mean by "man up".
The Republican Guard is absolutely /fa/
Not bad m8, not bad at all.
That’s what I mean
54% is utterly ludicrous
Seriously France is shat on here unfairly but your problem with socalism won’t go away unless you yank them out by the roots
Though it will be much harder for France considering your nation has much stronger routs than we did
Wish your cavalry still used the helmets they used in ww1
That’s true /fa/
Red >>> blue
I unironically, honestly and literally support this idea.
I ironically, deceptively and figuratively support this idea.
That he is a German and a socialist
So. When we bomb every other country back to the stone age?
He wants to move European society back to the 1970s
This is a good idea
I hope he is able to do it
Can the world afford to tolerate yet *another* bout of Germanism?