Cast the movie and who directs it
Cast the movie and who directs it
Idris Elba
Bill Hicks as Alex Jones
John Slattery as Roger Stone.
why two trumps?
Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer
Tom Cruise as Donald J Trump
There actually are two Trumps.
thank they got some blacks and some gays on there
Trump- Tom hanks
Pence- James Franco
Kelly- Reese Witherspoon or Kate Winslet
Alex Jones- Christian Bale or Jonah hill
Milo- Jared leto
Brian Dennehy as Trump.
I can see the guy I want for Bannon but can't recall his name.
HAHA oh my god. MAGA fag identified.
can't. vomited on keyboard.
Brendan Gleeson as Steve Bannon
>PJW in the poster
Consider suicide
CGI and voiced by Idris Elba
>Alex Jones
Played by William Shatner
Played by himself
Played by Christian Bale
Director: Tommy Wiseau
It's being sold by Alex Jones
Philip De Franco as PJW
An actual frog as pepe.
the guy who plays Fitz on SHIELD as PJW