God himself could not sink this ship.
God himself could not sink this ship
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clinton 2016
that's where you're wrong goy.
>implying the Oceanic wasn't swapped and sunk instead of the Titanic
close, it was the Olympic all on the orders of JP Morgan to get a tax writeoff
Fuck, mismemed.
"Ok, so here's the conspiracy. I need you and all of your crew to crash your ship into the iceberg, then I need you to let it sink, killing yourselves and hundreds of people in the process. This will really help me out this tax season."
"Sure thing Mr. Morgan!"
These Dark Knight Rises memes won't last. You'll forget all about them by tomorrow!
they had a ship waiting to pick them up prior, watch it autist
its not even a full hour
>50 minutes
>t-totally not a waste of time
lol fuck you and your shit conspiracy
The cartoon frog himself could not sink Hillary's campaign!
Tell me the truth: do you really believe this stuff based on nothing but a YouTube video?
what the fuck is wrong with his eyebrows
What are your beliefs based on?
So all the people who supposedly died....what happened to them? Did Morgan get them new identities? This seems like a very expensive and complex plan just to get a tax break.
research and witness accounts
watch the facts
you can find the pics of the titantic's name switched in various pics as well as the window layouts
the pics of the T under the 3rd port hole, then mysteriously moved to almost the 4th by the time it set sail is the biggest evidence
also the rivited name has pieces falling off, which is what sparked this documentry cause they sent a new sub down recently and saw the MP underneath the lettering
Diff ann but honestly after what I have seen this seems credible. Do we even k ow if anyone died on the titsnic for a fact?
>you can find the pics of the titantic's name switched in various pics
post them
morgan died like a year later, but took all his valuables off the ship before it set sail
also it wasnt expensive at all, the Olpymic was already in 2-3 major crashes and would never be suitable to sail again, they swapped the name right after it passed inspection
>"Straight white men only, leave the rest to the waves."
How did Cameron get away with this?
After the fake news from Clinton I choose not to believe anything I read or hear. After seeing that Vid listed ITT I doubt the official story of the titanic
the lives lost were real, but they also didnt sell it out like that stupid 1997 movie tried to say
there was 50% capacity on all levels, including the poor section
It was a different time
>witness accounts
double lol
Icebergs can't melt steel beams
Wow this is very interesting. Thanks user, I learned something today. Was Morgan a jew?
>do we even know if anyone died for a fact
Well, either they died, or they spontaneously evolved to breathe underwater and liked it down there so much that they never contacted their families back home.
Which witnesses did you speak to?
he was the leading banking and financial mogul of the time.
he's THE jp morgan of the company that exists today
I second this. He claims there is pics but no one here wants to spend the time looking for something that seems like utter bullshit. If he is aware of said pics it should be easy for him to find them on the net with his prior knowledge of knowing where to look for them, if he doesn't already have them saved on his hard drive.
rose calvert
I never saw a single body and itt could have been afabrication.
What's with RSPW these days?
What about a crypto jew? I have a hard time perceiving him as being non Jewish
Prove to me the Titanic happened. Not heresay, or sources but proof.
What the fuck is a crypto Jew?
the makeup artist over groomed them
the ship is literally at the bottom of the fucking ocean
The wreckage?
The testimonies of survivors?
Billy zane was a better actor than Leo when this came out, wtf happened to him?
Conversos, heretic,
Have you seen it personally? Or is all you've seen "pictures" that can be easily photoshopped?
Have you been there? Seen it with your own eyes?
Didn't think so
Doesn't exist
A crypto jee is a jew with hidden Jewish blood who operates as a sleeper agent for jewish control.
>this motherfucker was in 2 of the 3 movies to win 11 oscars
No, he came from a wealthy English-descended family in Connecticut.
This is like arguing with a flat earther, it's impossible to tell if he's trolling or not.
Oh survivors?/are there a ton of titanic "survivors" around?No? So you have in actuality no survivors who can even testify yhe ship existee
Idk man. Those pictures look like CgI to me
I think he got bald. He also somehow looks like a bigger closeted faggot than Leo.
The burden of proof is on you senor.
at 3:15 of the fucking documentry you can see the T under the 3rd port hole
now google any other pic of the titantic (within the first 2 rows on google) and you'll see others where its mid-way between the 3rd and 4th
yeah, where they sent a recent shuttle down and saw the letters falling off showing the MP unerneath because the letters were riveted on, not indented directly into the ship's material like originally done
also its undercoat is not the same as documented
You people have gone way off the deep end, I think we've found the right-wing equivalent of "microagressions".
Cameron knew all along.
If you crunch the numbers and do the math it's literally impossible for the shipwreck to be located where they say it is. It's not mathematically possible.
>he thinks the earth is round
also when you google for pics you'll see that same famous pic of the ship in the repair port in high rez and see the T clearly underneath the 3rd port hole at that time
Fuck off Shareblue shill.
Wrong. You assert it happened, therefore you must prove it did.
.....at the bottom of the ocean?
You're literally calling people with a small percentage of jewish blood "sleeper agent", that's insane.
You are claiming a giant ship, said to.be unsinkable, sank and you cant prove it happened at all
>"Sir, but we have room to accommodate the others."
>*Captain turns and looks at him sternly*
>Yes sir!
how did God sink the titantic but not lt dan and forests shitty shrimp boat?
I think people just don't appreciate how truly massive the Earth really is and how fucking microscopically minute we are in comparison.
>implying jews won't crash a vessel for a write off and insurance payout
>at bottom of the ocean
>able to find it
That's like finding a specific needle in a stack of needles. The ocean is so huge there's no way to find it since it doesn't have modern ping systems and gps translocators.
Explain this, why would it not be at the bottom of the ocean.
Also why bother perpetuating the myth. Opposed to some other conspiracys, what political power is wielded through the titanic?
Is it?
Morgan wasn't a jew
They're not hypnotized like the winter soldier they just think they will be allowed into the bunkers. Protip: they won't
Thays how it clearly operates. Look at history: People with a "small amount" of Jewish blood have been responsible for atrocities, which may have advanced jewish interests
back to auschwitz juden dog
He wasnt a jew as far as we know you mean. I believe he was partly jewish
Pictures of the second plane still give me chills to this day
Why is that insane?
It's not just the "Jews", it's the ultra rich elite, many of which happen to be Jewish but there are plenty of non-Jews in there as well.
Let's stop the pointless anti-Semitism and get back to discussing the OP. Thanks.
Kike detected.
his name is welsh
but doesnt change the fact he was the madoff of his era
Don't be a drumpflord weenie here.
I hate this fucking website.
Shill detected
Titanic was built to survive four of its sixteen water compartments flooding. Five were exposed to the sea.
God has a sense of humor.
This is the worst board. I mean look at this fucking thread.
>there will never be a movie as grand and spectacular with practical effects like Titanic ever again
I hate you
literally /ourgod/
there was a reason the navy turned it into a warship later on
fun fact, it wasnt because it had been repaired after multiple collisions which caused a constant list to port, its cause it was brand new and renamed
Similarly, space shuttle Challenger was built to survive 6 of its 12 fuel injectors being exposed to oxygen. 7 were compromised.