Reverse Flash/Zoom Storytime

Because some anons requested some Zoom stories a while back, I'm going try to do a comprehensive storytime of all the Reverse Flashes, covering all major appearances.

Starting with the Golden Age Reverse Flash: The Rival.

Flash Comics #104








OP next time post the cover on your phone and then start storytiming on your computer. Allows you to self-bump.

This is a neat idea though.





That was it for the Rival. He won't show up for another 50 years or so.

Now for everyone's favorite Professor Zoom.

The Flash #139


Oh boy. Time for Thawne










I guess I'll try and help keep this thread bumped since Op forgot to do this. I'm pretty interested.









Is the Cribi a refetence to some othet golden age story?





He does this a lot throughout the comic.





Flash #147

Flash of Two Worlds Homage Edition





I really hate the Mr. Element costume.




Why does Zoom have weird mind/hypnotism powers?








I guess there was time where covers really didn't lie.









I'm surprised Zoom has a friend



Flash #153 in which Zoom now named Eobard Thawne screws with Al Desmond again








The science of Ultra-speed was speedforce bullshit before speedforce was even a thing










Banning superspeed will surely stop all crime.







Because Silver Age.